Before the Frost Plain Barbarians left, Axia, the only lingua franca, yelled "Beware of Shiva River."

After confirming that there were no stalkers around, the leader of the detachment rode to the prison car: "Mage, what did the Frosthara people mean?"

"It's dangerous to cross the river," Burris said.

"It's winter, and the ice on the Shiva River is very thick, enough to make..."

"That's not what I meant," Burris interrupted. "There are very dangerous things in the Shiva River. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them, and I can't describe what they are. I mentioned in the letter, could it be you Forgot?"

"Everything went smoothly when we came, and we only met a few modified wolves on the bank of the river."

Burris said: "Illil has been using spells to control the things in the river to ensure that they will not mess up casually. When you crossed the river, Illil was busy preparing for an important experiment, so he didn't wake up those creatures... now He is dead, everything at the bottom of the river is free, and we are likely to be attacked when we return."

The leader of the detachment thought for a while: "There should be no problem. The ice layer is very thick, even if there is something below it, it can't affect us."

"My lord, are you tired? Maybe you should take a break?" Burris couldn't help but ridicule in his heart. "Otherwise, how could your crisis awareness and common sense be so lacking? The Khiva River has nearly half of the knots each year. During ice time, if the things the instructor raises can be blocked by the ice layer, what is the point of raising them? Do people across the river appreciate them through the ice?"

The leader of the detachment frowned and stared at the mage, his hand gripping the reins getting tighter. Before he spoke, Manero next to the prison car asked first: "Master, what is your suggestion?"

Burris said: "We can walk northeast along the river, out of the forest, to the east of the Shiva River. That area has not been touched by Illil. There is no magic cultivation material at the bottom of the river, and the monsters will not run over. There is on the other side of the river. Kingdom of Sandonia."

The leader of the detachment sullenly said: "No, it's too far. This trip will take at least half a month. The silent prayer asks us not to be extravagant. It is against the order to change the route temporarily. And the Northern Star City is unwilling to deal with the Shandenia. ."

Burris only knew that this road could be taken, but didn't know what kind of country Sundernia was. He silently thought, if the Northern Star City hates Sandenia, then perhaps Sandenia is a good country.

"Or, you can also let me cast spells," despite this suggestion, Burris did not hold out hope. "I have two spells that can help you. In the first, I can give each of you an emblem. Illil is alive. At the time, this emblem can guarantee that the holder will not be attacked by monsters in the river. Now it has limited effect and may not completely protect us, but it can definitely confuse monsters and delay their actions. Monsters will think Illil when they see the emblem. Still, when they understand, we have passed the ice quickly. The second method is to send a message to the fellow wizards in the North Star City, asking them to explain the situation to your silent prayers and ask if they can change the return journey. Route. Maybe the silent prayer will agree with you to go from Shandonia?"

The leader of the detachment sneered: "Speaking of which, you just want to cast a spell. Don't have any illusions. Once you chant the spell, none of us knows what you are saying! Sorry, I don't believe you. This It’s not a personal grudge. If the temple finds you innocent in the future, I will apologize to you, but now I can’t trust you. Also, we won’t ask silent prayers for that kind of ridiculous diversion plan. The Knights of the Temple will not know. Hard to retreat."

After speaking, the leader of the detachment rode back to the front of the team. Burris said nothing. His face was frozen, but he couldn't help but want to laugh.

You are unwilling to change your course, neither because of wisdom or bravery, but because you are just afraid of causing dissatisfaction with high-level pastors. Isn't it the most obvious cowardice to fear being accused of being cowardly?

Maybe you will really die on the Shiva River... I won't help you again this time. I dare not help you anymore. I have a mentor's emblem on me, and the monster won't notice me first.


Burris looked to the side of the prison wagon. Manello rode sadly, the edge of the wool cloak being ripped off.

During a break in the early morning, Manello cut a piece of fabric from the cloak and secretly stuffed it into the crevice of the shackles on Burris's hand, separating the cold metal from the skin.

