Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 407 Confrontation

The dense rain of arrows that suddenly swept over caused the speed dragon cavalry who were still chasing after them a second ago to stop immediately.

But no matter how flexible the Velociraptor is, it can't withstand the inertia created by the full pursuit.

The speed dragon cavalry who were rushing at the front failed to stop, and were baptized by arrows on the spot.

Amidst the screams of the Velociraptor Cavalry, Silk and Drogo couldn't help but look behind them.

Along with the rumbling sound, the moment he saw the figure of the incoming man clearly, Drogo's face suddenly showed excitement.

The centaur and half-horse figures they saw were the clansmen they were looking for, right?

Horse hooves formed in formation, and as the centaur troops rapidly approached, the centaur at the head shouted, and the centaurs behind them bent their bows and set arrows.

The next second, a dense rain of arrows flew out again.

The speed dragon cavalry who were forced to kill were forced to turn around and distance themselves, but they did not choose to turn away directly. Instead, they kept their distance and stopped in the distance to watch, as if they were waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

Seeing this, the leading centaur frowned and yelled...

"Why don't you get out?! Do you bunch of stinking lizards want to start a war with us?!"

That roar was so powerful that it caused undisguised annoyance to appear on the faces of the lizardmen opposite.

During this period, Soros, who was also following behind on a Velociraptor, also had a gloomy expression.

"Lord Thoros, what should we do now? There are not many centaurs on the opposite side. Do we want to take action?"

The lizard man who was following him had murderous intent in his eyes when he said these words.

Thoros had no doubt that as long as he gave the order, the dragon cavalry would immediately attack and make the centaurs on the opposite side pay the price with blood.


Taking a deep breath, Soros spoke coldly...

"Our large army is currently fighting with the rats in the south. We can no longer easily make enemies. Withdraw!"

The last word "withdraw" was obviously angry. Obviously, Soros didn't look so calm at the moment.

After the order was issued, the speed dragon cavalry who obeyed the order simply withdrew and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The departure of the lizardman troops made Silk and Drogo relieved. This time, they had escaped death.

However, they did not forget the existence of the strange group of centaurs.

Unlike Drogo and the others, who were filled with joy after finding their own kind, Silk still looked at this group of centaurs with a certain degree of scrutiny.

The other party did save them, but no one knew what they wanted to do.

Just as Silk was thinking this, the leading centaur on the opposite side glanced at them.

"Bring them back."

While he was talking, the strange centaurs on the opposite side quickly gathered around him.

The battle looked unceremonious, making Silk and the others subconsciously put their hands on the hilts of their swords. This caused the strange centaurs on the opposite side to move, and the situation fell into a stalemate.

"Where do you want to take us?"

During this period, Drogo, who had calmed down a little, obviously realized that something was wrong with the situation. He subconsciously wanted to say something, but found that his tongue could no longer obey him and his body could not move.

Those unfamiliar centaurs clearly did not take Silk and the others seriously.

As soon as he saw their movements, he planned to take Silk and the others away by force, but was stopped by the leading centaur.

"Everyone stop it!"

With this shout, the surrounding centaurs dispersed and made way for them.

The leading centaur passed through and walked in front of Hilke and the others.

"If we wanted to kill you, there would be no need to save you before."

Having said this, the leading centaur glanced at Drogo and the others who had collapsed on the ground.

"They must have been stung by the lizard man's sting. They will be in danger if they are not saved."


Hearing this, Silk didn't react much, but Drogo and the others changed their expressions first.

After all, according to Drogo's thinking and their physical fitness, they should be able to adapt to this toxin quickly.

Before, they had thought that they would die under the attack of the Dragon Cavalry due to poisoning, but they never thought that they would be poisoned to death.

During this period, how could the leading centaur not know what Drogo and the others were thinking?

"We centaurs are indeed very adaptable. Our bodies can get used to and resist various toxins, but this toxin is quite special. It is a neurotoxin..."


Silk expressed doubts about the term.

In response, the leading centaur took action.

"Don't ask me what this is. This is how it was passed down from our ancestors. How do I know why it's called this?"

As he spoke, the leading centaur's eyes fell on Drogo and the others again.

"The biggest characteristic of this toxin is that it makes the poisoned person lose control of his body. This must be the first time you have been infected. If it takes a long time, even if the poison is detoxified by then, the body may continue to be paralyzed, and it cannot be cured. alright."

Upon hearing this, the centaur soldiers led by Drogo suddenly had their pupils trembled.

Words from people of the same race always carry an inexplicable sense of credibility.

They never expected that this situation would happen again.

Suddenly, everyone began to panic.

But they can't move or say anything now. They can only sit there and worry.

Fortunately, after understanding the situation, Silk did not stop him anymore and allowed the centaurs to carry Drogo and others away after simply treating their wounds.

And when Drogo and the others were taken away, they naturally followed.

In this unfamiliar environment, staying here is not a wise choice no matter how you think about it.

Although the centaurs glanced at them a few times, they didn't say much.

After all, they are not stupid, so it can be seen that there should be some relationship between this group of elves and their five kin who were knocked down by the poison.

At least when faced with the lizard man's pursuit before, the other party did not choose to abandon the five members of their tribe and escape on their own.

After that, when they were halfway there, a centaur from a distance rushed in front of them almost at a gallop.

"The medicine is coming, the medicine is coming!"

Seeing this, the leading centaur quickly took the potion and gave it to Drogo and the others one by one, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

They had already realized that this might happen when they discovered Drogo and the others, so they quickly asked a tribesman to rush back to prepare the potion as quickly as possible.

That's right, it's brewing a potion.

The storage environment in this era was very poor, and medicines could not be stored for a long time, and it was not convenient to carry them around, so they had to pick and prepare them temporarily.

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