Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 481: Tear it down and make up for it

The main uneasiness of the soldiers was that after going deep into the rainforest area, their cavalry units of the Great Zhou Dynasty were unable to take action, but the other party's cavalry units were still able to fight.

This in itself is a very scary thing.

You must know that in this era, the existence of cavalry itself is a dimensionality reduction strike for ordinary infantry.

However, regarding the situation of the Velociraptor Cavalry, their king had made a very clear analysis in the meeting just now. Directly applying their king's remarks, it is not difficult for Li Ce to calm the emotions of the soldiers now. .

The casualty statistics were quickly sent to Zhou Xu.

"Four people died in the battle, three people are missing, 27 people were injured, six of them were seriously injured, and 18 people showed symptoms of poisoning..."

In the case of only a brief confrontation, this number is not very beautiful. It can also be seen from it how much advantage the rainforest environment brings to the lizard people.

Considering that the rain forest environment is the home field of the lizard people, there is a high probability that the soldiers whose whereabouts are unknown there have no chance of surviving, so the actual number of people killed in the battle can basically be regarded as seven.

Among the six people who were seriously injured, due to the presence of scales on their bodies, there were no wounds penetrated by weapons during the short exchange. Naturally, there were no injuries to internal organs. The main ones were fractures, cracks and severe sprains. of this type of situation.

Although so far, it is impossible to determine whether the 'Skeleton' mantra and his 'Evolutionary Leader' talent are at work. The bone strength and resilience of the soldiers under his command now seem to be stronger than ordinary ones.

You know, in this era, a fracture is a serious injury that can cause disability. Once it occurs, it is basically not much different from being disabled.

However, it cannot be said that every one of Zhou Xu's soldiers can fully recover, but at least many of them can make it to this point and can continue to fight in the army.

This is undoubtedly great news for Zhou Xu, the ruler.

Invisibly, it greatly reduced his pressure on military consumption.

As for the eighteen soldiers who showed symptoms of poisoning, Diak and the others were all familiar with some common toxins among the lizard people. Even before the war started, Zhou Xu had already asked Diak to deal with the enemy's poisoning method. Ke contacted the medical department to develop an antidote.

When Li Ce reported the casualty statistics to him, those soldiers who showed symptoms of poisoning had basically taken the antidote and were placed in place.

In the next few days, Zhou Xu obviously did not plan to make any big moves, but rested while waiting for the reaction of the lizard man on the other side.

In this way, five days passed quietly, but the lizard man opposite showed no reaction.

"Your Majesty, could it be that Chitose-sama's presence has made the other side afraid?"

Inside the camp, Drogo couldn't help but put forward his own ideas.

"Not really."

Zhou Xu shook his head.

"No matter how strong Chitose is, after all, it is just a single soldier unit. When the two armies are fighting, where the troops are placed, the impact Chitose can have is actually limited..."

On this battlefield, the main responsibility of large units is to deal with the enemy's large units, just like 'army against army, against general'.

A fierce general is indeed stronger than an ordinary soldier, but if you ask him to kill dozens or hundreds of soldiers in a row, he will probably be too tired to lift the sword, right? Not to mention the time it takes and whether he can actually kill dozens or hundreds of soldiers in a row.

Judging from the current fighting situation, Zhou Xu doesn't think that the other party can't even understand this matter.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the presence of Chitose is one of the influencing factors. The more important factor is probably that the opponent cannot let go of the home field advantage.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the lizardmen themselves are on the defensive side and there is no need to take the initiative.

On the other hand, in Dazhou, every day when the troops are stationed on the front line, even if they do nothing, they will burn money.

Therefore, the development efficiency of Da Zhou cannot be improved at all.

"Your Majesty, how about we launch another round of offensive to find out the situation on the other side?"

Inside the camp, Li Ce put forward his own ideas.

Zhou Xu shook his head.

"It's inappropriate. We just retreated before, and now we have no way to break the situation. Now we turn around and launch an offensive again? This approach is problematic no matter how you look at it, and it can easily arouse suspicion on the other side."

Under the premise that they cannot break through the lizard people's rainforest defense line with hard power, 'lure the snake out of the hole' has become their core tactic at this stage.

But the problem is that if the lizardmen don't take the bait, it will be very difficult.

However, faced with this situation, their king didn't seem to be worried at all.

"Your Majesty, are we just going to wait like this now?"

"Wait first."

Leaning inside the tent, Zhou Xu looked like the old god was in his entire state.

"I guess there will be some movement on the other side soon."

Almost as Zhou Xu was saying this, in the temple located deep in the lizard tribe, a lizard messenger soldier who had just returned from the front line was reporting the latest situation to the high priest.

Just a few days ago, the Ratmen, who had been silent for a while, launched a counterattack against their frontline troops!

For this situation, the high priest cannot say that he is not mentally prepared at all.

But even if he was mentally prepared, it did not affect his bad mood at the moment.

Da Zhou and Rat Man may not have joined forces, but they are undoubtedly very aware of each other's existence and have made full use of it!

As the party caught in the middle and attacked by both sides at the same time, the lizardmen were completely dragged into a vicious circle.

Now all day long, we can only tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and then tear down the west wall to make up the east wall, tearing down the east wall to make up for it, but in the end neither side can be repaired.

The high priest knew in his heart that the best way to solve this situation was to completely defeat one of the forces.

But do you think he doesn't want to?

There is nothing he can do now!

Didn't you see that as soon as he mobilized his troops and prepared to mass his troops to kill Da Zhou's troops, the rat men on the other side began to launch a counterattack?

The converse is also the same. When his large forces were pressing down on the southern battlefield, Da Zhou sent various troops and generals to fight with them constantly, forcing him to mobilize his troops back.

These two guys are pulling each other around!

Every time he thought of this, the high priest became so angry that he directly ordered Soros to be called over.

If the Rat Man and Da Zhou had to choose one to defeat them at this stage, the high priest's choice would definitely be Da Zhou.

The high priest had to admit that he had indeed been careless before, but even if he re-examined Da Zhou's strength, he could not match the rat man.

He knew the strength of the rat people. Those stinking rats had been entrenched in this land for many years. If they wanted to destroy them, it would not be possible overnight.

On the other hand, in Dazhou, the opponent's frontline camp was just there. As long as the troops were in place, the opponent could be defeated in one fell swoop.

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