Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 419: rotten tomatoes

   Chapter 419 Rotten Tomatoes

   "Breaking Bad will definitely surprise everyone this time!"

   "Really? I don't believe it."

   "Then let's see when the time comes. Director Iwata's fantastic idea this time will definitely shock everyone!"


   "Absolutely cool! Absolutely!"

   "Haha...but what you said is too absolute."

   "Because it has to be so absolute!"

   Good guy, this guy Ferranzes is now giving full play to his "Internet celebrity" characteristics and has started his own talk show journey again.

   It's just that this time he's emphasizing one thing, "Breaking Bad Season 2" will surprise people.

   Well, when talking with the host, the word absolutely is used a little too much.

   But, anyway, this second generation of the Mafia still thinks so.

   This "Breaking Bad" is absolutely awesome!

  The big talk was just left here, and Ferranzas didn't think there was any risk at all.

   is amazing, is this TV series really that amazing?

  No matter what, Netflix members in the United States are now waiting for this TV series to come out and rent it directly.

   And now, the time has come to September.

  September, which is obviously a sign that autumn has entered, right?

   At least in the Northern Hemisphere.

  That is to say, the best schedule...and there is such a small tail.

  Yes, in a strict sense, the summer vacation has actually passed. You must know that the summer vacation in the United States starts in May.

   It’s been 4 months since the full calculation, so it’s almost done.

   But, it still has a little tail.

  This summer, the biggest winner is a "Forrest Gump"!

  This movie is really awesome. Basically, almost all the filmmakers around the world are talking about this movie.

   "Forrest Gump" doesn't talk about the artistic aspects of this movie, it's just the box office, it's already strong enough to have no friends.

  The North American box office has exceeded 330 million US dollars, and the global box office has won nearly 700 million US dollars.

   This alone has made it certain that this film will achieve high achievements in the future Oscars.

   You must know that even a phenomenal commercial blockbuster like "Terminator 2" is not so high.

   What's even more interesting is that the director of this film, Zemeckis, is actually a technical controller, and among the directors, he is very, very fond of using new technologies.

   So, this movie looks like a feature film, but it uses a lot of computer effects.

   is like the slowly falling feather at the beginning, that hair does not exist.

   Of course, the most important thing is that this movie is a feature film.

   Such an excellent film, is there no rival?

  Yes, but that movie wasn't a live-action movie, it was Disney's true revival of The Lion King.

   That's right, this film is indeed very similar to Mr. Tezuka Osamu's "Forest Emperor", it's almost the same anyway.

Of course    Disney will not admit it, in short, it will not admit it.

   However, the box office is also really powerful.

   slightly lost "Forrest Gump" in the North American market, but won on a global scale.

   At present, the "Lion King" is still being released all over the world, and the box office has exceeded 900 million US dollars.

   This number is really amazing, and even this box office has completely driven Disney crazy.

   They saw the future of animated films and the future of their own entertainment company.

   Originally, Disney was not so strong, but now, they have the opportunity to grow wildly.

   But no matter what, this is also an animated film, and its performance in the Oscars will not be too awesome.

   After all, the Oscars focus on live-action movies.

   In this way, the North American summer program in 1994 can be regarded as a very successful, two movies exceeding 300 million US dollars, this scene was extremely rare before.

   A few years ago, breaking 200 million was the box office champion.

   All of a sudden, the North American film market is booming!

  So, at the end of the summer vacation, will there be any other accidents?

  A very mysterious, yet seemingly star-studded movie, ready to go live.


   "Pulp fiction? What movie is this?"

   "I really haven't heard of it before, but with Bruce Willis, it should be fine, right?"

   "I tell you, this thing is a piece of shit, it's just a bunch of boring Hollywood marketing gurus cheating money!"

   "Shit or not, this cast is still good."

   "That Iwata Takeshi, that Japanese director, even came to make a cameo!"

  In the United States in 1994, the network already had a certain scale.

   may not be very big, and the number of people online may not be that large, but there are indeed a considerable number of netizens right now.

