
Chapter 501 Received a New House

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, a carriage stopped in front of Dugu Mansion. Pei Sanniang got out of the carriage, and Mrs. Wang was already waiting at the door.

"I'm really sorry that I have to bother my mother-in-law waiting at the door!"

Wang stepped forward and said with a smile: "I don't have anything to do, so why not wait here for a while?"

The two exchanged a few words intimately, then walked arm in arm to the back house.

Pei Sanniang came to see her daughter-in-law, Dugu Xinyue, who showed signs of pregnancy more than ten days ago. Pei Sanniang is a doctor, and she immediately realized that her daughter-in-law was most likely pregnant.

He quickly asked the imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and sure enough, it was confirmed that he had a happy pulse, which made Pei Sanniang extremely happy. She also spent a lot of money to invite Cui Yu, a famous fortune teller in Chang'an, to come and see the house.

As expected, Cui Yu had some skills. He walked around the mansion and decided that the atmosphere of blood and resentment in the mansion was too strong and it was not suitable for raising a fetus.

Pei Sanniang asked her husband to check the details of this mansion, only to find out that this mansion was originally the residence of General Zuo Yulin, Chang Yuankai. During the congenital coup, Chang Yuankai and his three sons were killed in the mansion. .

Pei Sanniang was so angry that she cursed her husband and sent her daughter-in-law back to her parents' home to raise the baby. She came to visit every now and then.

In the back house, Dugu Xinyue was lying on a soft couch, chatting with her two younger sisters.

The two sisters are Qiming, who is fifteen years old, and Taibai, who is fourteen years old. Qiming is Dugujun's daughter, and Taibai is the youngest daughter of her second uncle, Duguming.

"Sister, is it a boy or a girl that fell to the ground in your belly?" Dugu Taibai asked curiously.

"I don't know either. Some people say that she is a meatless boy and a vegetarian girl. I like to eat meat at this time. It should be a boy. But there is also a theory that she is a sour boy and a spicy girl. But I also like spicy food. I am also confused."

Dugu Qiming pursed his lips and smiled and said, "Didn't Auntie say you should watch your steps? If you step with your left foot first, you are a boy, and if you step with your right foot first, you are a girl. I think my sister always steps with her right foot first, so she should be a girl."

Dugu Xinyue sighed, "I wish it was a girl! But I always put my right foot first, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the child in my belly."

Dugu Xinyue smiled and asked again: "Taibai, I heard that you are on a blind date. You are the fifth son of the Cui family. How is your talent and appearance?"

Dugu Taibai shook his head, "Still studying! He's only seventeen years old, but he looks fair and fair, but he's very young. I don't like it very much!"

"You damn girl, he's only seventeen years old, how old do you want him to be?"

Dugu Taibai pouted and said: "My husband-in-law is only nineteen years old! He is already the county prince and the governor of Anxi. Even my father has to obey him."

"I can't compare with your brother-in-law. There are not many people like your brother-in-law in the world. You really like young and mature people. There must be some in the army. Can Brother Jinyang introduce it to you?"

"I don't like those soldiers either. They are all very rude. Unless they can be like your husband and let me become a princess at the age of twenty."

Dugu Xinyue rolled her eyes, feeling depressed. Why were these sisters staring at her husband-in-law? The one next to her was still smiling and saying nothing!

Dugu Xinyue also secretly regretted in her heart that she shouldn't have made a hot-headed promise to Qiming in the first place, and now she refuses to go on a blind date. She only waits for her to be a partial concubine at the age of eighteen. Hey! I’m so troubled!

At this time, the maid said at the top of the stairs: "Mrs. Pei is here!"

ah! When her mother-in-law arrived, Dugu Xinyue quickly stood up, holding on to the railing and slowly went downstairs.

Pei Sanniang quickly stepped forward to support Dugu Xinyue, "Slow down and be careful!"

"Grandma, I'm fine."

Pei Sanniang put the food box on the table and said with a smile: "I brought a few dishes. They are all Aunt Mu's specialties. They should still be hot."

Dugu Xinyue said happily: "That's great. The twice-cooked pork and fish-flavored shredded pork made by aunt are my favorite."

Pei Sanniang glanced at Dugu Xinyue's lower abdomen again and asked with a smile: "How have you been feeling these past two days? Have you felt the child's heartbeat?"

Dugu Xinyue nodded, "I did feel my heartbeat. It started the day before yesterday. How did my mother-in-law know?"

