Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 751 You have to thank him

Leaving aside food, drink and other things that focus on people's livelihood, what are the things that are very important to the development of civilization? That must be ore!

However, for this ore, Zhou Xu did not need to go from city to city to confirm it. He just summoned Zhang Xuemei and asked her to report it.

His knowledge of ores is very limited, and if he were asked to look at it, he probably wouldn't be able to see anything.

In comparison, Zhang Xuemei has sufficient professional knowledge.

At the same time, before this, Zhang Xuemei was responsible for all the ore-related work here, and she was considered the overall person in charge of this entire work.

"Subordinates, please see your Majesty!"

As always, before Zhang Xuemei entered, Zhou Xu opened the 'Peeping Eyes' to confirm.

This time, there were no more mantras from the other party, and at the same time, the loyalty level increased by two points compared with the initial level, reaching sixty-three points.

It was within Zhou Xu's expectation. After all, we are modern people. Most of them are egoists. They put themselves first, and it is difficult to have high loyalty to anyone.

But Zhou Xu didn't care too much. Zhang Xuemei's job, to put it bluntly, was to explore geology, find mineral veins, and identify ores, and there was no requirement for loyalty.

"I called you in this time mainly because I want to know the specific conditions such as the type and quantity of the mineral veins on this land."

Without any hesitation, Zhou Xu went straight to the point and stated his purpose.

Zhang Xuemei secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then quickly reported.

I don’t know if it’s due to the geographical environment, but the number of mineral veins here is quite considerable.

According to Zhang Xuemei's report, there are a total of two coal mines, three iron mines, two copper mines, one gold mine, two silver mines, four salt mines, and one lead and zinc mine.

This is just the main mineral vein. You must know that these mineral veins also have associated minerals and produce various other ores. Zhou Xu, who has not done much research on this area, feels his head hurt.

For now, the number of minerals discovered here far exceeds that of their old continent.

Of course, this should be largely due to the existence of Zhang Xuemei, a professional.

To put it simply, in the Old Continent, aside from those particularly conspicuous mineral veins, they didn’t know that other mineral veins existed underground or in the mountains.

It’s impossible to dig when you see a piece of land, right? Have you dug it out before replacing it with another piece?

This approach is unrealistic.

"In other words, all the mineral veins here have been discovered?"

Faced with this question, Zhang Xuemei shook her head.

"Although I am engaged in geological exploration, if you want to find deep mineral veins, you also need some professional equipment. In this era, there is no way to do it. Now the most I can do is find some relatively superficial mineral veins."

This answer was not beyond Zhou Xu's expectation.

The convenience of modern society is that there are many convenient devices that simplify many things.

This has also led to many professions, and even many people have lost most of their jobs without these things.

But Zhou Xu is a person who knows how to be content. You know, when he faced the ore before, he basically turned a blind eye and ignored some that were particularly easy to recognize. He didn't know anything else.

But now, at least there is Zhang Xuemei who has relevant knowledge and professional abilities, which is much better than before.

Zhou Xu was also unambiguous after that, and soon told Zhang Xuemei about his plan to transfer the other party to the interior of Dazhou to explore the geology and confirm the mineral veins.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xuemei responded directly and said there was no problem.

Loyalty is low, but she is not a fool and knows who has the final say now.

Nowadays, whether it is Liu Jiefang or Zhang Xuemei, both of them actually have a typical working-class mentality.

According to their ideas, who is working for and not working for? Anyway, as long as the wages and benefits continue to be paid, it will be fine.

In comparison, Liu Jiefang is more open-minded.

Before time travel, domesticating homing pigeons was one of his hobbies, and he was an enthusiast who was deeply involved in the hobby.

In the past, he had to take into account the pressure of life and his family. But now it is better. Now he happily raises pigeons every day and makes money. He is living a happy life and his mentality is naturally better. few.

From this point of view, he and Ma Guotao are also very similar.

But Zhang Xuemei is different. She may have talent for geological exploration, but this is definitely not her hobby. In addition, she is very thoughtful, so this mentality will naturally not improve.

Zhang Xuemei is undoubtedly a talent, and Zhou Xu still hopes that she can work for him honestly.

With this mentality, although Zhou Xu didn't know how to enlighten her, he could provide her with better treatment and rewards.

For example, every time a new vein or ore is discovered, she can be given a bonus. At the same time, when the work comes to an end, she can also be given a month-long vacation.

A month long vacation? In this era, that is unimaginable. Even Zhou Xu himself is always spinning, never giving himself a few days off throughout the year.

Zhang Xuemei is getting a bonus and a long vacation. Let’s not talk about whether her life is better than in modern times. At least it sounds pretty good, right?

Facts have proved that the effect is somewhat effective. By capturing micro-expressions, Zhou Xu can feel that Zhang Xuemei is happy, and her loyalty has also increased a bit, which is a good sign.

Zhang Xuemei, who took over the task, went back and simply packed her things, then took her members of the geological exploration team and set off quickly.

During this period, new coins minted by the mint were also continuously sent over.

With the increase in the amount of new currency reserves on hand, the comprehensive replacement of the currency here has also officially begun.

Each city has a person in charge of this work, and the person in charge of Xianyang City is naturally Li Bowen, the current minister of the administrative department.

Although the work of changing the currency has only officially started now.

But the preliminary work has actually started long ago.

The previous famine paralyzed various cities and displaced most of the people here.

Taking advantage of the famine, Zhou Xu, while relieving victims and advocating for immigrants to arrange work, conveniently took over all the private industries in the city into his own hands, and then provided jobs to the new immigrants.

This method made Li Bowen admire him in his heart. Compared with this king, their previous methods were too naive.

Their king took away all the private property in the city. Looking back, the people had to thank him.

Getting back to the point, the common people have all become his wage earners, and he naturally has to pay them wages.

And the wages paid out are exactly the newly minted copper coins.

Under the circumstances at that time, it would definitely not be enough to exchange all the currencies at once, but it would still be totally fine to pay some wages month by month.

In other words, new currency has long entered people's lives, forming a state of coexistence of old and new currencies.

Compared with replacing them all as soon as they come up, this operation process is undoubtedly more acceptable to the people.

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