Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 465: turn crisis into opportunity

   Chapter 465 Turn the crisis into a turning point

  Tokyo, hospital.

   In fact, most ordinary people are a little bit afraid of the attitude towards the hospital.

  This kind of place, of course, can’t come if you can’t come. It’s still a small matter to spend money. If something really happens, it’s too scary.

  Quan Shui was originally an ordinary person, but she used to have a good mentality and didn't have much resistance to the hospital.

   Just recently, she did come more often.

   Honestly, I didn’t know before that cancer also needs to undergo chemotherapy after surgery, but since the doctor said it is safer, it is natural to listen to it.

  So, I have been coming to the hospital for chemotherapy recently.

  This chemotherapy is relatively simple, at least on the surface, it is just a hanging bottle.

   It's just that the medicine in it is a bit powerful.

  Every time, Spring will close his eyes and let himself relax and rest.

   But this time…

   "Huh? Iwata-san?"

   "Well, don't worry, let's rest for a while."

When   spring opened her eyes, she was taken aback.

   Iwata-san appeared in front of him!

what's going on?

  The spring water is really dumbfounded.

  Although, Sister Mingcai knows about her illness, but Sister Mingcai is the proprietress of company B, and, as far as the artist agency is concerned, the Star Group is not affiliated with Iwata Cinema.

   And Sister Mingcai has already told her that she will not make this public.

   In other words, from a common sense, Iwata-san should not know that he is sick.

  But must be the guy in the top hat!

   Spring water thought of this, and she really regretted it.

   I just made a bad friend by mistake.

   Forget it, let’s deal with Iwata-san in front of me.

  The spring water was very blushing, she didn't know what to say.

  Iwata Takeshi saw this and only thought that she might have some physical problems.

   "Yes, does it hurt?"

   "No, it's fine."

   This question, called Quan Shui, was a little embarrassed. In other words, she actually wanted to answer it, but it was very painful.

   But not because of illness, but because you don't know anything.

  Iwata Takeshi really doesn't know a lot of things, but he really cares about the current situation.

   "No matter what, you must take good care of your body. Given the current situation, let's go to the United States?"

"To the United States?"

  The spring water was immediately startled.

  Why did you go to America all of a sudden?

   Takeshi Iwata is actually single-minded, "The medical level in the United States is higher, which will be better for your health. In my opinion, it is better to stop the work at hand first, and simply go to the United States for treatment at ease."

   "Ah this..."

   Is he caring about me?

   Well, there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​spring water, Iwata Takeshi really cares about spring water.

   However, this concern is different from that relationship.

  Iwata Takeshi is really single-minded now. Since he has the opportunity to change history, how can he let it go?

   Don't say anything else, a woman with clear spring water, she shouldn't have died so early, right?

  How many fans are so sorry, how many people are so sad when they recall it.

   Moreover, in the original time and space, after Quan Shui's death, she was always used by her company for marketing and hype.

  Although, these companies have certain reasons, that is, the newly launched singers can't sell the deceased sister spring water.

  But, you guys are really unconscionable!

  The hateful face of capitalism is exposed.

  Iwata Takeshi, he has the opportunity to change these, how could he not do it?

   It’s just that the spring is a little misunderstood. After all, this kind of concern can easily be confused.

   However, Quan Shui made up her mind early in the morning, so her face turned straight.

   "Thank you Iwata-san for your kindness, but after all, it's my business to get sick. I won't go to the United States. I'll take good care of it, and I'll definitely recover."

   Takeshi Iwata scratched his head, because he could hear that Izumi was a little angry at his suggestion.


   is really weird.

   However, since she has decided this way, Iwata Takeshi can't go against her will.

   "That's fine, but please be careful about your body."

  This… caring about one’s own body is really…

   "Pressure Massenet." Although Quan Shui felt blushing, he could only agree.

   Having said that, this is indeed a bit strange.

   But Takeshi Iwata really didn't think much about it, so, didn't he know he was blushing?

   No, he knew, but not about it.

  After the chemotherapy, of course it was time to go back, but Takeshi Iwata was not in a hurry.

   "Anything else?"

  The spring water is very strange, but after all, he is his own boss, so let's just leave.

   "It's not an important thing, but someone is still coming."

   "Somebody important?"

   "It's more important to you."

"for me?"

  The whole person is stunned. Who is important to him?

  Fortunately, not long after, I saw a man in a high-end suit, carrying a high-end document bag, and came over.

   "Simi Marseille! Simi Marseille!"

  This person is very interesting, and he said sorry to Iwata-san in various ways.

