Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 371 I won’t be fooled again

At this moment, Zhou Xu's state seemed to Wang Dong to be that of some fanatical scientific researchers.

They are in this state when they achieve any breakthrough in their research.

That powerful desire for knowledge almost overflowed from him.

After his emotions calmed down slightly, Zhou Xu, who realized that he had lost his composure, couldn't help but let out two dry coughs.

"Let's get down to business. I will try to give you this mantra combination later. Just relax and follow my instructions."

While talking, Zhou Xu began to concentrate and wanted to see if he could get a 'copy' for Wang Dong.

Although the previous analysis and speculation were sound and logical, Zhou Xu was actually mentally prepared for failure.

But the whole process was surprisingly smooth.

Zhou Xu clearly felt that the 'primary weapon blessing' that existed in his consciousness followed his will and slowly formed a copy. Then, following the guidance of his own strength, it separated from the body and emerged in the palm of his hand. .

This point cannot be achieved directly even with his serious mantras. It must be done with the help of 'given' mantras.

Looking at this visible light group, Wang Dong was amazed.

Although he had heard about this mantra from Zhou Xu, this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

"Okay, just reach out and touch it."

Wang Dong nodded after hearing this, and then stretched out his hand towards the mantra light group.

The moment Wang Dong's fingertips touched the light group, the mantra light group immediately turned into a beam of energy and poured into Wang Dong's body.

That feeling can be said to be quite wonderful, and Wang Dong, who felt it for the first time, had a flash of surprise on his face.

"How about it? The pronunciation and recitation of the mantra should have appeared in your mind. You can try to recite it."

After successfully transferring the copy of the 'Elementary Weapon Blessing' to Wang Dong, Zhou Xu's entire state became relaxed and happy.

In his opinion, the most troublesome thing has been solved. Isn't the next thing easy to handle?

Who would have thought that Wang Dong, who followed his instructions and tried to pronounce this mantra, started to stutter as soon as he pronounced two tones, and it felt like his tongue was about to get knotted.

This situation immediately confused Zhou Xu.

"What's going on? Don't you know how to read?"


Zhou Xu's incredible look clearly made him unable to deal with it.

"Chief, this mantra is extremely difficult to pronounce. I'm just a Chinese teacher who teaches junior high school, and I'm not a language genius. How can I master it right away?"


Listening to Wang Dong's words, Zhou Xu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing their leader's appearance, combined with the other's incredible reaction before, Wang Dong couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air.

"Could it be that……"

"That's it."

Zhou Xu nodded innocently.

"Is it difficult to just recite it once?"


At this moment, Wang Dong's mood was very complicated.

He had never felt that their leader was so incompetent!

After maintaining that innocent state for a few seconds, Zhou Xu couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Hearing this, Wang Dong was stunned for a moment and then started laughing.

"So, leader, you were teasing me on purpose before, right? How could you master such a difficult mantra as soon as you get started?"

"Ah no, this is true. I'll know it as soon as I get up."

In response, Wang Dong had an expression like "I won't be fooled again."

But looking at Zhou Xu's serious expression, the smile gradually disappeared from his face.

"Isn't it?"



At this moment, he was silent.

Zhou Xu spread his hands.

"But thanks to you, I have confirmed one thing now, that is, my ability to directly master the recitation of the mantra has nothing to do with the system. I thought it was the system's credit at first."


Although he said words of thanks, for some reason, Wang Dong always felt like he had been stabbed again, which made him feel very sad.

"Anyway, practice more when you have time."


"There is also the matter of those prairie elves. As I told you before, another silkworm farm will be opened in Salt Lake Village to obtain silk and weave silk."

After casually talking about a few mantras, Zhou Xu quickly turned to the serious matter of development.

"You are the factory director in name, so keep an eye on me."


"Okay, I have something else to do, so I won't stay here any longer."

Although it was already afternoon, there were at least three hours until dark, and Zhou Xu had no intention of just passing by.

According to the next arrangement, he planned to go to Tieshan Village.

Rushing from Salt Lake Village to the foot of Barren Mountain, even if he galloped all the way, he wouldn't be able to make it in one day. He would have to spend the night outside, and there was no need for him to rest in Salt Lake Village all night and wait until tomorrow morning. Set off again.

At the same time, in a camp deep in the mountains, Shi Lei, who had just finished counting the prisoners, walked up to the soldiers with a smile on his face.

"Li Tie!"


Hearing Shi Lei call his name, Hong Shi stepped forward with a slightly excited expression.

Li Tie was the name he changed for himself. The more he came into contact with other soldiers, the more Hongshi felt that his previous name was too casual and not loud enough.

During this period, he also learned from the chats of other soldiers that the red stones near their tribe were an ore called 'iron'.

The swords made of iron were not only tougher than the copper swords in their hands, but also extremely sharp.

But unfortunately, the number is currently very small, and only their immediate boss, Lieutenant Shi Lei, has it.

So Hongshi simply changed his name to Li Tie!

Taking the new name, he ran to Shi Lei to apply for approval, and Shi Lei happily agreed and approved the new name 'Li Tie'.

"Congratulations. Counting today's recruitment operation, the merits you have accumulated have completely offset your original sentence. From this moment on, you have officially got rid of your hard labor status and become a citizen of our Great Zhou."

"Thank you sir!"

"You have to thank the chief. It was the chief who gave you this opportunity. I was just following the chief's instructions."

"Yes! Thank you chief!"

Although he had somewhat anticipated what would happen this time, the moment he officially learned the news from Shi Lei, Li Tie could not control his excitement.

During this period, the comrades around him who had not yet gained enough credit to obtain citizenship all cast envious glances at him.

Compared with them, the treatment of the citizens of the Great Zhou Dynasty can be said to be on a par with heaven and earth.

In the process of envy, they also secretly vowed in their hearts that they must work harder to establish military merit and obtain citizenship.

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