Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1725: Dazzling animation

In the opening plot, Moriha has not adjusted much, but has eased the somewhat impatient rhythm of the other world line a lot, and cooperated with more fights. In the first episode, Yanagyu Xinyin Liu and Kashima Shinto appeared. Liu, Beichen Yidao Liu and so on.

And it's still a very **** battle.

Unlike other works, the battle in "The Sword Girl" is a very hard-core path to death with a sword.

Some battles will stand in a stalemate for a long time without a shot, and finally win a decisive victory, and some games will be instantly killed after the start, and the throat will be sealed with a shot.

Of course, the main part of the battle began to come back and forth, that kind of special battle, in the work there are only two simple, mainly to show what is a **** battle.

The most ornamental is the battle of the heroine Kanami Eto.

This is determined by the protagonist's setting.

Kanami Eto is a sword idiot in the battle. She doesn't take the initiative to end the battle, but wants to guide the opponent and see all the opponent's swordsmanship.

So in her battle, she will guide the opponent to use her own stunts.

So in the work, her battle is very interesting.

Of course, it is also a huge challenge for the production team.

Because Kanami Eto is the heroine, the whole scene is full of play, from beginning to end.

Because it's all about playing, painting is very scary.

The entire Kanami's fighting paintings are already 100,000 upwards-this is even more than the entire paintings of many animations, but here, it is only the fighting paintings of the heroine Kanami Eto.

But everything is worth it.

Although it is an animation for dazzling skills, this realism system combined with a little bit of extraordinary power suddenly makes the entire animation look very rich. The dazzling and exciting fight of swords is really suffocating.

Not only that, but the development of the work is also very interesting.

For example, Hideki Kobayakawa was completely surprised by the plot.

At the beginning, Hideki Kobayakawa thought this was a work of a girl fighting a little monster, but after the opening, the work moved to the part of the Gozen competition. At this time, Hideki Kobayakawa felt that this should be a battle-themed story similar to a slam dunk.

But neither.

The story of the first episode has directly reached the final of the competition.

Moreover, during the royal match, Shijo Jihe of the Heavenly descending system did not trouble the heroine, but went to... assassinate the chief?

The character of Zhe Shen Zi has the highest status in the story, and is the director of the Sword Administration Bureau.

Although the so-called "sword administration" sounds unpleasant, in the world view of this story, there is a "sword".

Basically, the Sword Administration Bureau means that the country's combat effectiveness is managed by her.

"...So, this is actually an escape drama?"

Hideki Kobayakawa thought.

Then he decided to watch it a second time.

The second time Hideki Kobayakawa opened the barrage.

"the first!"

"Finally started!"

"Wait for you!"

"I come here wwww"

At the beginning, it was a barrage screen.

He directly ignored these barrage.

Then keep watching.

"What a great fight!"

"This fight is super exciting!"

"The fight is going to explode!"

In the first fight, the barrage was immediately swiped again.

"Have you developed, but Nami's thighs are a bit thick..."

"The thighs are great, is there a nice curve!"

"It's a bit thick, but her legs are relatively long, so everyone didn't notice it."

"I've seen it from beginning to end to report: I compared it, but Nami's thighs are the thickest among the characters..."

The audience can always find blind spots.

Just like now, the audience suddenly noticed that in the story, the heroine Kanami's thighs are actually very thick...

Well, this is not just the design of Morinia, but the design of this article from another world line.

The role of Kanami Eto, after a three-version plan, was called Kanako at the beginning-but the official thought that the name of this role did not match the mind (fog), so it was later adjusted to "Kanako" .

And this character, in the original book, is indeed a character with very thick thighs, because she has been practicing swords since she was a child and has a high pursuit of swordsmanship, so her legs... are very strong.

Of course, in works, this is generally not noticed.

Because Kanami's legs are thick, but the legs are also long in the set-after all, it is not the same as the set of another world line-so it is not very visible.

