Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 495 The abacus was hit in the face

Ever since Zhou Xu came to the front line, the front line troops have been in high spirits, not only because of his status as the 'king', but also because of his powerful strength that can almost form an army by himself!

Since the last battle on the plains, it was just like Zhou Xu asked Li Ce to set up a frontline camp again and stare at the rainforest area where the lizard men were.

On the lizard people's side, Thoros also sent out lizard people sentries to watch the plain area 24 hours a day, watching out for Da Zhou's every move.

Skeleton troops plus sword and shield troops, this wave of battle was so big that Zhou Xu had no intention of hiding it from the beginning.

"Commander, outside the rain forest, the enemy troops are advancing, and rushing in front is a large group of skeletons, and, and..."

"And what? Tell me clearly!"

Listening to the report of the lizardman sentry under his command, Thoros felt indescribably irritable.

Thoros already knew about the fact that there were skeleton soldiers on the opposite side to assist in the battle.

After all, in the previous battle on the plains, it was the sudden appearance of those skeletons that cut off the Velociraptor Cavalry's retreat, hindering their movements, and directly caused the Velociraptor Cavalry to suffer a ruthless charge from the opposite cavalry unit, causing heavy losses.

It is no exaggeration to say that those skeleton soldiers constitute the most critical force.

When those skeleton soldiers appeared here, he was naturally not surprised.

Faced with Thoros' scolding, the lizardman sentry quickly explained...

"Those skeletons rushing over from the other side look like they are from the same race as us."

More than just a likeness? Simply!

The lizardmen are not even able to recognize the skeletons of their own kind.

When Soros heard this, his expression suddenly turned ugly. He probably guessed what happened.

At the same time, under the control of Zhou Xu, the skeleton troops quickly approached the plain positions outside the rain forest.

When their Zhou infantry launched an offensive against the opposite rain forest defense line, the opposite commander specially arranged a group of green lizard infantry on the outside to throw short spears and attack them.

Of course, they were immediately countered by a rain of arrows from their cavalry troops, and they paid the price with casualties.

This time, the opponent must have learned a lesson and didn't show up during the whole process. It seemed that they wanted to wait until they entered the rainforest before taking action.

Anyway, the ones leading the way were skeleton soldiers who were not afraid of sacrifice at all. Zhou Xu was fearless.

The faster green lizard skeleton quickly disappeared into the rain forest.

In response to this situation, the Green Lizard Infantry who were on the side of the ambush did not take action immediately. According to Soros's idea, the target of the Green Lizard Infantry's current ambush was the Great Zhou who was behind him. On the Sword and Shield Soldier.

Although these skeleton soldiers were one of the key factors that led to their tragic defeat in the previous battle on the plains, in Soros' view, these skeleton soldiers themselves were not very effective in combat.

The existence of the skeleton soldiers, to put it bluntly, serves as a containment. It was the cavalry troops on the opposite side that really gave them the fatal blow to the dragon cavalry.

Based on this premise, after the environment changed from the plains to the rain forest where they were, the human sword and shield soldiers who followed undoubtedly played this role.

From this point on, only by solving the sword and shield soldiers on the opposite side can the battle be fundamentally resolved. Otherwise, attacking those skeleton soldiers will be just a waste of effort.

Different from the plain battlefield, Soros was much bolder in the rainforest as his home field. He came directly to the vicinity and observed every move on the opposite side.

[The human soldiers followed so closely that they were almost tied together with the skeleton soldiers. We had to find a way to separate them. 】

As his thoughts whirled, Soros summoned a subordinate, then whispered to him to arrange the matter.

During this period, they once again switched from cavalry to infantry. Zhou Chongshan, who led their sword and shield soldiers of Great Zhou to launch this operation, remained alert enough throughout the entire process.

Obviously, having experienced the previous battle, he knew very well how difficult the lizard man on the opposite side was in this rainforest environment.

Along with a dense rustling sound, a large number of short spears suddenly flew out from the rain forest behind and even on both sides, and were thrown towards them.

The green lizard infantry, which had been dormant for a long time, finally seized the opportunity at this moment by throwing spears!

"All personnel in defensive formation!"

Zhou Chongshan reacted quickly and shouted for his sword and shield soldiers to respond.

Although they were defeated when they entered the rainforest area before, they also gained experience.

Nowadays, they have become more understanding of the way lizard people fight in the rainforest environment, and they have also mastered a certain degree of coping techniques. They are no longer as chaotic as they were at the beginning.

Little did they know that just as they were concentrating on dealing with the green lizard infantry, there was another movement coming from the other side.

Zhou Chongshan quickly glanced over there from the corner of his eye. At this glance, dozens of speed dragon cavalry rushing out of the rain forest suddenly broke into his field of vision.

With the mission assigned to them by Thoros, the dozens of speed dragon cavalry forcibly divided the battlefield as quickly as possible, directly dividing their Da Zhou sword and shield troop and the skeleton troop in front into two.

The opponent's abacus had already hit him in the face. Even Zhou Chongshan, whose tactical acumen was not very developed, had already realized what the opponent wanted to do.

How can this allow the other side to succeed?

With this thought in mind, Zhou Chongshan immediately planned to order a group of personal soldiers to follow him to break down the blockade formed by the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side.

Little did he know that he hadn't even had time to take action yet.

From where the Velociraptor Cavalry came out, another group of Blue Lizard Sword Shield Soldiers rushed out, carrying their shields to meet Zhou Chongshan and the others who were about to take action!

Needless to say, Soros has clearly arranged for them all this time.

While the speed dragon cavalry was sent to deal with the skeleton troops, the group of blue lizard sword and shield soldiers following behind were specially designed to intercept them.

After suffering a huge defeat, in order to gather as many troops as possible, he really recruited all the blue lizard guards from the temple!

Of course, the title 'Temple Guard' sounds very powerful, but in reality it is not.

As temple guards, their main duty is to guard the temple. In other words, many of them have never been on the battlefield and lack actual combat experience.

As for those who have been on the battlefield, their skills have deteriorated due to being away from the battlefield for a long time. They are far incomparable from when they were fighting against the ratmen on the front line.

Therefore, Thoros does not have high expectations for them. Their only task now is to hold back the human infantry on the opposite side and buy time for the Velociraptor Cavalry to disintegrate the skeleton troops on the opposite side!

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