Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 709 Entering the City

Almost at the same time that Zhou Chongshan announced the change of ownership of Green Forest City, the siege troops led by Bai Tu took over the city wall on this side as quickly as possible and changed all the flags on the top of the wall.

Looking up at the Great Zhou flag flapping in the wind, Bai Tu felt filled with emotion.

He has lived to this day and has fought quite a few battles, big and small, since joining the army of Weiguo, but he has never won a battle so easily.

Normally, it's a good thing to win so easily.

But he is here to make contributions!

Although the siege troops headed by him also participated in the battle, judging from the results, they only played a supporting and covering role, and later cooperated with the trapped camp to collect and escort the surrendered troops.

The first success of this wave must have been returned to the trapped camp. When he thought of this, Bai Tu felt really melancholy.

But there is nothing they can do. Who says they are inferior in skills?

Zhou Xu quickly entered the city and took some follow-up work after occupying the city. Before, Bai Tu followed Shi Lei, and they were already familiar with it. Now Zhou Xu directly handed over all these matters to Bai Tu, and nothing could go wrong.

But their actions will not stop here. Don't forget, they want to go straight to Xianyang City.

"After we take Green Forest City, we have to leave some troops to garrison here, right? How are we going to take Xianyang City now?"

After entering the city, Xie Liancheng suddenly realized this problem and couldn't help but ask.

After this period of time, it is not difficult for Jie Liancheng to see that Da Zhou is definitely strong enough, but his troops are not enough.

As a result, as the number of occupied cities increased, the number of defenders was insufficient, making it impossible to arrange them.

Faced with this problem, Zhou Xu, who had already made arrangements in his mind, smiled.

"Simple, the key to winning Xianyang City lies with you, the general."


In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and a cavalry unit arrived outside Xianyang City with a sky filled with dust.

The Xianyang City defenders who had noticed their presence early sounded the alarm and quickly issued a warning outside the city.

"Stop whoever comes! If you dare to get closer, we will shoot!"

Listening to the warning from the defenders of Xianyang City, a figure headed by a cavalry unit outside the city pointed the weapon directly at the wall and cursed...

“Open your eyes and see clearly who the labor and management are! You bastards!!”

Youdao is a third-rank official in front of the prime minister. As a defender of the capital city of Xianyang, his status is naturally not comparable to that of the garrisons in other cities. His attitude is usually more arrogant. It is really difficult to be directly pointed at and scolded like this. Never encountered it.

At this moment, I was really confused.

They wanted to get angry, but the man outside the city was so confident in cursing that they were a little unsure and quickly looked at him.

When he saw it, his neck suddenly shrank in fear.

"It's fatal, it's the general!"

Although Yan Sheng has always been suspicious of Xie Liancheng, it is obviously impossible for everyone to know about this kind of thing.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, Xie Liancheng's status as a general is still very easy to use. Naturally, he does not dare to provoke the small officials guarding the city on top of the wall.

However, Cao Peng, the general who is now in charge of commanding the Xianyang City garrison, although he does not have the same reputation as General Silong, he is also Yan Sheng's confidant.

He was also aware of some of Yan Sheng's thoughts.

After hearing the noise, Cao Peng quickly climbed up the wall and poked his head out to see that it was indeed Jie Liancheng!

[What is Xie Liancheng doing with his cavalry troops back in Xianyang at this time? 】

With such doubts, Cao Peng asked loudly: "I wonder what the general is doing when he returns to Xianyang City at this time?!"

Hearing this, the three hundred trapped camp headed by Zhou Chongshan, who had changed their equipment and even mounted bad horses, pretending to be the opposing cavalry, tensed up their nerves.

In the current situation, if you say anything wrong, the defenders on the opposite side may just shoot arrows.

Just when Zhou Chongshan was thinking about how Xie Liancheng would respond, he heard the other party yelling loudly again...

"What the hell are you? Is this what you should ask when you see the door? Open the door for me right now! If you delay things, I will chop your head off!"

These scoldings made Cao Peng's facial muscles twitch. He was obviously a little unable to hold himself tight, but he did not dare to scold him directly.

It is true that he is Yan Sheng's confidant, but among the civil and military officials of the dynasty, who doesn't know that their general is a fool? Even their majesties have nothing to do with each other.

If you really offend the other party, they will chop off your head with a knife. Your death will be in vain!

"Sir, are our city gates open or not?"

They couldn't afford to offend Jie Liancheng, who was cursing outside the city at the moment, but they couldn't afford to offend Cao Peng, their immediate boss in the city, either, and no one dared to act rashly at the moment.

To be honest, Cao Peng had no clue about the current situation.

Things like this would be problematic for other people, but for a guy like Xie Liancheng, they are inexplicably reasonable.

Continuing like this is obviously not an option. At the same time, Xie Liancheng outside the city was scolding him more and more harshly. Cao Peng's face turned blue and white.

"Damn it, this dog | Japan's Jie Liancheng."

After secretly cursing in a low voice, Cao Peng made a decision and called a few confidants to make arrangements.

"You guys, lead a group of people to change into civilian clothes and go to the general's mansion. Surround them quietly first and wait for my signal. As soon as I give the signal, you will rush in and arrest them immediately!"

At this moment, Cao Peng's order also frightened several of his confidants into pale faces, but they did not dare to disobey them.

After watching several of his confidants leave, Cao Peng dilly-dallyed some more to buy them some time, and then ordered people to slowly open the city gate.

When Xie Liancheng saw the city gate opened, he rode straight into the city openly.

Passing through the city gate passage, I saw that in the open space at the end of the passage, the city's defenders had already gathered.

Each one held a weapon and guarded the horse, and further behind, archers were deployed.

At this moment, each one of them, although they did not directly raise their weapons, were obviously ready to take action at any time.

After being fully prepared and wearing the armor of a young city guard, Cao Peng stood behind the horse, protected by a soldier on each side. He fisted at Jie Liancheng and was about to say something. .

Unexpectedly, Jie Liancheng, who was riding on horseback, suddenly exploded. The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand flew out with a sound of breaking through the air, and penetrated Cao Peng's chest with lightning speed!

At that moment, the scene was completely silent. Cao Peng's eyes were widened, and he looked down at the three-pointed two-edged knife that penetrated his chest with disbelief.

He never expected that Jie Liancheng, a bitch like you, would not even pretend after entering the city! !

I went out temporarily for something, and I came back late.

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