Titan Dawn

: Section 14: Broken Hand Arena and Changes

The black trident's black trident banner slammed from the Iron Horde, and Grom * Hellscream was constantly practicing various martial arts and magic of his newly acquired Death Knight in a rough and simple arena.

Cargas * Bladefist established this shattered hand arena. Although he got rid of the fate of the gladiator who was enslaved by the Overlord's Ogre Empire, he still keen on the cruel activity of the arena.

In his words: "This is an activity for men."

Cargas strode over and watched as the fishermen captives were being pulled over by the grip of death, and then Grom, who was slicing them into pieces with blood.

"Grom, you've done these exercises countless times."

Grom set aside the blood roar and rubbed the remaining blood on his palm.

"Only by constantly practicing and turning these martial arts into your own instincts can you truly be your own power." Grom said, looking at Cargas. "Kargas, don't always focus on your broken hand arena. The evil system has more magic than my blood system? It requires more training."

Cargas grinned and grinned. His dark gray skin and ice blue eyes could scare any human child.

"But not today. The Broken Hand Arena will usher in the first fight. I have to look carefully."

加 The Iron Horde's second-hand leader, Kargas * Bladefist, built a simple arena: the Shattered Hand Arena. And a competitive event was held, rewarding 10,000 gold coins sponsored by the Heisuo Chaebol.

This caused a sensation, and a large number of adventurers began to pour into the western wilderness. It is said that even the Grand Commander of Lothar would participate.

"Welcome to the Broken Hand Arena !!!" A goblin employee of the Hessou Chase held an Arcane Crystal PA microphone in his hand and shouted at the crowded arena with a sharp voice to the crowded arena. .

"This event is exclusively sponsored by Heisuo Chaebolt. If you buy a good weapon, bomb, and armor, look for Heisuo Chaebolt! Good afternoon, everyone, here is the shattered handball sponsored by Heisuo Chaebol ..."

This goblin was kicked by Cargas before he finished talking.

"There is no end!" Growled Cargas.

He picked up the microphone: "Broken hand gladiator, there is only one rule! Kill your enemies! Or humiliately lose! Gladiator gets one hundred gold coins for every victory! Or ..." Squinting to see Lothar flexing his muscles at the other end of the arena. "Or, winning ten games in a row, leading your team to the final ultimate challenge, defeating one hundred Shattered Hand Clash gladiators in a row! The passer will be the Supreme Power recognized by the Shattered Hand clan! And get Ten thousand gold coins! "

的 The Shattered Hand orc in the auditorium raised his right fist, and cheered loudly.

"Now, the competition starts !!!" Cargas yelled, and returned the microphone to the goblin host.

First comes a team of several adventurers who will face an equal number of Shattered Hand orcs.

In an unsuspecting battle, this group of adventurers was beaten and urinary, shouting and admitting defeat while avoiding the crazy hacking of the shattered hand orc.

There was a huge hiss in the audience.

"Below is the recently risen dwarf adventurer, the Oscar * Diamond known as the fiery landowner! He will bring his own weapon named Dust Messenger and his team to bring us a A wonderful gladiator! "The goblin host honestly continued to host.

Oscar and a young human mage walked in from the entrance and watched the two shattered hand orcs jump from the auditorium opposite.

"Sisalis, just look at how my fiery landlord triumphs, hahaha!" Oscar said to the human mage.

Sisalis Mogleni, the youngest son of Mogleni, Lord of the Ashes of the Knights of the Silver Hand. As the only mage in the Paladin family, Lord Mograine had a headache for the young son. But because this little son was very petting, he let him go. Anyway, his two brothers have become qualified paladins.

Oscar rushed forward without waiting for the human mage to speak.

感受 "Feel the anger of the landlord of fire! Orc!" As he said, Oscar pulled out two iron golems that made the orc stunned.

Tin grenades! This dead elf wants to blow them up!

Cargas frowned, and he suddenly discovered that his usual rules of gladiator had holes. I didn't say I can't use a bomb!

Look at the field again, two shattered hand orcs were blasted and ran away, and Oscar chased after him. . .

I am so. . . The first Oscar victory was rewarded with a hundred gold coins.

As for the second game. . . Four heavily armed shattered orcs jumped into the arena with muskets. Well, since you use bombs, we will keep up with the times!

Then a good fight turned into this strange look now: the two sides hide behind a simple bunker, you shoot me a shot, and I return you a bomb or a missile. . .

闹 This farce came to an end in the roar of the dwarf shouting after the exhaust of Oscar's grenade inventory and the magic of the human mage.

Cargas coughed a few times and glanced at the grinning Grom beside him.

"It's just a mistake. I will perfect the rules next time I fight."

The Goblin host shouted again with some excitement: "Below is the general commander General Lothar and his guard corps! They will challenge the ultimate honor of shattered hand-to-hand combat, a hundred people cut!

Rosa raised his brother's sword and pointed at Cargas.

"Kargas! I'll honor what I said to you then! I want you to admit it for myself, am I the warrior you admire!"

Cargas * Bladefist also stood in front of the platform and laughed aloud.

"Let ’s get started, Lothar of Stormwind! I'll count on it, and when you are really capable of defeating a hundred Shattered Hand Orcs, I will solve you personally!"

"Broken hands! Offense !!!"

With the roar of Cargas, the shattered orcs in the audience began to jump into the arena one after another and rushed to Lothar and his relatives.

大家 Because everyone belongs to the same faction now, they are not enemies, so they are attacking each other toward the minor parts, or how to fight with pain.

Although humans are not as good as orcs in terms of size, physical strength, and strength, humans' organizational abilities and formation methods are far more standardized than orcs.

Losa and his soldiers formed a defensive formation. They played steadily and did not seek speed. They only wanted to hit every hit.

As a result, the orcs suffered heavy losses under the chaotic charge and refueling tactics. Soon, dozens of orcs fell to the ground and mourned painfully.

"Sixty!" Cargas shouted loudly, squinting with his eyes standing on the high platform.

Losa's relatives also began to suffer from physical weakness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, or were hit hard by the orcs with their axe hitting their abdomen and falling down in pain.

Grom also stared at the arena with great interest, and his blood-red eyes showed fiery warfare.

After half an hour, the orcs and humans in only one place on the arena writhing painfully on the ground, holding their various parts.

"I'm only ninety-nine, Lothar." Carcas looked at the only Lothar standing, squinting.

Roussa gasped and said nothing, but raised his left hand and hooked his fingers at Cargas.

"Come on, the hundredth."

Cargas laughed, then jumped up and jumped into the arena.

"You are a warrior, Lothar. Whether you beat me or not, I admit it."

这 "Let's say it until you are knocked down by me fiercely." Lothar said with a smile, and then spit blood on the ground.

Cargas was so wary that he raised his fist and rushed towards Lothar.

来 "Come on Lothar! Let me see how much you can do!"

A few days later, Lothar became famous again.

He gained the respect of the Shattered Hand clan and became a strange friendship with Cargas. They talked rudely and did not conceal their contempt and abuse at each other in words.

But the two really became friends.

Soon, led by Lord God, and promoted by Lothar, the people of Stormwind began to accept that the orc soldiers of the Iron Horde came to Stormwind to play when they were idle, or squandered their newly issued salary.

Alas, Stormwind also became the first human city to allow orcs to enter the city and hang out on the streets.

Of course, this is limited to the Iron Horde under the Lord His Majesty.

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