Manello was still angry, but he explained in a low voice: "The silent prayer asks us to treat the captives fairly. You mages are fine-skinned and tender. How can you stand such heavy shackles? Besides, in case the metal sticks. Your wrist, then you will suffer..."

This morning, the team took a break again. Burris looked at Manello and secretly made up his mind.

"Mr. Manello..." he whispered, "Will you come over, please?"

Manello leaned over: "What's the matter?"

Burris moved his body with difficulty, leaning against the railing of the prison car, and exposed his handcuffed hands outside. "I want to ask you a favor, I don't know if you want to."

His voice is weaker than before. He is indeed uncomfortable, but he hasn't felt so painful yet, he just thinks it's easier to gain trust.

"Tell me what's the matter first." Manello's tone was serious, but there was a hint of intolerance in his eyes.

"There is a string on my left wrist with a ceramic ring and a perforated glass bead on it. See it?"

Manello had already seen the ring and the glass beads when the shackles were tucked away. He didn't care too much, after all, the mages always carried all kinds of bits and pieces.

"Please take them off," Burris said. "They are not magic items and won't hurt you. You've encountered them before, right? Yes, this ring... is my relative. Leave it to me. I have been carrying it since I can remember, but unfortunately I don’t know who that relative is. Maybe it’s a small handmade work by my mother, or a sign of my father’s family... I guessed a lot possibility……"

Manello carefully untied the string and held the ring and beads in his hand: "What do you want me to do? Recognize the pattern on it?"

"No," Burris whispered, "Mr. Manello, even if I get to the North Star City, I won't get the judgment right away, right? Everything takes time... During this time, I hope you can keep it for me. It...until I am cleared of the crime or convicted."

"Why? I mean, why can't you hold it yourself?"

"Because I am afraid that my family will be exhausted... if they are still alive. I have not met my parents and I don't know if they are still alive, but what if I have brothers and sisters or other distant relatives? If the ring is really related to my family, Then others are likely to find them through the patterns. Once I am convicted, my relatives will inevitably be pointed out. There is a child in the family who serves the Lord of the White Tower, Yylil, which is not a good reputation. No matter what I end up with. In any case, my relatives shouldn’t be involved. They haven’t even seen me, so they don’t have to share my guilt."

Manello clenched the ring tightly: "I understand, I will keep it for you. I won't show it to anyone until your verdict comes out. After you are acquitted, I will take it again. Back to you."

"If I am convicted, please help me destroy it."

The young knight murmured "No," and carefully put the ring and beads into his pocket.

"By the way, what is this bead?"

Burris smiled weakly: " was given to me by a girl. I don't know her address and name, only that her house is on the other side of the river. Keep it for me for a while, it's hard for me to keep it, even more difficult. Protect such a small thing."

Manello nodded very understandingly: "I understand. It is estimated that the girl you are talking about is an Elder, and now only we Elders dare to approach the Shiva River."

Burris exhorted: "Sir, other knights can see us talking here. If your friends or superiors ask you about you, please show them only the beads. Never take out or mention the ring. After all, the beads are on. Without any signs, it won't involve that girl, and the ring is different. Please, please..."

"I understand. Don't worry, I understand..." Manello's expression was very solemn, and Burris secretly let go of his heart.

In fact, there is no "girl on the other side of the river" at all. The glass beads were originally an accessory for a certain magic tool, but they are no longer useful.

Burris made up the story of the beads just to provide Manello with a convenient tool for lying.

The leader of the detachment would definitely ask him what he discussed with the wizard and what the wizard gave him. It is impossible for him to make up stories and lie, so Burris has to give him a ready-made lie.

Of course, concealing the existence of the ring is also a lie, and Manello needs to take the initiative to conceal it. Burris had no doubt that Manello would do well.

It is said that the Templar knights have always treated people honestly and never lied, but this is not necessarily the case. For the honor of blood relatives, for the kind girl... For the Templar knights, these motives are noble and reasonable. All lies based on noble foundations are not lie. Such concealment is not only shameless, but also a kind of help. To the satisfaction of the weak.

