Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 289: Oscar, is there a play?

   Chapter 289 Oscar, is there a drama?

   "Leave tomorrow?"

   "Yes, I'll leave tomorrow."

   "Although you have made it very clear, I still feel too anxious."

   "Oh, are you afraid of being lonely in the empty boudoir?"

   "What! What did you say!"

   "Hey hey... that's all right."

   "What is easy to do, alas~don't~"

   "Today I gave up."

   "Awu, you bastard..."


The    plan has been drawn up, but for Takeshi Iwata, the hardest part is actually finishing the film.

   That's right, he still has the movie "Extreme Evil"!

  Fortunately, because the preparations in the early stage were very sufficient, the entire shooting process went smoothly.

The one with the most   NG turned out to be Kunimura Hayabusa. The guy with big eyes in this area was a little nervous when he cooperated with Supervisor Iwata for the first time.

   But overall, it was good.

   At the beginning of February, the whole film was finished.

   In this way, Takeshi Iwata can go to the United States justifiably

  The departure of his 'shadow' is the beginning of the whole plan.

  Because he leaves like this, probably, someone can't help it.

   Of course, Iwata Takeshi and Akina had a lot of sweetness before they left.

   It's just that this product is a little carried away, and I want to make up for the amount of the many days in the future.

   Ming Cai has a small waist, but it is full of vitality.

   In a negative distance confrontation, who wins and who loses is not necessarily the case.

  So, Takeshi Iwata got on the plane with a black circle and a weather-beaten waist.

  Fortunately, although the plane is noisy, his top class cabin is alright, so get some sleep.

   Wait till Los Angeles

   "Haha... Iwata, you are lucky this time."

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

   "It's really good luck! I don't even understand, how can you be so lucky?"

   "You guys, what are you talking about?"

  Iwata Takeshi really didn't expect that two people picked up the plane at the airport, Marco Muller and Thierry, the old white flag of France.

   It's strange, why did these two Europeans pick him up in America?

   But fortunately, the two quickly talked about it.

   In short, after Iwata Takeshi's film "Bad Boy's Sky" was shortlisted for the best foreign language film this time, it has been favored by many people in the industry!

what is the reason?

   is really a bit of a joke.

   In fact, as far as last month was concerned, there were two big news in Japan.

   One of them, of course, is the admission of Hiroshi Yamamoto.

   As the leader of the largest Yakuza organization in Japan, and there was a Yamaichi struggle before.

  This admission to the hospital and the fact that Hiroshi Yamamoto is about to die is indeed the hottest news in Japan.

   There is one more, but this news has a strong international character.

   That is the commander-in-chief of Midi, Bush, who is visiting Japan.

  Yes, it was still called Bush at this time, after all, some of them were old or young.

   But a very special or bad thing happened during his visit to Japan this time, which will even affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

what is it?

  Bush he vomited!

   The vomit was very miserable, and it was a state banquet under the watchful eyes of the public, and it was broadcast on TV at that time.

   What exactly is going on?

   In other words, banquets are very normal, but there is one dish that makes Bush not tense.


   Is there something wrong with this dish?

   itself, as far as cooking is concerned, there is no problem. Japan invites foreign guests and is also the commander of Midi, can this be a problem?

There must be nothing wrong with what    did, but Bush just threw up and even fainted later.

  The reason...this thing is far-reaching.

  In Japanese news reports, most of them describe this incident, and then it’s done simply.

  No way, the citizens of Japan are not very concerned about international news.

   These people are indeed foreigners and foreigners, but it's a little weird to be like this on weekdays.

   Of course, Commander Midi vomited directly. Such an ugly appearance still makes the Japanese people feel very interesting, and I am afraid many people are happy.

   But actually, for this reason…

  In those days, Bush was a pilot, and his comrades in World War II were captured during a bombing mission.

   Bush Sr. was lucky, he was the only survivor, but what about his comrades?

   was given by those inferior Japanese soldiers... The details are too disgusting to describe.

   These soldiers were sent to the gallows when they were tried in Tokyo later, which is quite rare, and non-officers were sentenced to capital punishment.

   Seriously, if you know the story behind this, then anyone will be lenient with Bush Sr.

   His vomiting was excusable.

   And, in the case of Takeshi Iwata, he doesn't even want to be Japanese at all.

   Of course, Takeshi Iwata has now planned many overseas industries and has already paved the way for the future.

   But the funny thing is…

  At the moment, at least at the moment, many media reports do not mention the factors behind Bush's vomiting at all.

How could this be?

  The reason is actually very simple.

   Now, it is the key to the US election!

  Which party does Bush Sr belong to?


