Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 703 Follow-up Arrangements

Zhou Xu was actually lying at this moment. He was not worried about Liu De going to capture Green Forest City at all.

There is an old saying that goes, it is easy to conquer a country, but difficult to defend it!

Conquering the country relies largely on force. As long as there is an opportunity and the conditions are right, even a grassroots team like Liu De can become prosperous in a short period of time.

But defending a country is complicated. Just fists are useless. You must also know how to develop and manage business, and you must also have money and resources. Otherwise, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Nowadays, these cities here have turned into a complete mess due to civil strife and Yan Sheng's series of operations.

Zhou Xu has the confidence to attack the city here because they have sufficient supplies and no shortage of food and grass, so they can serve as his backing and continue to provide him with support.

But what does Liu De rely on?

What he relies on now is the little food resources in people's warehouses after occupying Xishan City and Anling City.

In other words, you are using someone else’s inventory.

However, the inventory will run out sooner or later, and the important thing is that you have to produce it yourself.

Originally, when the seven cities under Yan Sheng's command were connected into one, they naturally had a complete production chain, but now they have collapsed like this, and the interior is in chaos. How can they still be produced?

Therefore, from Zhou Xu's perspective, how big Liu De's plate is now will be how miserable it will be when it collapses.

For Zhou Xu, the most labor-saving way is to watch without doing anything and wait for Liu De to get rid of himself.

When the resources on hand are exhausted, the people under his command will have a difficult time, and Liu De's banner of 'benevolence and righteousness' will naturally no longer be able to wave.

Now he decided to attack quickly, take Green Forest City, and go straight to Xianyang City. More importantly, he had to consider the safety of Xie Liancheng's wife and children.

As for what he said just now, although it is not a lie, taking the initiative and taking the initiative is also an option, but more of it is to comfort his brother.

Xie Liancheng's strategic thinking did not turn around so fast. When he heard what he said just now, Xie Liancheng felt that it made sense, and he believed it in his heart.

"Then let me cheat and open the city gate when the time comes!"

"No no no."

Zhou Xu waved his hand.

"If you show up and pretend to open the city gate, if the news leaks out, your brothers and sisters in Xianyang may be in danger."

Having said this, Zhou Xu patted Jie Liancheng on the shoulder.

"Don't think too much. What you have to do now is not to show up and expose your existence."

"I'll arrange a room for you here, and you can stay there for the next few days."

Jie Liancheng, who was aware of the current situation, didn't say anything at the moment.

As for the City Lord’s Mansion in Black Rock City…

He is actually more familiar with Zhou Xu.

While Zhou Xu was making arrangements for Xie Liancheng, a more detailed report was also delivered to him on the other side.

This wave of his three hundred cavalry attacked Yan Sheng's five thousand troops, and the results obtained were not only a few prisoners of war, but also a large amount of supplies!

Don't forget, before Yan Sheng left the city, he looted all the resources in Black Rock City and took away everything he could.

Now that these resources changed hands, they all naturally fell into his hands.

Rounding things off, the villain Yan Sheng did it, and he took all the advantages.

When Zhou Xu saw this, he couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

In addition to a large amount of food equipment, there are also carriages responsible for pulling the food equipment, as well as horses under the cavalry on the opposite side.

Of course, according to their standards for selecting war horses in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the horses here cannot reach the level of war horses at all, but they are also excellent for pulling carriages.

At the same time, this batch of food came in time.

If he wants to send troops to Green Forest City in the future, or even take Xianyang City directly, he must have all the food and grass ready.

It would have taken some time to mobilize them from the rear, but now that he had obtained these trophies, they were ready for him to use.

But even so, Zhou Xu couldn't send troops immediately. They had only taken Blackstone City for a few days. No matter how fast the follow-up action was, the centaur troops led by Drogo and the soldiers trapped in the camp had to rest for two days. Bar?

That night, in order to celebrate this great victory, Zhou Xu held a grand celebration banquet.

After the celebration banquet, early the next morning, a group of generals, including Zhou Chongshan, were called to the lobby of the city lord's mansion by Zhou Xu.

While carrying out post-war review work as usual, we also need to discuss the matter of taking over Green Forest City later.

There wasn’t much to say about the previous battle.

Although there is a huge difference in the strength of the two sides, the three hundred cavalrymen trapped in the camp are all the best among the best. On the other hand, nearly half of the troops on the other side are strong men temporarily captured from Blackstone City to make up the numbers. The rest are basically ordinary infantry. When they get together, they may seem powerful, but in fact they are just a ragtag group of people, not something to be afraid of at all.

When the trapped camp rushed forward, their morale collapsed in an instant, and they were completely defeated, with no ability to fight back.

This time, Yan Sheng suffered the consequences.

After briefly summarizing the reasons and reminding Zhou Chongshan and the others not to be arrogant, Zhou Xu turned the topic to the matter of sending troops to Green Forest City.

They had just taken Blackstone City on their front foot, and it hadn't even been a week since they had planned everything, and now they were going to send troops to Greenwood City again?

This situation caught the generals present a little unprepared.

In response, Zhou Xu directly recounted what he had said to Xie Liancheng and said it again to the generals present.

The problem with Zhou Xu's rhetoric can only be seen by looking at it from the perspective of internal development and management.

There are a group of military generals present. They are busy training troops on weekdays. When they have time, they also study various tactics. Who will study internal development and management? If they could all study this, they would be a group of all-rounders.

Now that they heard what their king said, everyone felt that it made sense.

Now, the matter of sending troops to Green Forest City has basically been finalized. Now it depends on how their king arranges and fights.

Zhou Xu was still the same, letting them think for themselves first.

Under Zhou Xu's education model, all the generals under his command have also grown a lot.

After some discussion, a conclusion was quickly reached.

"When sending troops to Green Forest City, the biggest worry is that Xishan City suddenly launches an attack. Whether the other party takes advantage of this moment to attack Black Rock City, or attacks our troops outside from the flank, or attacks our supply troops, it is a threat. .”

In the lobby, Shi Lei spoke calmly.

"So, according to the general's opinion, the general should lead a force to garrison Blackstone City to ensure the stability of the rear, and then let Second Lieutenant Bai Tu lead 500 troops, supplemented by crossbow troops and trapped troops to capture Green Forest. city."

Having said this, Shi Lei turned his eyes and landed on Zhou Xu.

"At the same time, out of caution, it is best for the king to accompany you to ensure nothing goes wrong!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xu showed a trace of satisfaction on his face.

"That's right. There is no problem with this arrangement."

Shi Lei didn't know that Bai Tu's talent could give him a huge advantage in siege battles. In his opinion, the reason why Bai Tu was allowed to lead the siege was because their king would also go with him and nothing would go wrong.

Under this premise, it would be the wisest choice for him to take charge of Blackstone City and ensure the stability of the rear.

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