Titan Dawn

Chapter 75: : Late War and Sudden Changes

"Where is my Goron? Where is the big Goron I put here?" Hu Feng opened his arms and stared at the open space in front of him. There was a goron here, but nothing was there at the moment.

The caretaker's magic swordsman and the food handler began to report the mystery of Gron's disappearance. . .

After listening to Hu Feng for a long time, I heard clearly that it turned out to be the third child of Windrunner's house, and the youngest Wen Leisha also came to Stormwind City. After taking a close look at this period of time, the two older sisters no longer feared Goron, and they also learned some methods to drive Goron. So the two elder sisters took Windessa and took a ride on Gordon's shoulder. . .

"Which way are you going?"

"Return to Lord God, go to the direction of Xiquan Fortress. Ms. Windrunner should want to go to the western wilderness. After all, there are no trees there, which is very suitable for Goron." Captain Magic Sword answered Hu Feng respectfully.

Hu Feng's knowledge spread rapidly to the west, and soon he found Goron, who had just reached the western wilderness border, and three elven rangers on his shoulders.

I was sure there was no danger. Hu Feng sighed helplessly and decided to play with them.

In Alterac Kingdom, King Aiden was dying of the orcs, and what happened recently became the last straw that crushed him.

Lordaeron and Gilneas have been desperately using Iron Star to attack the Horde, and Kul Tiras, a maritime power, has taken on the job of logistics and express delivery. They picked up from the port of Stormwind, and then the long fleet went all the way Go north and unload the delivery in Yinsong Forest. The industrious Kul Tiras express brothers made the war between Lordaeron and Gilneas more and more smooth.

So Orgrim discovered that this sudden and horrible suicide weapon in the Northern Kingdom seemed to be endless and never used up. The Horde warriors were blown up by the Iron Star, and lost their positions one after another and kept back.

So Orgrim decisively changed the main attack direction, and decided to kill the Alterac Kingdom, which has been a shrinking turtle since the beginning of the war.

Suddenly the Horde came so suddenly that the Alterac Kingdom fryers. King Ayden scolded the ancestors of King Terenas Menethil of Lordaeron and King Gene Greymane of Gilneas in his palace for eighteen generations. Their suicide attack was indeed blown away, but now the orcs who were blown up are coming to Alterk to vent their anger!

Alas, after thinking about it for a long time, Aiden, the king of merchandising, finally made an eye-catching decision that made the world laugh and startle: The Kingdom of Alterac surrendered to the tribe!

This makes the northern countries and the southern alliance members do not know what to say. It is not clear that the situation has reached this point, and only Aiden is alone. Now that the tribe is about to be defeated, in order to avoid the advent of war and fear in the heart, it has surrendered!

This is the first surrendering force among human beings. The rapids in the Arathor Highlands was ruined and in the hinterland of the tribe. From the outbreak of the war to the present, your Alterac Kingdom has not been damaged, and you have lost a South Sea town and Tallenmere in Hillsbrad Hills. It is the luckiest of all the kingdoms. Instead, you surrender!

The alliance immediately announced the cancellation of Alterac's status as a reserve observer country in the alliance and cut off all trade. The northernmost Quel'Thalas, as the little elf of the night elves, immediately announced the cessation of all luxury and magic crystal and equipment transactions. Although they did not want to give up this profit-making transaction, there was no way. The night elves watched at the border surveillance fortress in Quel'Thalas. I would kill you if you did not listen.

Suddenly, the good situation suddenly became a little more confusing, and the tribes all retreated to the Alterac Mountains area, and began to build defensive fortresses to defend themselves. The Barov family, the largest real aristocracy in Alterac Kingdom, subsequently announced its departure from Alterac, and all contracted back to the old nest on Lake Island on the border with Lordaeron, and took away all the gold coins and Supplies.

King Aiden regretted it again, but followed him at all times, "protecting" his two orc guards, so that he had no chance if he wanted to repent.

The furious King Terenas issued an order to attack at all costs in Lordaeron's capital, Lordaeron. The attitude of the Gilneas Kingdom is beginning to become somewhat interesting. Everyone knows the ambitions of Lordaeron ’s great power. Will Lordaeron surrender the surrendered Alterac and the destroyed Whitewater Fort after the war? I swallowed all of them, and everyone didn't know it.

王国 The Kingdom of Kul Tiras does not care, and continues to play the role of his little brother, anyway, Kul Tiras's territory is suspended overseas ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lordaeron is powerless.

As for Dalaran, haha, let's not worry anymore. Everyone also counted on the support of these princes and cultivating mages for them. Lordaeron would only dial Dalaran unless his brain was broken from top to bottom.

The puppet alliance is making a lot of money in the south, and the arms business has made the members of the alliance profitably. Even the wild hammer dwarves in Eagle's Nest have exported a large amount of spirits unique to the griffins and wild hammer dwarves. Now the entire Hinterlands area is under the control of wild hammers. The group of trolls in Zul'jin have already Evacuated with the tribe.

Although the situation has become somewhat troublesome again, the final victory is still beyond doubt. So it is not surprising that Gilneas began to calculate his own abacus. And Riptide is not a fool. They also saw Lordaeron's ambitions, and after defeating the tribe, they said they might not be next. As for Alterac, that was Aiden's own death. If Lordaeron wanted to eat him, no fault could be found in any country.

Suddenly, Whitewater Fortress made a secret contact with the Alliance, trying to explore the tone. If he could join the alliance or become a reserve observer member, Lordaeron would not dare to tear his face. After all, the Alliance is now a behemoth with a Titan deity behind it. Although this Lord God is very lazy, Tiantianzhai does not do anything to eat and drink in Stormwind City, but everyone knows that once the interests of the alliance are affected, then the **** punishment will come to your house the next day.

I do n’t talk about the Alliance, just one Storm Kingdom is enough for Lordaeron to drink a pot. Since Meri * Winterwind took over the guardian and inherited Karazhan, with the relationship of the Lord God apprentice, the guardian and the storm kingdom are like wearing a pair of pants. The whole southern continent except the group of goblins in the treasure bay of Stranglethorn Vale Beyond that, the rest of the world is already the world of the Alliance.

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