Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1729: This is the superb sword technique inherited from Lao Huang!

"Huh, things are pretty good."

After the release of "Zombies Besieged", the game's sales were quite good.

The plot mode is great, and even a lot of mud bombers are calling for animation or something.

Players in Europe and the United States seem to experience more survival modes. Morinia's design is relatively complete, and they expressed a warm welcome to this model.

Moriha's expectations for this game are still quite high.

But his expectation is not on the theme of zombies in the game, but on the theme of survival of the game.

Farming and survival games are very interesting, and very suitable for making video themes-in a sense, Morinka made these games for Hatsune Station.

Hatsune Station is now the world's largest online video site-because there are not many people involved in it-and it supports barrage and is very popular.

But this is mainly in East Asia. In the lighthouse country, the barrage seems to be a little uncomfortable. People over there still prefer to leave comments below.

These are not the key points. The key point is that after the survival mode of this game is accepted, Morinia can launch more similar works.

For example, the upcoming "Famine" on the handheld platform.

In another world line, "Don't Starve" is a very popular game, and for a long period of time, it has dominated the survival game video channel and has been rich in contributions on many websites.

However, this game is not large in size and has many elements, so the configuration is not high.

Moriha had originally launched a desktop version before, but the initial BETA version did not respond well, so it was later silently cancelled.

There are many reasons for this.

But the most likely, Morinya guess is a matter of the times.

In an era without large-scale network applications, this kind of survival-oriented game is difficult to make players expect.

But in the past two years, everything has changed. The Internet has become popular and video sites have become prosperous. So Senxia is ready to bring this game again...fried rice.

Facts have proved that from the point of view of play, this cold meal is quite popular.

At least the evaluation players and the media recruited by the Order of the Phoenix love it.

Senxia also looked at the handheld device she put aside, and sighed.

Unlike the handhelds that the players tried to play, Moriha's handheld was not wrapped up, but completely revealed.

This is the latest design. Compared with the previous versions, the upper and lower frames of this handheld have been narrowed... Oh, this is when viewing it horizontally. If you look at it vertically, you can find that the left and right sides of this handheld are narrowed.

Due to the narrowing of the screen, the structural strength of the fuselage has also been reduced. When the designer is designing, he has to replace the middle frame with a metal material. Although the weight of aluminum alloy is good, it also causes The cost of the entire product has risen.

Industrial design is not that simple, and now the design of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​so melancholy.

It’s okay if you want strength, but you want weight, but the price is subtle, but if you lower the price, you must compromise on weight or strength. In order to achieve the results Senxia wants, they can only continue to improve.

Fortunately, Senxia doesn't require a handle or anything — the handles are all split designs — so with a single screen, they can still control the cost.

This small handheld is said to be a handheld. In fact, it is closer to the future smart phones. If you look at the appearance, there are some candy bar S7s that resemble the stars, but the frame is slightly wider.

Senxia actually wants to make a full screen, but the current technology is not so developed, and the screen layout and other content are not convenient to narrow.

On both sides of the handheld, there are several metal contacts, which are used to connect with the handle.

If the handle is stuck on both sides of the machine, it can be turned into a handheld handheld, and if the handle is removed, it can become a touch-screen handheld.

Of course, in addition to the appearance changes, there are also internal changes. First of all, Nokia helped Moriha to get a low-power hardware solution chip. According to Morixia’s request, this chip originally wanted to harden H.264, but this standard is still in the second half of the year. So there are still some problems with the hard solutions in this regard, but the other party promised that next year will provide H.264-supporting chips to choose from.

As for the CPU, it was co-developed and co-developed with ARM by the Order of Phoenix, and the bottom layer adopted a customized architecture.

The reason why the public version of ARM is not completely adopted is because this machine also considers the downward compatibility of the DC chip, which has hardware-level compatibility, which is naturally better than software simulation, but in this case, it needs to be specifically designed Up.