   Everyone chats on the Internet, doing various things, sending Yimeier and so on.

   And now, Cuban, the fat man, is also staring at the computer screen, watching the various comments of these netizens.

   Let’s just say, it’s quite a sand sculpture.

   Of course, Cuban still can't understand the word sand sculpture, he just thinks it's very funny.

   It should be said that the money that Takeshi Iwata took out before was fantastic!

   Cuban has completed the construction of the sports broadcasting network. For now, it is only the members on the network.

   However, he is not in a hurry, because several buddies have already found a very, very good broadcast object.


  Nonono! NCAA, yes!

  It may be God's blessing that in the last two years, a very, very attractive small group has appeared.

  Which basketball team is the strongest now?

  , of course, the Chicago Bulls.

   In the NCAA, there is also a team from Michigan, and there are five people in this team, and the style of play is very attractive.

   They were called the 'Michigan Five'.

   These five tigers are widely reported, they are really good and very popular.

  This guy Cuban is going to start with these five tigers, and his broadcast network will be watching these people.

   Cuban doesn't know yet, his move is the routine of creating an internet celebrity in the future.

   is almost identical.

  But in this situation…

  Basketball Network is OK, what about Mr. Iwata?

   The film "Pulp Fiction" is being promoted, and currently, it has attracted a lot of attention.

   However, this film is not without its rivals.

   At present, the strongest competitor is "The Departed", yes, Martin Scorsese is finished, and this movie is going to be released.

  The time is so late?

   is very simple, because the movies around November are actually the movies that really hit the Oscars. This is a regular routine.

   "Pulp Fiction" has been confirmed to be released at the end of September, "The Departed" in early November, it does not seem to conflict, but this film is adapted from Iwata Takeshi's work!

   So, soon someone compared the two films.

   Of course, it's blowing Martin and blowing Iwata Takeshi.

   In addition, there is a very interesting movie.

   Of course, the movie was not seen by Cuban, he didn't know the content, but the schedule of this movie is very interesting.

"The Shawshank Redemption".

   Yes, this is the movie.

  Why do you say her schedule is interesting?

  Because the movie is scheduled to be released at the end of October.

   What is this schedule?

  Halloween time!

   In short, the investors of this movie want to sell tickets under the title of Stephen King's "King of Horror", the author of the movie's novel.

   And this movie, although the feeling given in the propaganda is the taste of a horror movie, but as long as you have read this novel, you will know that this is not a horror movie at all.

   But what can be done?

   Cuban thinks it's very interesting, there is another competition in this movie.

   At this moment, he received a call.

   "Mr. Iwata, it's so late, what's the matter?"

   "I won't go around the corner. What's your opinion on movies and the Internet?"

   "Huh? This..."

   Cuban doesn't quite understand, what does this mean?

   Does the movie have to be put on the Internet... It's impossible!

  Yes, at the moment Cuban still thinks that this is impossible.

   However, Takeshi Iwata said something that made Cuban want to laugh.

   "Do you think that many guys on the Internet will like to comment on movies?"


   What a coincidence!

   Is the boss watching my screen?

   But Cuban gave his answer right away.

   "Yes, there are a lot of guys who like to criticize movies."

   It was very direct on the phone over there.

   "So, how about we start a website? Let these people rate movies."


   Cuban was stunned at the time, but thought the idea was great.

   So, how should you rate it?

   "When you watch a movie, what do you want to do if it's a bad movie?"

   "I will scold Fake!"

   "We are civilized people, you must have some quality."

   "Ok, so... throw rotten eggs?"

   "What if eggs didn't stink?"

   "Then throw Rotten Tomatoes!"

   "Well, this is good."

   And so, Rotten Tomatoes was born. . .


PS: I’m really sorry, that… I didn’t say yesterday that the stomach problem seems to be cured, it is indeed better in that aspect, but today I have a cold again, alas… I don’t know what to say, I’m really helpless, Probably because of my age.

   In addition, for those who can update today, there is no need to say more, right.

   (end of this chapter)

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