"I have also given birth to a child. I know the approximate time. It is estimated that in the past few days, this child's heartbeat is almost the same as his father's. I guess he is very similar to his father."

"Does your mother-in-law think it's a boy?"


Pei Sanniang smiled and said: "Both boys and girls are the treasures of our family. To be honest, I have always hoped that I would have a daughter. If I don't have a daughter, a granddaughter is fine!"

Dugu Xinyue's heart dropped silently, and she was worried that her mother-in-law would be unhappy if she gave birth to a daughter.

"There's another big thing!"

Pei Sanniang smiled again and said: "Yesterday, an official from the Ministry of Rites came and said that your canonization as the princess of the county has been approved. Then the emperor gave the prince a palace, which happened to be under the jurisdiction of Ye'er's father. This time he specially arranged for his men to investigate the details of the house to ensure that there is no That kind of thing happened, there are three houses in total, you need to choose them yourself.”

The kind of thing Pei Sanniang was talking about was a bloody murder, which was a taboo in their family.

Of course Dugu Xinyue wants to have her own home. It is not convenient to live in her parents' house all the time. It would be better to be closer to her parents-in-law, which is also convenient.

"Where is the house?"

"One is in Xuanyangfang, one is in Xuanpingfang, and one is in Guanglufang. I was thinking that it is an official residence anyway, not a private residence. Whether the location is good or not has nothing to do with us, so I think the house in Xuanpingfang is good. Right across from us, what do you think?"

Dugu Xinyue nodded and smiled: "How about we go and take a look now?"

The women had a common interest in houses, so they all hit it off and went to see the house together. Not only Pei Sanniang and Dugu Xinyue's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but also Mrs. Wang, Dugu Qiming and Dugu Taibai, a group of five women went to Xuanyuan in a carriage. Pingfang.

In fact, Pei Sanniang had already visited yesterday. The old man who kept the house knew the waiter's wife and quickly opened the door to invite them in.

The house is very large, covering an area of ​​20 acres. It was once the official residence of Yuan Shuji, the king of Nanyang County, one of the five heroes of the Shenlong Coup. It was later rebuilt. Li Longji gave it to the Prince Consort Dou Yi, and Dou Yi and Princess Changshan stayed there for three years. He moved away before, and the official residence has been empty.

The surrounding environment is good and quiet, and it is far away from the commercial district in the square. Dugu Xinyue is very satisfied with this.

Dugu Xinyue walked around the mansion. The house looked very new, with two courtyards on the east and west sides. The back house also occupies a relatively large area, with a five-acre garden and pond, as well as pavilions and pavilions, all of which were extremely delicately built. .

Pei Sanniang pointed at the pond and smiled: "I later discovered that this pond is actually living water. There is a spring below. It does not freeze in winter, and water gurgling out from the bottom."

"If the water keeps coming out, where will the water go?" Dugu Xinyue asked in confusion.

"Don't you know? There is a small river behind. It is not the river to the south, but a relatively hidden river. There is also a pier for boating."

Dugu Xinyue was overjoyed when she heard there was a creek. If there was a creek, she could take a boat directly to her garden.

She quickly said: "Let's go take a look!"

The old man who kept the house opened the back door. Outside the back door was a piece of grass. On the other side of the grass was a small river. The edges of the river were built with bluestones. Years of soaking made the bluestones covered with moss.

There is also a stone step in the middle, from which one can directly board the boat. Dugu Xinyue is more concerned about the water quality. Although the river is frozen, it can be seen that the water quality is not bad and no dirty things are seen.

Although every household washes clothes and vegetables by the river, they generally do not dump toilets in the river. On the one hand, the government has strict control. Once reported, they will be severely fined. Everyone knows that dumping the toilet directly in the river will cause Disease occurs.

On the other hand, basically every household has a toilet, and someone will come regularly to help clean it for free.

There are two rivers in Xuanpingfang, one is in the south, where common people live, where everyone washes vegetables and clothes, and the north is where officials live, so the river looks very clear.

Dugu Xinyue smiled and said, "I'm going to buy a boat!"

Pei Sanniang smiled and said, "It seems that Xinyue is quite satisfied with this house?"

Dugu Xinyue nodded, "The main reason is convenience. The back house is also good. The garden is huge and there is running water."

"Then it's settled! I'll tell Ye'er's father tonight."

Mrs. Wang smiled at the side and said: "I will arrange all the other furniture you need! We have it ready in the warehouse, and I will also arrange the servants, women and servants."

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