To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 577 You really do everything you can

Su Peizhen stood there. After Su Chenghui left, she finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Grandpa Huo, I'm not feeling well. I'm going back to rest first."

After saying this with all her last grace, she left quickly.

Huo Yifan hurriedly said hello to Mr. Huo and quickly caught up with him.

Mr. Huo sat there, wondering how things had turned out like this.

It seemed that it was at this moment that he finally realized something was wrong.

"Brother, look at this -"

Huo Yangyuan and Huo Yangxiu both looked at Mr. Huo. Mr. Huo waved his hand.

"I'm just impatient, forget it, let's not mention it in advance."

"Yes, yes." Nian Chunya interjected: "If you ask me, there are a lot of good girls in Rongcheng, so there is no need to be as knowledgeable as them."

Mr. Huo glanced at him, his eyes a little cold. Nian Chunya was embarrassed for a moment and stopped talking.


Not long after Su Qingsang sent Li Qianxue away, she discovered that Su Chenghui was also leaving.

"Dad. Are you leaving now?"

Su Chenghui looked at Su Qingsang with a complicated expression. He had just broken another daughter's heart severely.

But even so, he did feel guilty towards Su Qingsang.

"Qingsang, I've booked a flight back to Lin City tomorrow. Your mother probably won't stay in Rongcheng for long, so you have to take good care of yourself."


"Qingsang, what happened in the past was all dad's fault. I'm sorry for you."

When he scolded Su Peizhen, how could he be qualified?

A gentleman does not bully the darkroom. He failed, and now he has to bear the consequences.

The sisters becoming enemies was not what he wanted to see, but it was something he was powerless to stop.

"Dad. It's all over. It's okay."

Su Chenghui didn't know what to tell her. He looked at Su Qingsang and suddenly reached out to hug her.

"Qingsang, don't wrong yourself. Don't let others wrong you. If someone bullies you, you can tell me and dad will definitely stand up for you."

Su Qingsang was unexpectedly hugged by Su Chenghui and was stunned.

She didn't know how to react for a moment, so she just stood there stupidly.

Su Chenghui patted her back, thought for a long time, and finally said: "Be careful with Peizhen. She——"

He didn't finish what he said next, but he believed Su Qingsang could understand. Judging from Su Qingsang's performance today, he was not someone who would let others bully him, so he could rest assured.

Looking behind him, Huo Jinyao didn't know when he came, standing behind Su Qingsang to speak.

Su Chenghui gave him a look that made each other understand. Huo Jinyao nodded, Su Chenghui let go of his hand and looked at Su Qingsang with guilt in his eyes.

In the corridor, the cold air from the air conditioner made people's arms feel chilly.

After Su Chenghui left, Su Qingsang couldn't help but glance at Huo Jinyao: "What's wrong with my dad?"

Huo Jinyao glanced at Su Qingsang and told him the latest news he had just received.

"Your dad rejected grandpa's proposal. He objected to Su Peizhen marrying into the Huo family."


This time, it was Su Qingsang's turn to be shocked.

It was not only Huo Jinyao who got the news, but also Liu Tongjia.

Liu Tongjia felt a little confused. Compared with Mr. Huo's misunderstanding, she knew Su Peizhen's true intentions better.

She wanted to embarrass Su Qingsang and see Su Qingsang make a fool of herself.

On the one hand, she was afraid that Su Qingsang would really make a big mistake and disgrace the Huo family. On the one hand, I hated Su Peizhen for his lack of expression.

Such an important occasion is being messed up like this, that is, other people don't know about it.

In the end, Su Qingsang handled it perfectly. Normally, she should feel relieved, but she felt uncomfortable again.

The better Su Qingsang behaves, the more uncomfortable she becomes. Because she always thinks of Su Qingsang hugging Zhang Yichen.

That feeling stuck in Liu Tongjia's throat, and it was really uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Huo Mingguang noticed that Liu Tongjia's face was not very pretty: "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Liu Tongjia shook his head. Thinking of another thing: "Then Su Chenghui is sensible. He knows that his daughter is an illegitimate daughter and is not worthy of the Huo family, so he came to stop it. But now isn't it a slap in our face?"

