Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 468: Figure it out

On Da Zhou's side, under Zhou Xu's operation, apart from some minor episodes, stable development was still maintained, with neither breakthrough nor regression.

But invisibly, he also felt lonely after working for a long time...

At the same time, in the opposite world, just as planned before, Li Ce had no intention of staying like this.

After that battle, Li Ce, who had taken a break for a week, quickly mobilized his troops on the plains.

Those lightly injured cavalrymen were now able to put on their equipment and form a patrol team to patrol the plains as usual, and their mission was limited to this.

The patrolling cavalry was just part of Li Ce's 'bluff', and he had no intention of actively asking the cavalry to take further action.

As for passiveness, it means that after the other party takes action, there is no choice to respond, then there is no other way.

After the cavalry patrolled, Li Ce focused his troops on the infantry, setting up a formation in which he would attack the rainforest area next.

Of course, Li Ce had no intention of actually attacking at this moment.

The mountain soldiers on the front line who are good at fighting in complex natural environments can only manage to recruit fifty people at present.

During this period, the core general Zhou Chongshan, who can also lead the infantry unit in combat, is still recovering from his injuries. At this juncture, the risk is too great for the infantry unit to launch an offensive in the rainforest area.

So his current series of actions, to put it bluntly, is to scare the opponent, so that the opponent will take the initiative to take a defensive stance after discovering their actions.

In this way, the opponent will not take the initiative to attack, but will only be on full alert and defend.

And they won't really attack.

Invisibly, it not only consumes the opponent's energy, but also gives oneself more ample breathing time.

This kind of operation that likes to manipulate the opponent's psychology can be said to be very Li Ce's style.

Back then, Li Ce was a tribal warrior who 'charged into battle', and his talent for 'scheming' was mostly used to talk trash to opponents in direct combat and manipulate their mentality, so that he could catch the opponent's flaws and then kill them. To this extent, the advantage of this talent cannot be fully utilized.

But as long as he is placed in the position of the commander-in-chief, his advantage in "scheming" can cover the entire military operation at once!

From the sky, seeing the actions of the Zhou troops below, the pterosaur rider immediately flew back to report the situation.

Looking at the pterosaur rider who disappeared at the end of his field of vision in the blink of an eye, Li Ce sneered secretly.

The investigation unit on the opposite side is used well and can provide them with some 'help' appropriately.

The distance from the plain area to their lizardmen's frontline camp in the rainforest area is not far. The pterosaur riders can ignore the influence of the terrain and move more efficiently. They soon arrived in front of Soros and headed towards He reported everything he saw.

It had only been a week since the last war, and Soros was slightly shocked by the other side's actions again.

With the aerial reconnaissance unit of the Pterodactyl Rider, he certainly knew that the opponent had infantry units, but he didn't expect that the opponent would show such strength at this time, as if he was full of confidence.

At this moment, Soros had other thoughts in his mind, but in any case, out of caution, he immediately made arrangements to strengthen the patrol and deployment of the rainforest defense line, and asked the pterosaur riders to continue to keep an eye on it. Watch the other person's every move and come back to report to him at any time.

Thoros, who had just suffered a huge defeat, was cleaning up the mess of their high priest, and he couldn't even think about being cautious at the moment.

From this moment on, Soros has been following Li Ce's path.

Looking at the pterosaur rider flying back, Li Ce undoubtedly needed to take follow-up actions.

If he just mobilized his troops casually but did not take any further action, then no matter how stupid the opponent is, he should realize that he is bluffing.

So even if he was pretending, he had to pretend to be stronger, at least not to let the other party react as soon as he turned his head.

In this way, the logistics troops prepared the carriages and the infantry troops were ready to go. Under the escort of two teams of cavalry, they started to advance towards the rainforest area that day.

Seeing this, the pterosaur rider in the air quickly turned back to report the situation.

After understanding the latest situation, Soros frowned deeply. Seeing this, the pterosaur rider below added another sentence...

"But they weren't moving very fast, and they didn't look like they were in a hurry at all."

However, this addition from the pterosaur rider made Soros even more confident that the other party was probably serious!

Infantry troops cannot move as fast as cavalry. They need to consider the physical condition of the infantry. If all the strength is used on the road, where will there be strength to launch an offensive later?

Therefore, from Soros's perspective, the most outstanding thing about the unhurried and unhurried advancement efficiency is stability. The more the opponent performs like this, the more it shows that the opponent has a strong offensive intention!

At this time, if possible, he really wanted to send a team of dragon cavalry to launch a harassing attack on the advancing enemy troops.

But unfortunately he can't do it now.

It can't be said that there are no dragon cavalry here, but even if they are pieced together, they can only gather the strength of a small team.

The other party sent two teams of cavalry to escort him. If a small team of his cavalry went over, it would be death.

At this point, Soros obviously has no other choice but to defend the rainforest defense line and adapt to changes.

This plain is indeed easy for cavalry units to move, but it is still a bit far away for infantry units that move on two legs.

By the time they moved to the outskirts of the rainforest area, it was almost dark.

At this point in time, it was definitely impossible for them to launch an offensive directly. As the commander accompanying them, Li Ce directly issued the order to set up camp.

Thoros, who received the news during this period, thought about it for a while, and after Li Ce's camp was set up, he directly sent out the armored dragon to destroy his camp.

The purpose is to manipulate their mentality, so that the other party can watch the newly built camp being turned into ruins under the iron hoof of the armored dragon, but there is nothing they can do.

But what Soros didn't know was that Li Ce didn't care at all and was even happy.

After all, he had no intention of actually launching an offensive from the beginning. He was just bluffing and pretending.

Under this premise, if Soros does not 'cooperate', won't he soon be unable to pretend anymore?

Only when the other party tries their best to hinder him, and when he is 'impeded' and keeps pulling with the other party, can he successfully gain more time.

Everything is according to his plan!

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