Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 53: We still have plenty of time

   Sakino Gakuen was open during the sports games, so Nana could come in on weekends. The current Mizuki Nana is standing at the gate of Sakino Gakuen.

   "Nana-chan, this way!" Morinka waved her hand and greeted Nana.


   Nana trot to the front of Morika, she gasped for a moment, and then smiled at Morika: "Good morning, Morika-kun."

   Smile is the most simple and beautiful language of mankind. Japan is a country that loves to laugh. Japanese girls also love to laugh very much. Even if the smile in this country is so hypocritical, at least it looks good on the surface.

   Nana's smile is also very beautiful. She smiles very cheerfully, which is a little different from the stereotyped smile of Tokyo people.

   Morika also smiled: "Morning, Nana-chan."

   "Sakino Gakuen is really amazing, so beautiful..."

   came in from the gate of the school. On both sides were tree-lined roads and gardens. There was a fountain in front of him, and Nana was intoxicated on his face.

"After all, it's a famous door, but it's a pity. There are no cherry blossoms here. If it was the cherry blossom season last month, it would be very beautiful, as if it were heaven." Morinka said. While pointing to a teaching building in front, "The place where we are going to record is right there. If we are lucky and can finish it in the morning, I will show you around in the afternoon."

   "Hi, thank you very much, Morinatsu!" Nana was also very happy.

Morika led Nana and walked to the front. As he walked, Morika said to Nana: "The front of the school building facing the door is the main school building of our high school. The middle school and elementary school are in another place. The elementary school is separate from ours, and there is another intersection. This way."

He led Nana to turn around the teaching building from the right, and then entered a long boulevard. The boulevard is lined with trees on both sides, and on top of the boulevard is a torii-like shelf. The creeper is entwined, showing a lush feeling.

  In Sakino Gakuen, this kind of tree-lined road is very common. Walking on this road, people seem to feel a lot easier.

   Morinka led Nana closer to the building he was referring to. Morinka said, "This is the music building. The music classes in the high school are on this side. The recording studio we are looking for is also here."

   If you don’t want quality, there are actually a lot of places where you can record, but it’s really not. You can go to karaoke to record. But since the school has such professional facilities, isn’t it a loss if you don’t use it now?

   Anyway, the recording studio is the property of the school. Morika's thoughts are really similar to those of senior sister.

   "It's amazing...There is no such beautiful music building in Horietsu!" Nana still looked excited.

The design of    Music Building is Western classical style, with the unique exquisite and white paint of the Japanese, it does have a very delicate feeling. This kind of non-greasy building is surrounded by gardens, and it is indeed pleasing to the eye.

   "Are you here?" The senior lady in sportswear walked out of the music building.

   Nana looked at the other person, and then she was taken aback. Like the previous Morinatsu, Nana was also taken aback by the appearance of the senior sister in sportswear. Most people really can't wear the style of senior sister.

   "Good morning, Qianjia."

   "Morning, Nana-chan."

   The two greeted each other, and then the senior sister said to Morinka and Nana: "Okay, come with me, the recording studio is here."

There are not many classmates in the music building. In fact, they didn’t see many people along the way. The school gym is not here. Today’s games are all semi-final events, so everyone is watching. The game.

   Game recording is not a voice actor job after all, so the job of recording is still very simple. Nana’s main job is a few lines, and then a few letters and narrations from the witch. Everything is done. The whole process takes less than two hours.

It’s worth mentioning that Nana also dubbed Viola, or that she dubbed the witch who changed her body. This is actually a hint to tell the player that this person is not Viola anymore. It was Ellen the Witch.

After the recording of    Nana ended, Morinka also walked up.

   Well, yes, Morinka also has a recording job today, and his recording job is the black cat that acts as an archive point and spit.

This black cat is actually a demon. It is the existence that gives the witch power. To be precise, the "witch's house" in the story is precisely the "demon's house" belonging to the devil before Irene came here. Both After making a deal, Ailian provided food to the devil, and the devil gave her healing magic, which was to make Ailian **** Viola's body.

   Senpai thinks that since the witch has a voice acting, it would be more appropriate for the demon to have a voice acting, so at this time Morika was driven off the shelves.

   However, there is not much content in this paragraph, Morinka finished it all in just one hour.

   "Huh, it's only half past eleven now, our speed is really fast." After coming out of the recording studio, Morinya glanced at the time.

   "Well, the process went smoothly unexpectedly. Basically, it was PASS once. I thought it would take a whole day, so I even prepared my lunch." The senior sister was also surprised.

"If it is a professional recording, we can only say that it is unqualified..." Nana scratched her head in In this case, we can only say that the sound was recorded. . "

Indeed, if it is a real recording, there are many things to pay attention to. The work of sound supervision and the like is not mentioned. The voice actors themselves should also pay attention to not making noise. For recording, they can't even bring jewelry. If the microphone has noise If you do, you have to record again.

   "Simply put, is it that I, the ‘supervisor’, is not qualified?" The senior sister touched her earlobe.

   "Nothing like that!" Nana shook her head quickly, "Actually, I am also a newcomer. Actually, I don't know exactly what we should do."

  The work and special effects of voice actors are different. Although Nana knows a little bit, he is not very familiar.

"Anyway, there are still two months before the comic show. The time is still very calm. We don't have to worry about it. The big deal will be to re-record it." It's only May, and there is still some time from now to August. , So Morinia now feels that this matter does not need to be anxious.

   "Well," the senpai also agreed with Morinatsu, "There is still plenty of time now. Let's try adding this audio track to the game first. In short, let's see how it works."


   Although it is called a torii, the torii and the mountain gate are actually similar, and the whole body is usually vermilion.

  榊野的榊 is the sound "God" OvO

   Well, sure enough, it’s better to update on time. How about 12 noon, 6 pm, and then 12 pm? If you can, start at noon tomorrow!

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