That Su Pei is really an illegitimate daughter, not worthy of Huo Yifan. But wasn’t the previous Su Qingsang also an illegitimate daughter? But she married Huo Jinyao.

what does this mean?

Could it be that in Su Chenghui's heart, her son was no better than Huo Yifan?

Huo Mingguang has been in the mall for a long time and is a good person. Thinking of something, he shook his head.

"I see you are overthinking. There may be something behind this matter."

What's the inside story? Liu Tongjia was already in a depressed mood. This will be more uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with my son? He doesn't let his illegitimate daughter marry Huo Yifan, but lets his illegitimate daughter marry Jin Yao? Is this looking down on others?"

Huo Mingguang was stunned for a moment and glanced at Liu Tongjia.

"Are you complaining about Jin Yao?"

This is a rare thing. How many years has it been going on?

"Who wants to feel unfair for him?" Liu Tongjia didn't want to admit that her mood had been affected: "I just can't see their family having such double standards."

"Really?" Huo Mingguang's voice was clear. He had been married to Liu Tongjia for many years, so how could he not know what she was thinking at this time?

It's okay to dislike her child, but not others.

"Tell Jin Yao later that this place is close to the old house and let him go home to live there."

"I don't want it. If you want to say it, you can tell it."

Liu Tongjia didn't answer this, and saw Su Qingsang and Huo Jinyao standing hand in hand from a distance, seemingly very intimate, and a little panicked.

Then Su Pei was really not worthy of Huo Yifan. Is this Su Qingsang worthy of Huo Jinyao?

When Liu Tongjia thought of this, her voice became a little colder.

"Anyway, he wants to go home now. He has a wife, so what are his parents?"

Huo Mingguang was stunned for a moment when he said this, and then suddenly laughed again. His wife is good at everything except being hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

Forget it, let him do the talking.


Su Qingsang looked at Li Qianxue with eyes full of reluctance.

"Mom, can't you stay a few more days?"

Two days have passed since the anniversary, and Li Qianxue also spent two days with Su Qingsang. She booked a flight for today and was about to fly in half an hour.

"Mom wanted to do it too, but the company really had something to do and had to go back."

Li Qianxue raised her hand and caressed Su Qingsang's cheek, looking with emotion: "Okay, Lin City will only be flying to Rongcheng for two hours. Mom will come see you next time I have a chance. You can also go back to Lin City."


"When Yuxin's college entrance examination is over, you will come back and stay for a few days. The three of us will find a place to hang out."

"Okay." Su Qingsang nodded, his eyes already turning red.

Li Qianxue looked at her, hesitant to speak. I wanted to ask Su Qingsang several times why he wanted to see Xiang Caiping, but in the end he remained silent.

Just like what she told Su Peizhen, Su Qingsang's emphasis on love is actually a good thing. Although she didn't like her contacting Xiang Caiping or going to see Xiang Caiping.

"Qingsang, if Pei really bullies you, you must tell me."

"Mom, you think too much. How can she bully me?"

Su Qingsang thought about what happened at the anniversary celebration, and Huo Jinyao later told her everything.

There was obvious worry in Li Qianxue's eyes. Only when she truly recognized her daughter did she realize that Su Qingsang was pure and kind-hearted.

Su Peizhen may not be bad in nature, but now she has gone astray, and I'm afraid she is no longer the daughter she was before.

"Okay, don't send it off, I'm going in."

Li Qianxue raised her feet and was about to walk to the VIP aisle, when Su Qingsang suddenly stopped her.



"My Father--"

Seeing Li Qianxue frowning when she heard Su Chenghui, Su Qingsang cleared her throat.

"Mom. Let me tell you something."

After telling Li Qianxue what Su Chenghui had done that day, Su Qingsang looked at her cautiously.

"Dad. He is defending me by doing this. And you know, Su Peizhen is the most honorable person. Now that my father slaps her in the face like this, it must be a big blow. So -"

"You don't have to say good things for him." Li Qianxue did not accept Su Chenghui's kindness at all: "These things were all done by him. If it weren't for him, these things would not have happened today. No matter how much he did for you, it was what he should have done. .”