  The spring water is even more confused, and this person seems to be quite a powerful person.

   seems to be a lawyer or a senior executive of a big company, oh wait a minute, he is a lawyer after seeing that golden sign.

   But since he is such a powerful character, why should he be so respectful to Iwata-san?

  Quan Shui did not know that this person was lawyer Shinoyama Tatsuya.

   Then, what exactly is this guy Shinoyama doing here?

   "Izumi-san, regarding the affairs of the Soka Gakkai, for now..."

  It turned out to be this thing!

  Quan Shui understood as soon as she heard it, but to be honest, she was a little angry.

  Iwata-san is too much. Didn't he say he should take care of his body?

  The result is only for Soka Gakkai, that is, for those seats and votes.

  This thought did make Iwata take a little bit of a deduction in Quan Shui's heart, but...

   "Actually, from the current point of view, we can completely shape Quan Shui Sang into the image of an anti-cancer female fighter!"


   "Yes, this is a very good one... Let's just call it a halo. In the case of Japan, it can better inspire people and convey more positive things to everyone."


"Izumi-san, don't you think it's bad? You know, in this world, especially in Japan, there are many people who need your inspiration! Moreover, from a political point of view, you don't have to be a member of parliament yourself, as long as you can Take control of the Soka Gakkai, so you can do it.

   This is really a good opportunity, Izumi-san, please think about it. "

   Tatsuya Shinoyama actually said such a very speechless thing.

   Spring is even more angry.

   Well, anyone who hears such a statement will be angry.

   But, this incident belongs to Iwata-san...

   couldn't help but look at him.

   Takeshi Iwata is actually very embarrassed.

   Regarding this matter, it really wasn't his Iwata Takeshi's idea.

   At that time, I learned from Sonoko Onkou that the spring water was ill, and of course Takeshi Iwata made a plan.

   There are some problems here.

   He plans to send Quan Shui to the United States to receive better treatment. Then, during this period of time, of course, sister Quan Shui will not be able to sing and do some activities.

   Well, in Japan, you have to give an explanation.

  Yes, that's how Japan is. In this entertainment industry, you don't come and go when you want, everything has rules.

   So, we are directly faced with a problem.

   The condition of the spring water must be made public.

   If you keep concealing it, it will definitely not work, even if you don’t go to the United States for treatment, you can’t hide it.

   Because if it exploded, it would also hurt the artist.

   In short, things have to be announced, then, things after the announcement have to be considered.

  How to deal with it, what kind of situation arises?

   Who can Takeshi Iwata talk to?

   You must know that Izumi is still in the Soka Gakkai and has a political mission.

   There is only this guy, Shinoyama, and he has a characteristic.

   As long as you pay enough, his mouth is very strict.

   As a result, Shinoyama gave such a plan.

   Simply and generously exposed the fact of the illness, and then established the spring as a very strong woman.

   so as to obtain more benefits.

   Take a bad thing, you must know that suffering from cancer is definitely not a good thing at the moment.

   will definitely lose powder, and it will definitely cause a lot of complaints.

  Yes, there will be fans who express sympathy and regret, and wait for the good side.

   However, here in Japan, someone will definitely speak out.

  Since you have a terminal illness, don’t go out to work.

   100% would say that.

   Therefore, Shinoyama's method is to turn a crisis into a turning point.

   This is a great option.

   But, Iwata Takeshi's thoughts...

   "If you don't want this, it doesn't matter. Take care of your body first, and many things can take your time."

   Yes, Takeshi Iwata thinks like that.

After listening to    Spring Water, her mood was different.

   "Pressure Massenet!"

   She agreed.

  In this way, we can deliver more positive spirits to more people.

   This is what Sister Quan Shui should do.

   Shinoyama Tatsuya was naturally very happy, and Takeshi Iwata felt a little weird, but for now, that's the only way it can be.

   "I'll go back now and draw up a battle plan."

  Shinoyama left first, and then Iwata Takeshi and Izumi were at the door of the hospital...

   "Want to take my car?"


   After all, both of them are big celebrities, and the gossip here in Japan is still very fierce.

  Iwata Takeshi was not strong, and Izumi waited for a rental car.

   But they didn't expect that, just like this, they were still photographed by people with a heart.


  PS: Today, this, this, big A really pulls the crotch quite a bit. It should be said that the current economic level will not be very good, and energy prices are rising. Many friends may not know that oil prices have risen here, but the US has also risen sharply. Just like California, a liter of oil costs about ten yuan per rmb. You read that right, and now US oil prices are really not cheap. .

   (end of this chapter)

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