  Most of the American media is in the hands of the Democratic Party. When they see that the leader of their own family is pulling like this, why don't they step on it more quickly?

   In fact, those political figures in Japan are planning to rectify the great commander of the Midi.

   The current political atmosphere in Japan is that there is great dissatisfaction with Midi and the bursting of the Japanese economic bubble. In fact, who is the real culprit in this matter, how can they not know?

   It’s just that the lewd power that was photographed in Midi didn’t dare to say anything more.

   And this time, the whole atmosphere has changed, with leftists like Ozawa Ichiro, Haneda Tsu, and Hosokawa Mori as the backbone, they launched this action.

   deliberately provided this kind of raw food to secretly humiliate Bush Sr.

  It is estimated that they did not expect that the reaction of the great commander would be so great.

  Under the eyes of the public, he lost such a big ugly man.

   You must know that the menu must have been exchanged before, so the US side really has no way to find the Japanese responsible for this matter.

   Moreover, it happened to be used by the Democratic Party's media.

  In Japan, this news passed quickly, obviously not as popular as Yamamoto Hiroi.

   After all, the great commander of the US emperor is the US emperor, and Yamamoto Hiro is the underground emperor of Japan.

   But in the United States, the popularity of this event is not at the same level.

  The various media of the Democratic Party made concerted efforts to continuously fire at Bush Sr.

   "Mr. Bush is too old! The representative of the United States should not be him!"

   "What is America's image? Vitality! Vitality! Vitality! We can't let an old man continue to lead the country!"

   "It should be said that the progress of our country will be blocked by this old man!"

   One is fiercer than the other.

   In fact, Bush Sr. is now seeking re-election. Generally speaking, the generals of Midi will be re-elected, and Bush Sr. has done a good job in office.

   The Gulf War was a good one.

   Swept away the haze of defeat in Vietnam War.

   But it is clear that the Democrats have found an excellent opportunity to blow this old man down!

   So, does this have anything to do with Takeshi Iwata?

  The relationship is so big!

  Iwata Takeshi is a Japanese director, which is a relationship in itself!

   Before he came to Los Angeles, someone had already started to take the wind.

   "Director Iwata from Japan is likely to be pressured by the Republican media!"

   "Some media's unprovoked attacks on this well-known Japanese director are simply shocking!"

   "I can't understand, who is this movie provoking? ... Oh, I see, it must be those conservatives!"

   The movie "Bad Boy's Sky" actually had some signs of it before it was actually shortlisted for this Oscar.

   Because this movie, in a way, does have that element.

Although    is a very, very subtle expression, people who have a certain ability to appreciate movies will definitely find it.

   This kind of subtlety will make people feel very interesting, and there will be a softer feeling for this kind of love.

   However, some people do not feel soft, just like fox.

The   Fox TV news network is definitely the first brother of the Republican media, and the attitude of this media has always been right.

   is arguably the most conservative force in the Republican Party.

   Don’t forget, this TV network also has a movie company.

   Therefore, they naturally pointed fingers at this year's Oscars, among which they bombarded "Bad Boy's Sky".

   Many TV people simply said: This is a Japanese movie, and the Japanese side made our president so ugly, this movie should be boycotted!

   Good guy, that just gave the Democrats the best shot.

  So, before Takeshi Iwata came to the United States, the media on both sides had been fighting for a while.

  To say that those who support the Democratic Party are mainly in California.

  California can be said to be the iron vote of the Democratic Party, which is a blue state.


   What's more interesting is that now the governor of California is a Republican, Pete Wilson.

   This is even more intense.

   Someone found a good opportunity, that is Barbara Fina.

   She felt that this might be a very good opportunity, and she herself is a member of the Democratic Party. If she does it herself, she may have some small problems.

   Simply, I contacted Marco Muller and Thierry, the two European tycoons.


   "To run an Oscar?"

   "Yes! Don't you want to?"

   "Iwata, this is a very good opportunity, and it will have a very favorable impact on the sequel of "The Fast and the Furious"!"

   Takeshi Iwata saw a special kind of fanaticism in the eyes of these two guys.

  To be honest, it was a bit of an accident, but…

  When the opportunity comes, you have to seize it!

   "Okay! Let's give it a try then."

   Seeing Takeshi Iwata agree, the two Europeans were overjoyed.

"Ha ha…"

   "Can't say try, we will definitely succeed!"


   Takeshi Iwata smiled and said nothing, but to be honest, he remembered that the big winner of the Oscars this year should be that movie.

"The Silence of the Lambs".


  PS: Well, it's a little hard to eat, but please rest assured, there will be more, definitely.

   (end of this chapter)

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