"Okay. Stop talking about him. I don't want to hear his name."

Su Qingsang stopped talking, and Li Qianxue turned around and walked straight to the VIP aisle. When her back was turned to Su Qingsang, her face was not as calm as she showed.

Su Chenghui, what bad idea is he having?

The advantages of Su Peizhen marrying Huo Yifan far outweigh the disadvantages for Su Chenghui, and Su Peizhen is his daughter who has grown up lovingly.

Now he actually gave up just because he said he would give up?

Ah. man.

Su Chenghui treated his biological daughter like this, so how could he be sincere to her?

Su Chenghui had no idea that he was trying to make amends, but his actions out of guilt made Li Qianxue misunderstand him again.

This made it even more difficult for him to pursue his wife in the future.

After sending Li Qianxue away, Su Qingsang still wanted to return her life to normal no matter how reluctant she was.

Because Su Chenghui came to Rongcheng, Su Qingsang went to see Xiang Caiping again. She had no other intention, she simply wanted to test whether Su Chenghui really had no feelings for Xiang Caiping.

If Su Chenghui came to see Xiang Caiping, then she swore that no matter how much Su Chenghui did in the future, she would never say a word for him in front of Li Qianxue.

But the result of the trial made her somewhat relieved. Xiang Caiping was also extremely resistant to Su Chenghui and couldn't bear to hear her mention Su Chenghui's name.

This is good, which shows that Su Chenghui is still somewhat sincere towards Li Qianxue.

In fact, no matter who Su Chenghui was with, Su Qingsang planned not to help anyone or do anything.

But she still hopes that Su Chenghui can really think clearly about who he loves.

Putting these things behind her, Su Qingsang resumed her life in the hospital, at home, and in the Huo family's old house.

But she didn't expect that she would soon be busy again.

Mr. Huo is sitting in the study. Looking at Huo Jinyao sitting opposite him.

It's been a week since the anniversary. Su Peizhen and Huo Yifan's marriage didn't go any further, as if it was just delayed.

When he returned to the Huo family's mansion over the weekend, he still brought Su Peizhen over.

Mr. Huo was still polite on his face, but he never mentioned her marriage to Huo Yifan again.

Su Peizhen secretly resented it, and while she was holding her breath, she and Huo Yifan took over the contract that they had been negotiating with the company they opened privately.

Huo Jinyao has been waiting for Su Peizhen and Huo Yifan to sign the contract.

Huo Yifan signed the contract on the front foot, and he came to see Mr. Huo with the contract on the back.

"Jin Yao came just in time today. I just have something to ask you."

Mr. Huo just saw the document bag in Huo Jinyao's hand: "What do you think of Su Peizhen and Yifan's marriage?"

Su Chenghui said that that day. Mr. Huo has lived to such an old age and has so much experience. Some things can be recalled just by thinking about them.

This was also the reason why he was lukewarm towards Su Peizhen that day.

"It doesn't matter how I look at it. What's important is, grandpa, don't you have the answer?"

Huo Jinyao said this, and Mr. Huo suddenly laughed: "You."

"Grandpa, I came today for another matter."

Huo Jinyao opened the document bag in his hand, took out all the documents inside, and placed them in front of the old man one by one.

It contains not only the contract Huo Yifan just signed with the company, but also all the investigation information.

Mr. Huo picked it up and glanced at it briefly, but his expression immediately changed.

By the time he had read all the documents, the expression on his face was already quite ugly.

He kept breathing heavily, and his face turned purple.

Huo Jinyao stood up quickly, stepped forward and patted his chest: "Grandpa, don't be angry. If you do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you what happens next."

Mr. Huo patted his chest and kept calming down. When he calmed down, he looked at Huo Jinyao.

"You, you already knew, didn't you?"

"Yes." Huo Jinyao said calmly: "I have known it for a long time. I have known it since Su Peizhen planned to marry into the Huo family."

