Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 356 Do we want it too?

After this period of time, the centaurs were able to keep up with their training due to their excellent physical fitness, but it was undoubtedly very difficult for the elven soldiers whose physical fitness was average. suffered frequent blows in the process.

Until this day comes...

"This afternoon, the weapons training will be about bows and arrows!"

While speaking, Li Ce had already signaled his subordinates to set up the arrow targets rolled up with straw ropes, and at the same time began to distribute short bows and practice arrows to the soldiers.

When the prairie elves heard that they were going to practice archery, including Silk, they all became energetic.

In terms of physical strength, they are no match for humans and centaurs, they admit this, but when it comes to archery!

When this was mentioned, all the prairie elves straightened their backs.

After Li Ce finished his request, there was no need for anyone to rush them this time. Hilke stepped forward and stood directly at the first position. He took the lead in bending the bow and setting an arrow. His movements were as smooth as clouds and water.

The next second, there was only a "whoosh" sound, and the arrow came out of the string and hit the target!

After that, Silk kept moving and quickly drew out the second arrow.

Li Ce's bow and arrow training is not just about aiming at the archery target. To put it simply, they have time requirements.

After all, in actual combat, there is not so much time for you to slowly aim, let alone the battle on the grassland, which is basically conducted on horseback, so the situation will only become more urgent.

It is no longer difficult for veterans to shoot arrow after arrow slowly, but if you fire the bow quickly and continuously, the difficulty will double.

Ten arrows constitute a round, and Hilke hit the bull's-eye with all ten arrows in a row, making the soldiers watching on the sidelines couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Listening to the cheers around him, the corners of Hilke's mouth curled up slightly, and his chin lifted up a little unconsciously.

After that, the remaining five elf soldiers were also scrambling.

So far, the one with the worst performance can hit the bullseye with six arrows, and four arrows are in the inner circle.

In comparison, both the centaurs headed by Drogo and their human soldiers pale in comparison.

Although bows and arrows are also weapons that centaurs are good at, the advantage of centaurs is that they can still display their archery stably while moving at high speed.

To put it simply, it is a super stable riding and shooting ability.

Under this premise, in terms of the accuracy and level of archery, they are generally not much different from human soldiers.

Drogo, who is currently the best performer, is only one step better than the worst one from the prairie elves. No wonder the other party is so proud.

"The talents of these grassland elves are really exciting."

Outside the training ground, Li Ce, who was supervising their training from a distance, couldn't help but complain to Zhou Zhongshan who was standing beside him.

For these prairie elves, Li Ce has undoubtedly had a relatively deep understanding during this period of time, so he knows that these are not a group of people who love training. In their previous lives, there was no such thing as 'training' matter.

However, this group of guys can easily do things that they have been unable to do despite continuous training. Can they not make him angry?

During this period, the bow and arrow training has reached its second round.

As Silk was the first player to play in the first round, he was naturally the first to play in the second round.

There is actually more than one archery target, but since continuous shooting consumes a lot of arm strength, Li Ce and the others did not make any requirements in terms of rotation efficiency.

After all, this is just a training exercise, and they don't want the soldiers to injure their arms during training.

Silk shot all ten arrows quickly, and as always, they all hit the target.

Different from the first time, this time, Silk vaguely noticed that something had changed in him.

"Strange, why do you feel like your eyes are getting better than before?"

"That's the blessing of the leader!"

Just when Silke was muttering to himself with confusion on his face, Zhou Chongshan's voice rang out.

At some point, Zhou Chongshan had already walked in front of Silk.


He is really not unfamiliar with this term.

When he swore to surrender to the Great Zhou Dynasty, the leader had said that he would give them blessings.

But he didn't take it seriously at the time.

"Those who follow the leader will receive blessings from the leader. The effects of blessings are reflected in many places, including allowing us to see farther and run faster. As for how much blessings we can get, it depends on luck. ”

As Zhou Chongshan spoke, he grabbed the bow and arrow that was supposed to be handed to the second prairie elf. After that, without any nonsense, he fired the bow in succession, hitting the bullseye with ten arrows in a row, making the human soldiers on the training ground shout loudly. cheered.

"Captain is mighty!"

"As expected of a captain, all ten arrows hit the target!"

Zhou Chongshan's fate was undoubtedly because Li Ce saw that the prairie elves here were a little drifting, which was not conducive to future training, so he asked Zhou Chongshan to go out and kill the opponent's majesty.

There were cheers here, and many of the prairie elves who were still enjoying their strong dominance on the archery field frowned.

"So what? Sir Sirke also hit all ten arrows, and he has already hit them twice! From this point of view, our Sir Sirke is even more powerful!"

At that time, the human soldiers were happy, but they were splashed with cold water by the prairie elves on the side, and they all suddenly showed displeasure.

"It's not like you shot twenty arrows in a row, how can you still count like this?"

"That's right! And I just calculated the time. The time it takes for the captain to shoot ten arrows in a row is shorter than Warrant Officer Silk. In other words, our captain is more powerful!"

During the conversation, the two sides went back and forth, neither of them convinced of the other, and started fighting with each other on the spot.

Zhou Chongshan's eyebrows knitted together as he listened to the noise.

"What are you arguing about? Do you still want to train? Since you are in such good spirits, we can all go run around the playground five times and then come back and continue training!"

After Zhou Chongshan said this, the human soldiers basically went straight to running without saying anything else.

This situation made the grassland elves next to them unable to deal with it.

At this moment, Zhou Chongshan's eyes fell on the group of prairie elves headed by Silk.

"What are you still doing?"

Obviously, this sentence also included Hilke.

In response, Silk glanced at the human soldiers who were already running, then turned to look at the tribesmen behind him, and gritted his teeth.

"Go for a run!"

After saying that, he took the lead and ran towards the playground.

During this process, the centaurs headed by Drogo watched happily until Zhou Chongshan's eyes fell on him.

Zhuo Ge looked confused at Zhou Zhongshan's look.

"Huh? No, we want it too?"

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