Seeing the fallen saber-toothed tiger from a distance, the centaurs were greatly relieved, and some even couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers.

Their centaur clan was quite good in terms of physical strength, but they were still almost exhausted by the saber-toothed tiger.

They avoid the risk of fighting recklessly, but they have to bear the exhaustion of physical strength.

In order to kill this guy, at this moment, many centaur warriors' legs were almost weakened from running, and each of them was tired and out of breath, wishing to collapse on the ground in the next second.

At the same time, staring at the saber-toothed tiger's corpse in the distance, Drogo's eyes flickered with thought.

Immediately, he suddenly bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot the arrow towards the head of the saber-toothed tiger.

Before everyone could react, they saw the saber-toothed tiger suddenly spoofing its corpse. One exerted its strength, and while avoiding the arrow attack, it pushed its burly body out, and rushed towards Drogo who was bowing and nodding the arrow.

Obviously, it is very clear that Drogo is the core of the centaur family, and it is Drogo's handwriting that he has been consumed to this point. This also makes most of his hatred concentrated on Drogo at this moment.

That fierce and ferocious appearance told everyone very clearly that even if it died, it would drag Drogo on its back!

But it's a pity that Drogo didn't relax even when he saw it fell to the ground and died.

At this moment, the two sides still maintain a considerable distance.

Therefore, facing the culling, Drogo didn't panic at all.

"Let the arrow!"

With an order, all the remaining arrows in the quiver of the centaurs poured on the saber-toothed tiger at this moment.

At the same time, without saying a word, Zhou Xu threw out the zip line in his hand and entangled its legs.

As usual, the zipline would definitely not be able to defeat the saber-toothed tiger, but how much strength does the saber-toothed tiger have left now?

In the continuous war of attrition, the wounds of the saber-toothed tiger kept tearing and bleeding at the same time. At this moment, the blood was almost drained, and it was already at the end of its strength. This round of attacks seemed to be the last to crush the camel. A straw made it completely fall into the snow!

The unwillingness in the eyes, along with the gradual loss of the focus of the pupils, life is also passing away.

"This time, he should be dead, right?"

While speaking, Zhou Xu had already rode his horse to Drogo's side.

The intense amount of exercise made Drogo exude heat all over his body at the moment.

"Not sure, you have seen the cunning of extraordinary creatures just now, it's best to try again."

Regarding this, Zhou Xu didn't say anything more, and directly handed the quiver hanging on the saddle to Drogo.

His archery skills are average, and now his vision is not good, so he still doesn't want to lose this person.

Seeing this, Drogo didn't hesitate, and quickly drew an arrow after taking the quiver.

In the next second, an arrow shot out, and the roaring arrow directly sank into the eye socket of the saber-toothed tiger! However, the saber-toothed tiger didn't respond at all.

If the other party was alive, he would definitely not be able to bear such pain.

"It should be dead."

This saber-toothed tiger is as big as a car, so its weight is needless to say.

Drogo and the others were already exhausted, and according to the terms Ye Jinghong had negotiated with Drogo, the saber-toothed tiger's corpse belonged to them, so there was no reason for Drogo and the others, who were almost exhausted, to help carry it.

After a lot of effort, the saber-toothed tiger's body was finally moved back to the village.

At this moment, Zhou Xu really felt that he was so tired that he was about to die.

"Bury it in the snow, get two people to watch it, and deal with it later."

I was thinking about it, but I finally got another extraordinary creature. I'm afraid I'm going to be so excited that I deal with it overnight.

Think about it now, fart!

I'm exhausted, let's go to sleep first.

Zhou Xu, who was really tired and paralyzed, fell asleep.

I don't know if it was because I was too tired from the physical labor in the middle of the night, or it was because I was relieved to solve a problem in my mind. This time, Zhou Xu slept so hard that he overslept right away, making himself perfect. Missed breakfast time.

Compared to Zhou Xu, Drogo and the others got up early as usual.

After all, for them, no matter how tired they were the day before, they had to get up early to hunt in the new day, otherwise there would be no food.

But after waking up, they quickly realized that their current situation was a little different from before.

They are now staying in the ally's village. According to the terms negotiated at the beginning, they don't need to worry about the food issue at all.

But Drogo quickly remembered that last night, when they were hunting the saber-toothed tiger, the saber-toothed tiger smashed down the cafeteria...

Thinking of this made Drogo feel anxious.

【Isn't there no breakfast? 】

With this in mind, the centaurs headed by Drogo hurried to the cafeteria to confirm the situation.

Even though they didn't live here for a few days in Zhou Xu's place, in such a short period of time, the breakfast and dinner here have become their most worrying things.

It is no exaggeration to say that they now look forward to breakfast as soon as they open their eyes in the morning, and after breakfast, they start to look forward to dinner.

This is not unusual at all, it can even be said to be human nature.

Not only their humans, but also the centaurs, there is always something to look forward to in life.

And in this era, food is the greatest hope!

When they came to the cafeteria, the villagers were already busy. It seemed that they planned to rebuild the collapsed shed, and the ruins of the kitchen were also being cleaned up.

Drogo and the others didn't need to say much when they saw this, they hurried up to help.

After the place was cleaned up, the dishes in the kitchen were washed, and breakfast was quickly made.

After a delicious breakfast, Drogo found Zhou Xu.

At this moment Zhou Xu just woke up, and Chitose didn't know where to play. After hearing Zhang Xiaoshan's message, he quickly put on his clothes and went outside.

"Are you ready to go?"

When Drogo asked Zhang Xiaoshan to pass on the message, he had already explained his intention to go.

It's just that Zhou Xu didn't expect to come here so hastily. According to his thinking, he was so tired last night, so why should we talk about this kind of thing tomorrow?

I never thought that Drogo would come here now.

"As agreed before, after hunting the saber-toothed tiger, we should leave."

"Drogo, you can actually stay here."

Having said that, Zhou Xu paused.

"In this era, there are crises lurking everywhere. As you said before, there are still a bunch of troublesome guys on the grassland farther away. We can join forces."

Zhou Xu didn't say anything to solicit as soon as he came up.

According to the strength of the centaur clan, it would be overthinking to submit to him and be his younger brother.

So Zhou Xu's thinking at the moment is still based on joining forces, but they can join forces more closely.

I have to say that Zhou Xu's proposal is still very tempting.

Not only can I have such a comfortable place to sleep every day, but I can also have delicious food when I wake up. It’s a beautiful day to think about.

But in the end, I don't know what kind of ideological struggle, Drogo shook his head tenaciously.

"No, I have my own things to do."


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