"Okay, very good." Mr. Huo's hands were trembling: "You knew this earlier, but you didn't tell me?"

Huo Jinyao's expression remained unchanged: "Grandpa, you should be lucky that I'm just here to talk to you instead of handing this over directly to the board of directors."

Although the Huo family holds the largest share of Tianyu Group, it is not without other shareholders.

If these evidences are handed over to the company, I'm afraid Huo Yifan will be unable to bear the burden and walk away.

"This naughty boy. Naughty boy——"

Mr. Huo cursed several times in a row. When he calmed down, he patted his chest and looked at Huo Jinyao.

"Tell me, is there anything else I don't know?"

Huo Jinyao let go of his hand and returned to his seat.

"Grandpa, you already know the background of Qingsang and Su Qingsang. I admit that Su Peizhen is extremely capable and has high methods. However, she is too scheming, and she has a grudge against Qingsang. It is absolutely impossible for her and Qingsang to get along well with each other."

"What do you mean? You mean, she has occupied Qingsang's identity for so many years and you still don't think it's enough?"

"Grandpa, from our point of view, we would say that Su Peizhen has occupied Qingsang's identity for more than 20 years. But from Su Peizhen's point of view, she would not think so. She would only think about it. Why, she was so good Can't you be a young lady now? She has become an illegitimate daughter?

In her heart, she won't think about what she got before, she will only think about what she has lost now. And Qingsang was the culprit who caused her to lose everything. "

Mr. Huo kept a cold face and said nothing. Huo Jinyao sighed.

"She has resentment and anger in her heart. This tone will always come out. For her, marrying Yifan is just a springboard."

"In fact, you may not know what happened that day. Qing Sang doesn't know how to play the piano at all, but why did Su Peizhen let her come on stage?"

Mr. Huo is such a smart man, what else can he not understand now?

"You mean, she wants to marry into the Huo family and then find an opportunity to deal with Qingsang?"

"Yes. Although I don't know exactly what she plans to do, I am sure that her purpose is not pure."

Mr. Huo stopped talking. Some things will no longer be the case once they are exposed.

"Then what do you mean-"

"Grandpa, I am not an intolerant person. But there are some things that are my bottom line."

"You want me to stop Yifan and Su Peizhen's marriage?"

Mr. Huo no longer wants Su Peizhen to be with Huo Yifan.

"No." Huo Jinyao shook his head: "I don't want you to stop it. In fact, whether Su Peizhen marries Huo Yifan or not has no impact on us."


"Because, if I drive Huo Yifan out of the Huo family, Huo Yifan will no longer be a member of the Huo family."

Mr. Huo stood up suddenly: "Jin Yao. You -"

Huo Jinyao's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were extremely sharp: "Shouldn't those who cheat on others be expelled from the family?"

"Jin Yao, he is your cousin."

"Yes. He is my cousin, so I just kicked him out of the family."

"Jin Yao." Mr. Huo is old, even though he knows that what Huo Yifan did is sorry for the company and the Huo family.

But that was his grandson after all, and he wanted to see the family live happily.

"Grandpa. Actually, I have more severe means to deal with Huo Yifan, but I don't. Because I don't think you want me to do that."

He stood up, collected the documents on the table, and put them back into the document bag.

"But Huo Yifan, I want to teach him a lesson."

Mr. Huo's face was red, he was panting, and his mood was very complicated: "Jin Yao. He is your brother, and you are brothers."

"When he plotted against me, he didn't regard me as his brother."

Mr. Huo stopped talking. He cleared his throat, his voice trembling a little: "I know this matter is his fault, but he will not die."

"I didn't want him to die. I just wanted him to leave the Tianyu Group and the Huo family."

Huo Jinyao put away all the documents and tapped on the table gently: "Grandpa, all other matters can be discussed, but this matter cannot be discussed."

Mr. Huo didn't speak. He looked at Huo Jinyao.

He has grown up and is no longer the little boy who was willing to listen to him.

"Jin Yao. Is there no other solution? Do you have to kill them all like this?"

One update, five thousand words. One more chapter.

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