Fortunately, the Order of the Phoenix also has shares in ARM, which can be regarded as one of their major shareholders, so there is no obstacle here.

By the way, most of the ARM's shares in the Order of the Phoenix are actually acquired by Pan Fruit Company.

The fruit company held a lot of ARM’s shares before ARM’s listing, but after that, the situation changed and the fruit company had to sell their shares, and the Order of the Phoenix had acquired a lot of them before. When investing in fruit, The Order of the Phoenix also took over the remaining ARM shares of the fruit company.

All in all, the machines on the Order of the Phoenix are barely finished now, and the 90-nanometer technology is almost the same next year. Although the initial output is certainly not high, it is almost enough as long as it is stored for half a year.

Of course, hoarding goods is risky. In case the goods cannot be sold, you will lose money. Moriha is getting bigger this time, and the goods are still risky in terms of cost.

"But people, sometimes there is always something to be pursued..."

Senxia sighed.

In fact, there is no problem with the product itself, and the only thing that afflicts the Order is the cost. If you can sell game consoles at a loss, it is still possible, but Senxia's only requirement is not to lose money.

Even if you make a dollar, you must never lose money.

In this case, the hardware can also be profitable in the later mass production.

But it's impossible to burn money like Sony has a giant hard drive.

The hardware itself needs to make money.

Only in this way can production itself be virtuous.

Hardware must be profitable. Even if there is no profit, it cannot lose money. This is also the difference between Senxia and this era.

Of course, you have to make money for hardware, and money for software. If you want to go to the platform, you must pay for it...

"But this is better than Wang Qiwen."

Speaking of it, Wang Qiwen actually wanted to do hardware alone at the beginning. He didn't want to cooperate with "regular customers".

But the problem is, he can't figure it out.

It is much more difficult for a certain eastern country to engage in this kind of thing than mud bombing.

In Nihbang, even if you start from scratch and want to build hardware, it is actually better than starting in a big eastern country.

The reason is simple. There are ready-made supporting facilities here, but in a large eastern country, these things are not available.

The locals can do many things in the mud bomb and lighthouse country, but not in a certain eastern country.

Therefore, Wang Qiwen couldn't find Senxia, ​​and Senxia was able to successfully enter a certain eastern country because of these unspeakable reasons.

"But this game is pretty good."

Senxia put the handheld on the side at this time, and then took out the handle.

However, Senxia did not connect the handle to the machine, but took out a cube-like thing.

This is a Bluetooth device with a battery and Bluetooth inside. The shape on both sides is the same as the handheld itself. The handle can be installed and then connected to the handheld via Bluetooth.

This is the design of Xue Lao Ren NS, but no one has done this stuff in this era. Even the R&D department was amazed after seeing Morinia's design.

Of course, the price is that the cost of the entire product is higher. When the entire product is complete, in order to ensure that it does not lose money, the current price needs to reach 60,000 yen.

Of course, considering the impact of exchange rate and yen appreciation, all this will change.

The current exchange rate of the yen to the soft sister currency is 100 yen 6.6 soft sister coins, and in 2004 it was 7.6 soft sister coins, so Mori summer set production here in a certain eastern country, the cost here can be reduced, and Two years later, many processes have matured and costs can be further reduced.

But it was not enough.

The initial price of PSP is 19,800 yen, and it is also 1,600 soft sister coins in a large eastern country, which is not much different from the price in Japan.

According to this trend, Senxia can sell for 2,999, so it burns high.

"Um... Then we can only castrate."

Senxia decided to learn from Lao Huang.

Nvidia's graphics cards are superb. This manufacturer can castration a little bit of video memory, frequency, etc., into a new model.

Coincidentally, Morinka thought so too.

"Make a beggar version..."

This is the simplest.

The lowest price beggar version, castration handles, peripherals, even the internal memory of the machine itself, and even chargers, can be castrated together...

Hmm, great idea!