The second time the audience swiped the screen, it was the first person-to-person battle in the story.

The first person-to-person battle was when Kanami Eto wore a witch costume and was practicing at a shrine with Mai Yanagase.

"Ihe wwwww"

"Good real wwww"

"It really becomes two halves!"

"The skill of'writing' is really convenient. It's like a ninja's substitute technique, so powerful."

"Speaking of ninjas, Naruto is good..."

"Wuyi's marriage!"

"Kanami's Miko is so cute wwww"

"Dancing clothes is my wife, what do you want to do to her!"

"This is the real battle, which completely restores ancient martial arts..."

"Wearing a witch costume to compete with swordsmanship, it's super cute. I feel like I have something to awaken..."

A long list of barrage.

Here, Hideki Kobayakawa was dazzled.

By the time of the game, the barrage was maxed out.

The content of the first chapter, the work is full of dry goods, the play is continuous throughout the whole process, all the literary play is interspersed in the play, and it is told in conjunction with the play.

It seems that precisely because of the sincerity of the work, the barrage of the whole work is never lacking.

Although other works also have barrage, they are usually only found in places where the story is relatively concentrated, but the barrage in the work of the sword maiden is really full, which is very scary.

"It's amazing." Hideki Kobayakawa also sighed.

The quality of the work is there.

The audience was also shocked by this part.

In the barrage, there are really a lot of barrage that says "painting is super powerful".

If nothing else, just relying on this exquisite painting alone will make the whole work memorable.

In the end, everyone, like Hideki Kobayakawa, was shocked.

"Eh eh eh, can this happen again?!"

"It's actually an elopement drama www"

"Distressed dance clothes wwwww"

"Suspended successfully!"

"Suspended successfully +2!"

"There is nothing weird here, what are you guys stopping for..."

"I thought it was a female number two, but turned out to be a female passerby with purple hair..."

"The one in front, I suspect that you are persecuting Ma Tong Ying..."

In this part, everyone was indeed surprised.

This part is quite fun, and Hideki Kobayakawa here finds it quite interesting.

"Go to the forum to see..."

There is a discussion area under Hatsune Station, but many people just don't like to discuss in the official place, and such a discussion area is not a topic post, and many people don't like it.

Hideki Kobayakawa went to one of the animation forums he went to most often.

Many people like to discuss on 2ch, because that kind of anonymous bulletin board is very in line with the national conditions of the mud bomb. These people just like to play in this place.

But for Hideki Kobayakawa, such irresponsible places are too hostile, so he rarely goes to places like 2ch.

"The paintings of the sword maiden are really great, but what's even better is the swordsmanship in the work. I will compare the swordsmanship in the real world to explain the content of swordsmanship in the first chapter."


Meow meow meow?

Contrast reality?

Hideki Kobayakawa opened the post with curiosity.

The content in the post is still undergoing construction modification, but the host has already put some swordsmanship comparison pictures.

"Eto Kanami used the tricks of Yanagyu Shinyinyu. I was very excited when I saw it, because I am also the descendant of Yanagyu's Shinyinyu..."

The identity of this posting man seems not to be low. At this moment, the other party actually said that he was the descendant of Liu Shengxin Yin Liu?

It’s a pity that the work itself has just finished playing. After describing himself, the host brother was comparing screenshots. This post didn’t take an hour or two, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to see the complete content.

However, although this post is still under construction, there are not many replies below, and many people were bombed out by the owner's self-report.

"I have seen the actual combat of Beichen One Sword Style. The Beichen One Sword Style in the work is really about the same as the reality, great!"

"It's true ancient swordsmanship, it's not fancy at all, it's super powerful!"

"Umm Sang really improved a lot, super awesome.

-Upstairs, Montumsan is only responsible for the opening chase, and all the paintings behind are Mashiro Ando!

