Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 474 New Situation

Zhou Xu is undoubtedly satisfied with the growth of his subordinates.

It is not difficult to see from this that war is really the simplest and crudest way to make generals grow, but the costs and risks involved are indeed too great.

"Later, just let Drogo take me there. Chongshan, you can continue to sit in the garrison camp here. As for Silk, it will take a lot of time to fully recover the power you have consumed before. ?”

Silke's situation is different from that of Zhou Chongshan and Drogo. The mantra method is an important part of their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, even when their physical strength and injuries have almost recovered, as long as the power of the mantra has not been fully recovered, their combat performance will be significantly affected.

On the other hand, Drogo is different.

He has not mastered any mantra techniques. Under this premise, the centaur's physical advantage allows him to recover faster than Zhou Chongshan and Silk. He can be considered the best candidate at this time.

After breakfast, Drogo directly summoned his subordinates to form a small team and escort Zhou Xu to the frontline camp.

The group of people rode directly on horseback and moved very efficiently. Before they were completely close, the sound of heavy footsteps in the distance and the sound of the three-bow crossbow attacking reached Zhou Xu's ears.

It looks like there's another fight here.

After a simple exchange of glances with Zhuo Ge, Zhou Xu gestured with his hand to signal Zhuo Ge to follow him around the perimeter and find a position to observe the situation.

Now that the pterosaur rider on the opposite side has been dealt with by him, without worrying that the information on his side cannot be hidden at all, considering the situation here, Zhou Xu has no plans to let the opposite side know his existence for the time being.

In the plain area, the field of vision is still very wide, and the armored dragon is huge. During the simple detour, the figures of the two warring parties soon came into Zhou Xu's eyes.

The whole situation, to put it simply, is that the two armored dragons are being attacked by their crossbow troops.

The purpose of the Lizardmen, Li Ce had already made it clear to him in the previous report, was that they did not want their frontline troops to have a good rest, and wanted to wear them down in this way so that they would not have the energy to initiate more force. Further offensive.

From the current point of view, this tactic of the lizard people is undoubtedly effective.

Fatigue accumulates, especially mental fatigue. Although Li Ce has made it clear to the soldiers that their purpose is not to attack, but to waste time with the opponent to buy more time for their own side.

But amid the other party's crazy harassment day after day, day and night, their state was indeed approaching its limit.

During this period, of course, the lizardmen's side could not suffer all losses. Even if the four-headed ankylosaurus rotated in two shifts day and night, the natural repair speed of their external carapace would definitely not be comparable to the damage speed of the three-bow bed crossbow.

Not to mention the other two armored dragons, at least the two armored dragons that appeared in Zhou Xu's field of vision at this moment had their carapace quite broken.

Under the concentrated fire attack of the crossbow troops, obvious blood stains even began to overflow from the cracks in the armored dragon's carapace.

This scene undoubtedly shows that the defense of the outer carapace of the two armored dragons is close to the limit. Once it is completely destroyed and without the protection of the carapace, no matter how rough and thick the armored dragon is, it will be difficult to withstand the three of them. The crossbow's attack.

The only problem with this tactic for them is that the giant crossbow consumes a lot of arrows.

However, since the last time the giant crossbow bolts were exhausted, causing them to miss the perfect opportunity to kill an enemy armored dragon, combined with the situation on the front line and in order to cooperate with the new tactics, Zhou Xu had ordered the ordnance department to increase the number of giant crossbow arrows. Manufacturing capacity, and increasing the quota of giant crossbow arrows in each supply.

Since then, although the number of giant crossbows on the front line is not abundant, it is basically enough.

Until this operation unfolds...

Good guy, if you beat me like this every day, you will be a ghost if you can withstand it.

Because they hit the back and ran out of giant crossbow arrows, the front line was intimidated for three or four days.

During this period, because Li Ce and the others immediately packed up their camp and ran away as soon as they saw the armored dragon appearing on the opposite side, avoiding fighting the whole time, Soros once thought that the opposite side was unable to fight anymore, and he was very happy because of this.

It wasn't until yesterday that this batch of supplies arrived, and the transport troops urgently sent giant crossbow arrows to the crossbow troops on the front line, that this round of confrontation took place.

In fact, an earlier round of confrontation had already started that night.

This made Thoros clearly realize that it was the arrival of supplies for the Zhou army, coupled with the sudden disappearance of the pterosaur rider.

If there was no connection between the two, Soros would never believe it!

After forcing the frontline troops to break camp and leave, the lizardmen blew a retreat signal, signaling the armored dragon to retreat.

But looking at the bloody appearance of the two armored dragons, they had long lost their initial intimidation, and their departing figures even looked a bit embarrassed.

"Let's go and meet Li Ce and the others."

Looking away, Zhou Xu pulled the reins in his hands, and under the escort of Drogo and the others, he quickly joined Li Ce.

"Subordinate Li Ce, please see your Majesty!"

"No gift."

As early as yesterday afternoon, when the giant crossbows were delivered to him from the rear camp, the messenger soldiers who came with the transport troops had already informed Li Ce about their king's personal visit to the front line.

Li Ce was a little surprised at first, but then he quickly came to his senses.

To be honest, in this situation, with the Ratmen defeated and no one knowing what actions will be taken later, and they being shut out by the rainforest defense line, Li Ce really can't think of any good way to break the situation.

Under this premise, it is really a good idea for their king to go on a personal expedition.

At this moment, Li Ce and the others had just abandoned camp and ran away because of the armored dragon on the opposite side. It would take time to re-establish the camp, which left them nowhere to talk.

However, Zhou Xu didn't care about this. He led Li Ce to the side on horseback and began to discuss the situation in front of him.

"The Lizardmen are not stupid either. It is impossible not to know that if this continues, the lives of those big guys will be at stake. Under such circumstances, if they continue to send these big guys to fight and continue to harass us, then there is only one possibility... "

Following Zhou Xu's train of thought, Li Ce quickly thought of the answer.

"The other side has started to mobilize troops again?"

"There has been no movement since the rat people were defeated, and the lizard people obviously can't get in, so they can only turn around and attack us."

Zhou Xu, who was currently analyzing the battle situation, had a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Logically speaking, the Ratmen, who are mortal enemies, will definitely not miss this opportunity. They are not making any move now. I am afraid they are waiting for the Lizardmen to transfer their frontline troops. Once the Lizardmen do this, the Ratmen will The pressure will go down.”

Li Ce frowned deeply after listening to their king's analysis.

"According to this idea, the rat man opposite is also plotting against us!"

In response, Zhou Xu took action.

"What can be done about this? The most important thing right now is to deal with the threat of the lizard people first. As for the rat people."

Having said this, Zhou Xu was silent for two seconds, as if thinking about this matter.

"There will always be a solution after we deal with the lizard men."

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