Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 422 How to break the situation

At the same time, here on the Lizard Man Continent...

After Drogo and Silk broke through the blockade and escaped into the energy channel, Thoros, who did not issue further pursuit orders, signaled the garrison to continue to be vigilant and pay attention to the opening of the energy channel, and went to the temple in person to report to the high priest. about this matter.

At this moment, compared to Soros's defeat, the high priest's attention has been completely focused on another matter.

That is, the number of centaurs in the opponent's reconnaissance force has increased compared to when they arrived.

Thinking back to the fact that the other party was rescued by the centaurs here, the high priest couldn't help but frown deeply.

As long as you are not stupid, you can guess where the extra centaurs came from.

This shows that the guys on the other side of the world have a connection with the centaurs on their side.

[What do they want to do? 】

Such a question flashed through the mind of the high priest.

"This is really not a good sign."

No matter what the other party wants to do, it may not be a good thing for them lizard people.

At this moment, in the mind of the high priest, the idea of ​​​​exterminating the centaur clan became stronger again.

Of course, the special status of the centaur family in this world does not need to be elaborated.

If they could be destroyed easily, the high priest wouldn't tolerate them for so long.

Every time he thought of this, the high priest couldn't help but feel terrible.

Among these many forces, the lizardmen are clearly not the weakest. In fact, they still have the upper hand in terms of strength. Why are they just trying to survive in the cracks?

"Soros, what do you think about this matter?"

Upon hearing the question from the high priest, Thoros' face suddenly changed slightly as he stood below.

He never expected that the high priest, who always liked to be arbitrary, would throw him such a difficult question at this time.

But at the same time, he somewhat understood the reason.

Because this decision is indeed difficult to make.

The question now is whether to use troops against the Centaurs.

Once the troops are launched, they will be completely at odds with the Centaur clan. According to the other party's temperament, this matter will definitely not go well.

At that time, they will have to bear the pressure from the rat people and the centaur clan at the same time.

As their mortal enemies, the Ratmen would 100% seize this opportunity to kill them all. They had little chance of winning.

As for saying no troops...

The Centaur clan has had in-depth contact with the forces in the world over there. What good things can come from this?

Their existence is a threat to both forces. Once the two parties join forces, the first thing they do must be to launch troops against them?

When the time comes, they will be attacked from two sides by the rat men, and they will be dead.

Good guy, he's going to die anyway...

According to Soros' current thinking, they should not have gone to that world to look for any opportunities to break the situation.

Now it's better. I didn't find a chance to break the game, but I found a big trouble.

Of course, he also knew that saying this now was just an afterthought. Everyone would say that it was meaningless.

"If we don't use troops against the Centaurs for the time being, we can get more time to concentrate on dealing with the rat people. On the other hand, if we choose to use troops immediately, we can better control the situation."

Surrounding this situation, Soros simply weighed the pros and cons, but did not give a clear conclusion.

The impact of this decision is too great. If something happens, he must not be blamed by the high priest?

It's not that the high priest couldn't see Thoros's little thoughts, but he wasn't in the mood to care about it at the moment.

Because he also knew that the situation in front of them had made them entangled to this point.

Even he couldn't make a decision, so how could Soros, as his subordinate, make it?

For a moment, there was an eerie silence in the temple.

Thoros stood below, not daring to move or make a sound, while the high priest leaned on his position, frowning deeply and lost in thought.

I don't know how long this state lasted. The high priest slowly spoke, and the sound he made broke the obviously depressing atmosphere.

"When things have reached this point, there is only one way I can think of."

"Please make it clear to the high priest!"

"That is to negotiate peace with the forces in the world over there!"

I have to say that in this situation, this is really a solution.

As long as the forces in that world give up mobilizing troops, the situation of the Centaurs will basically be the same as before.

In this way, the balance between them can be maintained.

But the problem is, after a big fight before, how can it be so easy to make peace with the other party?

"High Priest, the force over there has now made arrangements at the other end of the energy channel. Once the energy channel opens, if we want to go through, the other party will directly attack and intercept us in the energy channel."

At this point, Soros did not continue. The meaning was already obvious, that is, they could not send a representative to negotiate peace now.

In response to this situation, the high priest was busy thinking about ways to break the situation at first and did not think of this. However, after Soros' reminder, he still reacted quickly.

"We can let the Centaurs go. Since they have contact with the forces in the world over there, there must be a way to get there."

The high priest has already mentioned this, so Soros naturally knows what to do.

After leaving the temple, he personally led a team of dragon cavalry to the border area between their lizardmen and centaurs.

Unsurprisingly, they were quickly spotted by the centaur patrolling the border on the opposite side, and were stopped in the most arrogant way by an arrow that shot through the air.

Soros, who came with a negotiation mentality, saw this and shouted loudly...

"Don't do anything, we are here to talk to your clan leader!"

"Our clan leader has nothing to talk to you about!"

Although the two sides did not completely break up, due to the adjacent territory, there were still a lot of minor frictions between the two sides on weekdays.

This also makes the centaurs look down upon the lizardmen.

In fact, the same goes for the lizardmen, but this time, Thoros came with a mission. Although he was unhappy with the attitude of the centaur opposite, he could only endure it.

"We can talk! This matter affects whether we can continue to live in peace in the future. I want to talk to your clan leader in person."

The centaur opposite obviously didn't expect Soros to mention this matter.

For a moment, there was a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Stand back, we will inform the clan leader about this matter first, but if you dare to make any small moves during this process, don't blame us for being rude!"

Faced with these words, Soros muttered "calm down" several times in his heart, and then issued the order to retreat.

The centaur on the opposite side saw that the lizard people really retreated, and then there was no ambiguity. He quickly motioned to the centaur next to him to go back and inform the leader of the situation.

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