--Two, don't forget Toyotomi Nakamura. "

Hideki Kobayakawa collected the posts and prepared to wait a while to see the comparison between the actions of the old man's sword maiden and the real world.

"Why is Kanami going to help the suspect?"

Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly saw a post.

He clicked on the post.

Then... then there is no more.

Because the second floor directly dumped an animated screenshot, it was the scene when Jujohime was assassinated, when Kanami turned her head and looked at the side of Zigami Zi. This scene has a close-up, which is in the pupils of Kanami Eto. Reflecting the appearance of Zi Shen Zi, and in her hair, there is an eye—this eye is exactly the same as the eyes of the desolate soul that was conquered at the beginning of the work.

Seeing this, Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly thought that when the work reached this point, many people sent out a barrage saying "The suspension was successful." He was a little dazed at first, but at this moment he finally understood what was going on.

"End this post on the second floor."

Hideki Kobayakawa typed a line in reply, and then returned to the previous level.

"The first analysis!"

When returning to the upper floor, Hideki Kobayakawa saw someone post an analysis post.

This dear friend is really awesome, and the whole work was released in less than two hours before the analysis post was released.

"Picture to be completed."

The first story is like this.

Sure enough, this post is also an unfinished one.

For Hideki Kobayakawa, it was easy to understand.

Precisely because the work is popular, and because everyone is attracted by the work itself, at this time, they can't wait.

You know, this era is an era when there are no classic hard-core combat works such as "The Tan of Foreign People Without Emperor Blade".

In such an era, a hard-core, sword-to-flesh combat work suddenly appeared, which is really amazing.

What's more, in this work, all the cute cute girls appear in the work.

This kind of hardcore, cute, and particularly realistic fantasy works is a blockbuster in this era.

Of course, there is a more core key factor-the explosion of painting.

Painting is the skeleton of such combat films.

In this kind of combat film, painting is even more important than the story itself.

It can be said that this kind of story, as long as there is no cheating strange ending or a strange trend similar to the fan's house, it can definitely be supported by itself.

More importantly, this kind of animation can only be done by Musashino Animation.

The reason is nothing, just because Musashino Animation has a golden thigh father... Oh, no, it's because Musashino Animation itself is a golden thigh.

If this kind of painting is replaced by another animation company, as long as the money is not in place, they will never do it themselves.

The result of forcibly doing is that the work itself drags the company to death.

For example, in another world line, Dragon Son launched a work called "The Crow". But it is this work that directly makes the Dragon Son unable to rise again.

——But Musashino will not.

Because Musashino's profit is very good, and their costs are lower.

After all, there is Meiying on hand...

For the players, "Swordsman Miko" also made them look forward to.

Well, yes, the player community.

Because at the end of the work, the official has already stated that the game "Swordsman Miko" has been made.

"——So, what is the game of the sword maiden like?"

There are also posts asking about this.

Hideki Kobayakawa was also curious.

Yeah, what does this game look like?

He clicked on the post.

Sure enough, someone really discovered the intelligence.

"I checked the official website and the producer of the game is Hidetaka Miyazaki."

There is also a screenshot.


"Soul Series?!"

"Are you kidding?!"

"But it feels like this kind of story fits well..."

As soon as "Miyazaki Hidetaka" was mentioned, everyone immediately thought of the Soul series, and then naturally brought "Sword Maiden" into this series. That's right, "Swordsman Miko" is such a game of the soul series.

In these years, it is impossible for Morinia to launch that kind of mobile game like the original world line.

However, Miyazaki Hidetaka's sword maiden from the Soul series, Mori Xia actually really wanted to see it.

But at this time, the players are already wailing.

"There is a new soul series again, high school students!"

"Sailor suit kills monsters, super sense wwww"

"Upstairs, it was cut by the blame www"

Similarly, some people began to look forward to it...


In our world line, Eto Kanami's legs are indeed very thick. In addition, Kanako is the original name, and later changed to Kanami.

Two-in-one meow~

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