Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 314 Force Superiority

As early as Silk and the others showed up, the horns of the lizardman troop sounded as an alarm. They realized that the enemy was coming to harass the lizardman leader who attacked them again, and angrily dispatched the speed dragon cavalry to meet them.

Seeing the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side come out to meet them, Silk, who led the team, immediately took the lead and slowed down his pace.

The cavalry, which was about to approach the lizardman army, turned their offensive and began to spread out their formation, making a posture of waiting for work at leisure, waiting for the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side to rush up, and give the opponent a head-on blow.

The large troop of lizardmen did bring enormous pressure to Silk, but this did not mean that he would make some stupid decisions because of this.

Mounting and shooting tactics are essentially evolved from hunting. As a group living on the grassland, Silk and the others naturally have mastered them and can use them skillfully.

Cooperating with their arrows with the ability to track, they used the cavalry and shooting tactics, and their threatening and suppressing power were above Li Ce's!

At this time, in order to reduce the vitality of the lizardmen army, Silk and the others were not polite at all, and they fired round after round of arrow attacks, constantly greeting each other.

The purpose is to seize the consumption opportunities at this stage and reduce the pressure they need to bear in the future.

To some extent, in terms of archery, the archery of the elves is better than that of the centaurs. After all, the arrows shot by the centaurs don't have eyes, and they won't chase them.

Led by Silk, the arrows of the elven cavalry brought them a sense of panic with nowhere to hide, which caused the prairie elves to inevitably fall into a heightened state of mind every time they bent their bows and set their arrows. nervous.

Under this premise, the disadvantage in speed also made it impossible for their speed dragon cavalry to approach them easily in a short time.

But the lizard people are not fools after all, they can't handle it head-on, and they also know how to fight sideways.

They didn't even need to avoid Silk and the others, and directly faced the elf knights. They were divided into three, giving full play to their numerical advantages. Right, avoiding the suppression of the frontal offensive, preparing to outflank the elf knights.

Originally, when the velociraptor cavalry gathered in one place, Silk and the others only needed to suppress one place with arrows, and they were able to successfully contain the approaching speed of all the velociraptor cavalry on the opposite side.

But now that the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side is scattered, it is undoubtedly a big trouble for them who are at a disadvantage in terms of number of troops.

At this moment, facing the speed dragon cavalry who had already laid out their battles, in order to avoid being surrounded by their own side, they had to start reducing the frequency of attacks, and put more energy and time on moving and preventing the formation of the encirclement circle on the opposite side.

At the same time, on the other side, Li Ce and others who also seized the opportunity to approach the Lizardman army were undoubtedly also intercepted and killed by the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side.

Apparently, the Lizardman leader on the opposite side also knows that infantry units account for the vast majority of their large army. Once the opposing cavalry approaches, it is likely to pose a threat to their large army. They must be contained before the opponent approaches. opponent's actions.

For this reason, after a little hesitation, the leader of the lizardmen quickly dispatched monitor lizards to assist the speed dragon cavalry in the battle.

Li Ce's face changed slightly as he watched the giant lizard move. Then, needless to say, a cavalryman rode away alone.

Not long after that, a bone whistle sounded, which made the monitor lizards who were about to start their actions stagnate, and the expressions of the lizardmen changed one after another.

Don't forget, they also have a bone whistle that drives monitor lizards.

They blew the bone whistle on the other side, and they followed suit.

The monitor lizard's brain is not very smart. When the bone whistle on both sides was blown, it immediately didn't know what to do, which greatly relieved the pressure on Li Ce and the others.

The news came back, and the lizard leader's face was so dark that it was scary.

Fortunately, although the giant lizard's brain is not working well, it still recognizes the lizardmen for the time being, so it won't just turn around and attack them after hearing the bone whistle.

But this is not enough to change the bad mood of the lizard leader.

"That idiot actually let the bone whistle fall into the hands of the enemy!!"

Limited by intelligence, monitor lizards can't understand any complicated commands, and can only act through simple bone whistle sounds.

Therefore, there is no doubt how important the bone whistle is to their lizardmen.

It stands to reason that even if the lizard man with the bone whistle dies, he should destroy the bone whistle before he dies, lest the bone whistle fall into the hands of the enemy.

The leader of the lizard people never expected that the captain of the previous hunting team would make such a big mistake.

Thinking of this, the leader of the lizard people really wanted to hang that idiot up and let him die again!

Relying on the restraint of the bone whistle and the speed advantage of the horse, Li Ce took a deep breath and started to deal with the opponent.

But on the Lizardman's side, Li Ce and the others also had to retreat after giving full play to their superiority in strength.

After all, among the three cavalry teams, in terms of physical fitness, they must be inferior to the centaur clan headed by Drogo, and in terms of suppression methods, they are also inferior to the elf cavalry headed by Silk.

In the process, they figured out the weakness of the velociraptor cavalry, and knew that the speed and endurance of the velociraptor cavalry could not compare with their war horses.

But in contrast, why didn't the speed dragon cavalry figure out their weaknesses?

Their biggest weakness is that war horses are far inferior to Athlon in terms of flexibility!

When a war horse needs to change direction, its speed will inevitably be affected, especially if it changes direction continuously.

Grasping this weakness, relying on their numerical advantage, the speed dragon cavalry directly launched a siege and interception against them.

Under this premise, whether Li Ce chooses to confront the velociraptor cavalry blocking the way, or avoids them, the speed of their cavalry will be affected, thus creating opportunities for other velociraptor cavalry to chase up.

Invisibly, Li Ce has been dragged into the opposite rhythm.

At this moment, it is impossible for Li Ce not to know the purpose of the speed dragon cavalry, but there are some methods that you cannot avoid if you know them.

"Damn it!"

Accompanied by a curse in a low voice, Li Ce quickly launched the mantra while leading the cavalry to deal with the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side.

[Skeleton soldier control! 】

In order to cover Drogo and the others, all the lizardman skeleton soldiers they collected with great difficulty were thrown out, and there was no chance to recover them. Now they don't have a single skeleton soldier on them.

Now he can only look at his luck, whether he can attract some 'wild skeletons' to use for him.

At the same time, after the pterosaur riders led their own speed dragon cavalry to successfully find Drogo and the others, they stopped caring about the situation on the other side and turned around to search for traces of the other two enemy cavalry. And found it soon.

With aerial vision, the whole situation is clearly visible to him.

"That human cavalry is actually blowing bone whistles to interfere with the monitor lizard's actions?"

Although he didn't know what happened here, he already knew what to do!

When the target was only one human cavalry, and the opponent hadn't found him yet, the pterosaur rider didn't intend to continue to hide.

Controlling the pterosaur under his seat, he swept towards the human soldier who was blowing the bone whistle as soon as he culled it!

The update is here, thanks to the book friend "The Little Panda Who Loves Fish" for the reward!

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