Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 440 The advancing armored dragon

Accompanied by the rumbling footsteps, the huge weight of the armored dragon will leave a deep footprint on the ground with every step it takes.

Hearing the noise coming from afar, the patrol team performing patrol duties on the periphery quickly discovered the existence of the armored dragon, and their expressions changed immediately.

"Holy shit, what kind of monster is this?!"

The veterans who had fought against the lizardmen last year had all seen the existence of the giant armored dragon from the large lizardman army at that time.

The ones I haven't seen before are basically new recruits recruited later, and they are also the main component of their current strength.

"Hurry! Send the signal!"

After receiving the order, a soldier in the patrol quickly took off the horn hanging from his waist and blew it hard.

Upon hearing the signal, Hilke, who was also leading a patrol nearby at the time, immediately ordered...

"Send the signal and respond, all come with me!"

Silk's signal not only told the forward patrols, 'We are coming,' but also told the rear troops, 'We have passed, and you don't need to take action for the time being. ’

After all, there are many places in this area that require them to patrol and defend. If a signal is sent, all their troops will immediately gather there. What if other places are attacked by the enemy in the process?

The signal sent by Hilke and the others was to avoid this situation from happening.

After the signal was sent, the elf knights rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

Seeing the armored dragon moving slowly with heavy steps from a distance, the faces of the elf knights headed by Silk all darkened.

Although they had not actually fought against this armored dragon, the difficulty of this big guy was obviously visible to the naked eye.

"Are there any other Lizardmen troops nearby?"

After successfully reuniting with the patrol here, Hilke quickly scanned the surroundings while asking questions.

Team leader Li Tie, who received the question during this period, quickly replied...

"Report to the Second Lieutenant, no traces of other lizardmen troops have been found yet!"

Thanks to the results of previous reconnaissance missions, both Silk and Drogo were promoted from the original rank of warrant officer to second lieutenant.

Judging from the internal composition of the army, although he is not Li Tie's direct commander, in this case, Li Tie also has the responsibility to report to him and answer questions.

Silk nodded after briefly understanding the situation, and at the same time looked up at the pterosaur rider hovering in the air.

[There is no lizard man on this big guy. If nothing else, it should be the pterosaur rider who is leading the way for this big guy. 】

As his thoughts whirled, Silk motioned to a subordinate next to him to rush back and report the situation here.

As for himself, he motioned to Li Tie to bring his patrol team to cooperate with him to confirm the surroundings.

The news was quickly sent to Li Ce. Long before, he had vaguely guessed that the lizard man might do something.

After all, it is impossible for the other party to just watch them grow. Normally, they would at least launch some harassment actions to hinder them.

Facts have proved that his guess was not wrong, and the harassment on the other side had already begun.

"Captain Zhou, I'll leave this to you. Pay attention to the patrols in other areas and don't let the lizard men take advantage of our loopholes. For follow-up actions, pay attention to my signal."

As he spoke, Li Ce, who simply handed over the security work to Zhou Chongshan, led a cavalry team and rushed as quickly as possible to join Hilke and the others.

In a plain area with almost no shelter, it would be too easy to find them if you knew the direction.

Before he was completely close, Li Ce had already locked eyes with the moving armored dragon from a long distance away.

During this period, Hilke and Li Tie, who had just launched another patrol around the area, quickly ran to Li Ce to join them and report at the same time.

"Lieutenant, we have patrolled around and found no other lizard people. It is basically certain that the pterosaur rider in the sky is leading the way for this big guy."

Listening to the conclusion given by Silk, Li Ce nodded.

His eyes swept over the armored dragon and the pterosaur rider in the air.

"Looking at the direction, this big guy's goal should be our camp."

To a certain extent, the opponent really hit their target.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the supplies they have stored in the camp. If they are damaged, it will undoubtedly make their lives very difficult in the future.

They may even be forced to evacuate.

Considering this risk, a question quickly came to Li Ce's face.

So how to stop this big guy?

Although this big guy is not a secret to them, its existence itself makes them feel like they have no way to start. They have never faced such a huge enemy.

"Try attacking with a bow and arrow first."

Regarding that big guy, they currently have too little information. Li Ce plans to conduct a trial attack first and collect some intelligence along the way.

After receiving the order, the cavalry squads headed by Silke and Li Tie immediately split into two groups, one on the left and one on the right, approaching the armored dragon.

The distance between the two cavalry groups continued to widen, in preparation for the pulling tactics that might be needed later.

During this period, the armored dragon undoubtedly discovered their existence. In fact, the armored dragon should have noticed them a long time ago, but it didn't seem to have a strong sense of autonomy. It didn't receive any orders. , completely ignoring their existence and continuing to advance.

But Silke and Li Tie's actions will not stop because of this.

After arriving at the position, the cavalry led by Li Tie fired their bows neatly, and a volley flew directly towards the armored dragon with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

However, a powerful attack failed to achieve the desired effect.

The moment the arrow hit the armored dragon, all the arrows were bounced away by the opponent's thick carapace, showing its extremely powerful defensive capabilities.

Even though Li Ce had been mentally prepared, Li Ce, who witnessed the result with his own eyes, felt a burst of pressure in his heart.

Ordinary arrows can't even break armor, which means they won't be able to easily consume each other.

At the same time, it also allowed him to completely understand why the other party sent this big guy alone.

The group of lizardmen on the opposite side had predicted that they would have no chance against this big guy, and in the end they would not be able to escape the outcome of the frontline camp being flattened step by step by this big guy!

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