Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 759 Issues left over from history

It is not easy to pull this 'jealous talent' back from his innate deficiencies. At present, Zhang Jingyan has already left for the tropical medicine garden. Zhou Xu does not dare to give Huo Qubing too much work intensity and takes his time little by little. Bar.

Opening the file, Huo Qubing quickly focused on the content of the file in front of him.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu also looked away and quickly dealt with the work in front of him.

Don't think that the piles of documents in front of you are the entire workload for today. These are just for the morning, and they will be delivered again in the afternoon.

However, it is undeniable that with Huo Qubing helping him share part of the workload, Zhou Xu finished processing the work documents in front of him almost an hour early this morning.

Stretching vigorously, he turned to look at Huo Qubing who was sitting below.

This kid had already glanced in his direction several times an hour ago. Apparently, he had already finished reviewing the documents at that time.

But he didn't report it directly. Instead, after hesitating for a moment, he read the documents again.

Now that he saw Zhou Xu's eyes sweeping over him, Huo Qubing also made up his mind and spoke in a deep voice...

"Your Majesty, I have finished reading these documents."

"So fast? Let me see."

Hearing this, Huo Qubing couldn't help but become a little nervous again.

Their king gave him a day to read these documents, but he finished them in one morning, and even read them twice. Now he always feels a little uneasy.

But when things got to this point, it was impossible for him to back down.

At this moment, Huo Qubing was like a student standing on the side, watching the teacher criticize his homework. Zhou Xu found that nervous and awkward look quite interesting.

There are no professional issues in the Ministry of Agriculture documents given to Huo Qubing. They are more about resettlement and distribution and follow-up arrangements, which are not difficult to deal with.

Although Huo Qubing's family used to be considered a wealthy family, they have long been in decline. Due to physical reasons in recent years, his life may not be as good as that of many ordinary people. This also makes him better able to understand the thoughts and needs of ordinary people. The treatments made are very practical and not divorced from reality.

However, there are still problems, mostly due to lack of relevant experience and poor thinking.

After Zhou Xu discovered it, he pointed it out to him in time and explained to Huo Qubing what the problem was.

During this period, Huo Qubing stood aside and listened carefully. From time to time, he would also put forward some of his own ideas and questions, and Zhou Xu also answered them one by one.

Under the premise that Huo Qubing had already given a solution, Zhou Xu went to review and revise, which undoubtedly saved a lot of time. It only took thirty minutes to complete the review in one trip.

And this is exactly what Zhou Xu plans to take in the future.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to their ancient Chinese cabinet system.

He will gather talented people, including Huo Qubing, to form a cabinet. They have the power to review documents and put forward opinions, but do not have the power to make final decisions. They are commonly known as senior wage earners.

It can not only ensure that your power is not leaked out, but also effectively reduce your work pressure.

And Huo Qubing is currently the best candidate for the chief minister of his cabinet.

Of course, the premise is that he needs to be fully healthy, otherwise Huo Qubing may not be able to bear the workload of the chief minister of the cabinet in the future.

"There is still some time before lunch, so why don't we go to the Imperial Garden to stretch our muscles first? I learned a new set of Tai Chi a few days ago. You can practice with me in the future."

Although Huo Qubing was curious about where their king learned the new Tai Chi, he nodded in agreement at this moment.

After a period of time, Xie Liancheng taught him Tai Chi and he has become very proficient in it. At the same time, he can clearly feel that the effect of strengthening the body is indeed better than the widely circulated simplified version of Tai Chi for health. .

After teaching Huo Qubing Tai Chi for a while, after lunch, there was still one and a half hours of nap time. When Zhou Xu woke up, he walked to the imperial study room. The afternoon documents were already piled there, and Huo Qubing and Silke were sorting them out there. document.

Huo Qubing, who had taken a nap for the time being, seemed to be in good spirits.

There were not many documents delivered in the afternoon, only one-third of those in the morning. Seeing this, Zhou Xu took out the documents marked important and urgent and handled them personally, and gave all the remaining documents to Huo Qubing. .

It's not that he starts to think about being lazy now, but because what he needs to deal with every day, in addition to these daily documents, there are also a lot of things left for him during Yan Sheng's reign. .

For example, half of the money invested in an original project has been invested. Should you continue working on it now? If we continue to do it, we have to allocate funds quickly, and at the same time, we have to make up for the missing personnel. Most of them are similar to this.

Rounding off can be regarded as a problem left over from history.

But the trouble is that there are not many problems left behind. It took a lot of time for the officials below to compile statistics. It was not until recently that they were sent to Zhou Xu. Waiting for him to make a decision, this is also Zhou Xu's decision. One of the main reasons why I have been so busy lately.


Opening one of the old project files, Zhou Xu suddenly became interested.

I saw that the name of the marked project was ‘Steelmaking! ’

He has always considered smelting steel, but the relevant departments were too busy before and couldn't spare any time. Now it seems that Yan Sheng is doing something serious.

After thinking about this, Zhou Xu's expression became a little more serious as he looked through the document.

With Zhang Xuemei, a woman who knows all kinds of metal minerals very well, it is not difficult for Yan Sheng to understand the secrets of steelmaking.

This is easy to see from the fact that Zhang Xuemei’s name hangs behind the project’s ‘technical consultant’ title.

This also makes the report on steelmaking in this project quite reliable.

Steel is essentially a derivative of iron smelting, or it can be understood as an upgraded product.

Because the earliest steel was produced in the process of repeated forging of fine iron.

This point is recorded in ancient books, "Take more than a hundred fires of fine iron forging, and call it each forging, one forging and one lighter. When it is exhausted and the weight does not decrease, it is pure steel." ’

To put it simply, steel is a carbon-iron alloy. In the process of continuously forging, purifying, and removing impurities, iron reacts chemically with coke in a high-temperature forging furnace to form an alloy.

The so-called "steel can be made into steel", simply speaking, this is what it means.

Of course, the composition of modern steel is more complicated than this. In the process of continuous research, people have added various alloying elements to it to give the steel better hardness, strength, and corrosion resistance. and wear resistance to create different types of steel.

The specific start time of this project was the two months before they started the war. After the war started, due to the impact of funding and various war issues, this project has been shelved until now.

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