Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 486: antecedent

   Chapter 486 Antecedents

  Sometimes this is the case. People who have a good relationship with them often make a mess of words.

   But everyone smiles, especially among men.

   This is a kind of interpersonal relationship that is somewhat indescribable, and some people call it brotherhood.

  Xi, his basic situation was almost described in the car.

   But there are still some places that have not been introduced.

   Interestingly, after this paragraph, it did not directly enter the stock market plot, but a piece of music, which was accompanied by a panoramic view of the entire Tokyo.

   That's weird, isn't this a bit repetitive?

Didn't    have a title before?

   are those paintings.

  To say, this title is actually quite artistic, these paintings are really childish and interesting.

  Then why do you arrange such a scene now?

  A normal movie, probably like this, that is, a city scene with music, and then as the beginning of the movie.

   This is an account of time and space, that is to say, the story of our movie takes place in Tokyo.

   However, this movie has almost explained it.

   Do you still need to explain it again?

   Of course, as far as the music is concerned, it's really nice.

   Hisaishi Jo, this time he didn't know how much hair he lost, and the music he came up with is really pretty good.

   Moreover, this music matches the cityscape of Tokyo, giving people a strong sense of pleasure.

  Although it was broad daylight, it was still good.

   However, if you are familiar with Iwata Takeshi movies, you will immediately see a very, very Iwata-style shot.


   is not very rich, but it is definitely very special. On this day in Tokyo, there is also the sea water of Tokyo Bay, which still constitutes a unique Iwata blue.

   So, is it because I want to shoot this Iwata blue, so I did something like a double title?

  Suddenly, the picture just turned.

   Take Iwata, who was sitting in the car before, that is, Nishi, and he appeared in a parking lot.

   In front of him, there was a car, and there were two young people on the side of the car. The young people were eating bento, but the bento was placed on the machine cover of the car.

   This is to get the car dirty, so…

  West is just a kick, and then…

  The two young men started cleaning his car.

   At this time, the camera turned again, and the other three people in the car just now were in the same situation.

   "His daughter died young, alas, my wife has a terminal illness, it's really hard."

  Osugi Lian, with a face full of flesh but wearing a pair of glasses, was talking to the people in the car.

   Obviously, they are further in the introduction to the west.

   But why did they do it?

   Soon, the answer will come.

  It turns out that Xi was an undercover agent before, and this time he brought his police colleagues to arrest people.

   And the job of arresting people has already reached this point, so Osugi Ren, Xi's boss, simply asked Xi to see his wife.

  Yes, there is nothing wrong with a person who has completed undercover work, but his child died early and his wife is seriously ill.

  The suspect has already been completely locked, so he doesn't need Xi at all.

   So, the scene of the parking lot happened.

   is kind of funny.

   And then, Xi appeared in front of his wife's hospital bed.

  Miyuki, played by Akina, sat there with a pale face, just glanced at him, and then turned his head to another place.

  Nishi came over, but Miyuki was still the same, he didn't say anything, just sat on the edge of the bed, next to Miyuki.

   That's all, the two of them didn't say a word.

  Is this a conflict?

   Soon, maybe both of them were a little stubborn, most of their bodies didn't move, but their hands were slowly touching.

   Of course, Nishi's hand groped for it, Miyuki dodged a bit, then again, until the third time.

   did not hide.

   Two people, only two hands together, that's all.

   seems to be worth more than a thousand words.

  Suddenly, the picture changed again.

   What Osugi Lian never expected was that the suspect who was already catching the turtle in the urn suddenly appeared in front of him.

   And this guy was even more fierce, he shot directly at Osugi Lian.

  Two consecutive shots, and Osugi fell to the ground.

   In the chaos, Xianfan ran away.

  The shot is back at the hospital.

   "There will always be a way."



   "Just stay with me more."


   "Your work should also come to an end, right?"

"That's true."

  Nishi and Miyuki finally started a conversation, although they still didn't look at each other.

   However, the conversation at this moment has revealed all the answers.

   The illness is so severe that it is difficult to treat, and I should consider giving up this matter.

  Miyuki brought it up, which made Xi very reluctant, but he was too incompetent, he really should spend more time with his wife.

  That's it...If it's an ordinary person performing, it will definitely give a certain change in expression.

   However, Takeshi Iwata's face is so calm.

This is enough!

   is really enough.

  Iwata Takeshi's face is really a face with stories. It does look fierce. At this time, when he should show gentleness, what can he do?

   It would be more scary if you laughed, right?

   Therefore, such a calm face is enough to express your inner feelings.

   Seeing several famous supervisors here, they even had such an idea in their hearts.

  Perhaps, this appearance is just Takeshi Iwata's performance advantage!

  This…really no joke.

   Just when Nishi and Miyuki were about to make a final decision, someone suddenly came to him.

  Terashima Shin, told Nishi bad news.


   "I'm actually nothing. When we become the police, there will always be risks."

   When the character of Osugi reappeared, he was already in a wheelchair.

   In the last failed capture, two bullets paralyzed him.

  Xi pushed the wheelchair behind him without saying a word.

   "Aha, I'm still not used to it."

  It turned out that Dasugi had urinated, which was really embarrassing.

  West is still the same, he hardly has any expression.

  Osugi wanted to see the sea, so he pushed him to the beach.

   "Just catch the prisoner, don't think about avenging me or anything, the police is a job."

  West remained silent.

  But as Dasugi Lian said that, tears appeared on his face inexplicably.

   He was not crying, but felt something in his heart.

   He is facing the sea at the moment, that blue scene is really beautiful.

   But he didn't feel anything in his lower body, even if he wanted to come down and feel the sea water, he couldn't.

   Even when the sea tide was rising and slowly passing his feet, he couldn't feel it at all.


  The blood beads that erupted from the waist shot up to the sky.

   The previous suspect was found, and he is still being pinned down, but the gun in his hand was fired.

   The man who held him down cried out in pain.

   However, all this is silent.

   The screen turned, and there was a woman in front of Xi.


   "Actually, Mr. Xi doesn't need to say more, I understand my position."


   "He's that kind of person, this guy can be stupid sometimes..."

   This woman said while wiping away her tears, she was a little beautiful.

   But what's going on?

   Soon, a photo revealed the truth.

   It turned out that this woman was the wife of the police officer who was shot to death earlier.

   That's right, no one should be able to survive such a shooting, not to mention, the person who played the policeman is Kagawa Teruyuki.

   Those who are familiar with Iwata Takeshi movies will probably be familiar with it. This guy, Kagawa Teruyuki, in Iwata Takeshi movies, often gets boxed lunches.

   Now this one is no exception.

   Well, in the previous sedan, Kagawa was one of them.

   The other person is Shin Terashima.

   Now, among the four people, one is paralyzed and the other is dead.

What about   West?

   He still said nothing, said goodbye to the woman, and left.

  The woman is Miho Nakayama, she kept this cameo a secret.

   And then, the camera went back again.

   It turned out to be another arrest, but this time the suspect was identified, and Nishi, Kagawa and Terashima Shin, the three of them worked together.

  Unfortunately, the suspect is really fierce. He was headbutted by Nishi at first, but he returned a punch from Nishi, and then Terashima Jin was pressed to the ground, and the guy broke free.

   Then came Kagawa, and Kagawa was out of luck, he was shot at close range.

   And when the suspect got up and ran away, West finally pulled out his gun and emptied the magazine at the guy.

   So it is!

   Is this the antecedent?

   This suspect has already been killed, but what happens next?

What will   Xi do?

   Everyone in the screening room, with these questions, got caught up in this movie


  PS: Thank you for your support, thank you!



   (end of this chapter)

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