What is engraved on the ring is not a family crest at all, but a protective emblem of Yylil. Burris's own emblem is on his shoulders, as are other apprentices and servants who live in the tower. This type of ring is a temporary tool used to lend to people who occasionally enter and exit the White Tower.

The knights spent a whole day in the rime forest because they had gone so many wrong ways.

In the morning, they met a modified creature that looked like a giant wolverine. Its brain was exposed, and there were many strange devices stuck in its body. It is estimated that it broke free from the restraints and ran out after Yylil died. Although this thing was fierce but not high in IQ, it didn't take long for the knights to deal with it. Two knights hung up the dots, but it was not too serious.

At noon, at Burris's advice, they bypassed a sparsely forested area. That direction seems easy to go, but in fact it exudes a strong breath of undead creatures. Those things are hung in the frozen ground, and the proximity of living people is likely to awaken them.

The sun in the north sets early. When it darkened again, they finally saw the Shiva River.

When they came, the knights did not walk this way. At that time, the river they were walking on was not wide enough to see the opposite bank at a glance, but now the river in front of them was incredibly wide.

Burris looked out from the fence of the prison: "I haven't reached the Shiva River...this is Jingbing Lake."

Hearing what he said, Manello next to him showed joy instead: "Jingbing Lake? So not only did we not deviate from the course, but we were also closer to the Northern Star City!"

Jingbing Lake is connected to the Shiva River, and the annual freezing period on the lake is longer than that of the Shiva River. This is closer to the Northern Star City than the expected route. When he came, the leader of the detachment took into account that the forest is more conducive to concealment, so he deliberately did not go to the lake. Instead, he chose a route with a slight detour, a narrow river surface and dense vegetation on both sides I'm back, maybe it's faster to go from here.

Looking at the snowy lake, the leader of the detachment ordered to continue to advance from the lake. After walking through the glacial lake, there is a small section of the river, and then another section of the river, and then going forward is where the North Star City and Ould meet.

Before stepping on the ice, Burris was released from the prison cart and escorted by two knights on foot. They temporarily opened the shackles, let the mage's hands that had been cut back back to front of them, and then locked the shackles again. Although the leader of the detachment was tough, he still took care of the safety of the prisoners.

Burris looked at the back of the leader of the detachment: "I don't recommend you to go to Jingbing Lake. There are things on the bottom of the water in this area. Jingbing Lake is more dangerous than Shiva River. It is best to walk east and go around to find a narrower one. The surface of the river."

But you will certainly not listen to me. He added silently in his heart.

Sure enough, the leader of the detachment said: "The lake looks big, but walking from here will save time."

"I reminded you." The mage lowered his head helplessly. The leader of the detachment did not pay attention to him again.

After stepping on the ice, two knights born in the north came to the front of the team. They are better at observing the ice surface and can tell which direction is safer.

The ice surface with thick snow is very dangerous. People not only can't see the texture on the ice, but also easily step into the trap called "snow bridge".

The snow surface remains flat, but the ice surface under the snow has gaps or cracks, and is exposed to running water-this is the so-called snow bridge. If someone stepped in, he would immediately be washed under the real ice layer by the current. The snow made the ice darker, and it would be difficult for those who fell into the water to find the cracks and climb up.

They really met Snow Bridge, and they met three times. Fortunately, the two northerners had rich wintering experience. They used their spears and the stones accumulated on the road to detect the danger, and led everyone around.

"I don't think it's right," one of the black-haired guys murmured, "the ice should be very porcelain now, how come there are so many snow bridges..."

"We didn't walk from here when we came, maybe the temperature here is different." Another knight said.

After speaking, he leaned his spear into the snow ahead and shook slightly. The snow was cracking, and dark lake water was exposed below.

"Look, another one." He looked back at his companion, but the spear in his hand suddenly fell.

The knight looked at the river with horror. He clearly felt that the spear was dragged into the water by a force.

He reacted quickly and immediately reminded everyone to pay attention loudly. Before he finished speaking, a touch of white appeared in the ice cave in front of him.

A gray-white hand poked out of the water.

It is not a human hand, or even a human corpse... This palm is not connected to an arm, but a soft and thick gray snake body.

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