The lowest price of the beggar version is here, and players will naturally think that the product is good and cheap, but after that, they will find that they can get a Bluetooth handle and charger with just a little extra money.

In addition, they can also get bonus games!

Even, if they want to continue the price, they can get a better gaming experience, such as the docking station that can be extended to the TV, you deserve to have...

At the end of the day, if they have given up treatment and are ready to purchase a high-end version, they will find that there is also a supreme deluxe version with a 10GB ultra-large hard drive on it!

"Hey, now that there is such a luxurious version, let's just continue to plug it a bit and add a little call function..."

"But in this case, we can continue to add some interesting designs..."

Hmm, keep going up, there can be more designs.

For example, what kind of magical black, what fluorescent white, what aurora color of the back cover, and finally, you can also make some Swarovski crystal back cover protective shell, what kind of Porsche or

Senxia said that she is a real genius!

"My servant!"

And at this moment, Morinya heard Lily's voice.

"It's Lily." Senxia looked up and saw Lily.

Following Lily is Toru Koikawa.

They were on vacation early, so they came to play at this time.

"Senior, let's play "Don't Starve Together"!" Xiaotou leaned in front of Senxia, ​​"This game is so difficult."

"It's ok."

Although he is a boy, Xiao Tou's voice is very crisp and his personality is very cheerful. When he is with him, it is really pleasant.

It just so happens that Morinka is also playing this game here.

"Let me see." He turned on his machine.

The game "Don't Starve" will also have a GS version, and the changes in the GS version are mainly to support MOD.

——Actually, MOD support is also possible on the handheld, but the storage limit of the game is a more troublesome thing, and the memory card can have it. But the cost goes up. In addition, the performance of the handheld is limited, and the original version is optimized, but if the MOD is added, it is likely to drag down the running of the game.

You know, the PSP's processor also limits the frequency. If it is fully turned on, the power of the PSP can't stand it.

If Morinka is fully open, performance will be good, but battery power is also a problem, and heat is also a problem.

However, Senxia also has a solution. There is a power bank when you go out, and a docking station with a cooling fan when you are at home. The former guarantees battery life, and the latter allows the machine to be fully turned on when it is at home.

Therefore, if Morinia’s 90nm process chip tapeout fails, the Phoenix company’s backup plan is to use the old technology chip, and then use this "urine bag" and "hanging bottle" to hardly support battery life.

"You are still new, this game is actually quite simple, I will teach you."

Senxia is an old driver. He will drive at this time and will never turn over.

It's a rare opportunity to be able to take the younger generations to pretend to be beep and fly together!

Get out of the way, I'm going to start the show!

Morinia said that she was super happy!


Then he died.

"Can you do this?"

Senxia... was struck by lightning.

Oh, his character in the game was struck by lightning.

In the game, there is a weather system, and thunderstorm weather also exists. Players need to build lightning rods to prevent lightning from destroying things. But in fact, it is actually a small probability event that the player is struck by lightning...

Then, Senxia was sanctioned.

"Ah, this is an accident. We start a new game."

Senxia said quickly.

This time I had a good start. I came to a very good place from the beginning. There were a lot of resource points next to me and food was easy to get. It was a very good start.


"Is this the wrong way I opened it?"

The second time Senxia was about to go mining, and then met a tall bird.

And there are still two, one in front of each other, and after using coquettishly to avoid them, they ran into a doghouse... As we all know, a triangle is the most stable shape.

Then there is no more, three bread clips, Senxia tragedy, and even die faster than Xiaotou and the others.

"This is a mistake... a mistake..."

Then, the third time...

"You made a mistake!"

After being killed by a meteorite, Mori Xia confirmed that this was not a technical problem, but that the game was cursed.

"Where's the technical department! Look at the odd probability of your tune."

Then, he swung the pot decisively...

But the technology is not here, but on the A side...


Two-in-one meow~

The agricultural enterprise is about to release a new U, the author is going to change the computer desu~

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