Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Ninety-nine, gathering service area

The bus continued to drive.

After that, Kato Yusuke drew the original manuscript on the digital screen, while Eiri watched quietly next to him, observing his brushstrokes and techniques.

After observing for a while, Yinglili was a little surprised to find that his level had improved again!

From the character's movements, understanding of modeling, to the interaction between characters and scenes, as well as the extremely unique storyboarding techniques.

All these details vaguely reveal one thing - Kato Yusuke seems to have entered a field that she has not yet touched.

If you describe it carefully, although most of the above can be classified as basic skills, wanting to do it as easily and freely as he does is another matter.

In addition, the technique of storyboarding is also very subtle.

Take the manuscript that Yusuke Kato is currently drawing as an example. There are three characters in the picture, namely Denji, Makima, and Himeno.

The plot is a question-and-answer session between two female characters about who Denis should kiss.

The picture is simply divided into four grids. The backgrounds of Makima and Himeno only use simple blur lines, and the background of Denji is completely black.

To be honest, even if it was a drawing book, Ying Lili would not draw it like this.

That style is not very similar to the expression technique of comics, but has the flavor of movie storyboarding.

If she were to draw it, it would probably start with Machima's inquiry, then a close-up of a local action, and then the next character's linked changes, and proceed in sequence, basically following the guidance of the line of sight.

Depending on the situation, the perspective of the human body's torso will be added, and the movements of the frames will be changed to highlight emotions and tension. In short, it is almost a traditional comic expression technique.

Through the previous paintings of other scenes, Yinglili knew that he must also have mastered these knowledge and skills, but he made a different choice.

This creates a strong personal style and brings a unique charm, making the work unique.

But in a sense, this can be regarded as one of the many characteristics of "Chainsaw Man".

Eiriri was thinking secretly in her heart, and at the same time, she raised some questions about character portrayal and storyboard design, asking Kato Yusuke why he did this, and received answers one by one.

After touching heads, the two spent a short period of question and answer time.

Involuntarily, she thought again of Kato Yusuke, who couldn't even draw storyboards well and had to be taught everything by her.

I felt a little lonely for no reason, as if I had been abandoned.

At the same time, there were several other complex emotions permeating the body.

With a little bit of unwillingness, a little bit of unwillingness to admit defeat, and a little bit of pride. While Eiri thought silently, she unconsciously focused her gaze on Kato Yusuke's face.

The digital pen slides smoothly on the screen and emits a very neat melody.

The cartoon profile of An Jing beside her made her unconsciously fascinated by it.

At a certain moment, as if he noticed the gaze on her face, Kato Yusuke met her eyes.

"What's wrong?"


Thump, the heart beats gently.

"Is there something on my face?"

Yinglili looked away as if she had just woken up from a dream, her eyes wandered for a while, and she muttered in a low voice: "...No, it's nothing..."

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then said with some nerve-wracking: "...Do you still want to be touched on the head? But I am drawing the original manuscript now."

"--certainly not!"

It was immediately rejected.

Under his puzzled gaze, Yinglili raised one foot pretending to be calm, leaned forward while raising her elbows, and supported her chin with one hand, saying:

"...I'm just a little interested in your next plot. I wanted to ask, but since you're busy, forget it."

"Are you interested in the plot of "Chainsaw Man"...?"

"What do you mean by that tone of voice? Isn't it okay?"

"It's not impossible, but aren't you interested in cute works?"

"That's what I say, but "Chainsaw Man" has become so popular recently, so naturally I have to consider drawing a book!"

" expected of you."

"What are you doing? Your words seem to have some profound meaning."

"So, whose book do you want to draw?"

Yinglili, who was just dealing with it casually, couldn't help but hesitated. She didn't expect that he would ask further. After hesitating for a while, she said:

"T-do you still need to ask? As for the character you are playing now, it must be Makima!"

"That's Machima and Denji..."

Kato Yusuke turned his attention back to the digital screen, started drawing again, and at the same time replied: "Well, it's not impossible."

"I told you to stop speaking in such an ambiguous manner. Besides, Denji also likes Makima, right? Could it be that they are not the CP you set?"

"CP, it depends on how you want to understand this."

The tone became a little subtle.

"Won't they be together at the end of the story?"

"Well...if it's in a physical sense, they should be together, right? Putting aside their feelings, at least the two of them have become one?"

"Why are you the one who asked the question??" Ying Lili asked with a frown, her expression slightly puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something. Just go ahead and draw. At least with Machima's current popularity, you can't go wrong by choosing her."

Ying Lili curled her lips, muttered something mysterious in a low voice, and did not pursue the question further.

As Yusuke Kato said, she is interested in traditional cute works.

Popular works such as "Chainsaw Man" are just subjects for her books.

I draw whatever is easy to sell and follow the market trends at all times to create exciting books. This is the unique method and biggest characteristic of Kashiwagi Eri, a popular book painter.

After such a conversation, Yinglili actually came up with the idea of ​​"it might be a good idea to just draw a fan work of "Chainsaw Man"".

But then, she thought about the fan exhibition she was going to participate in next month, and the club commemorative book that was scheduled to be released at Winter I but has yet to be touched - "MeoriesOfLily".

Thinking about it again, there is still just over a month until the opening of Winter I, and I suddenly have a headache. It’s the spirit of fishing that is causing trouble!

Faced with this difficult situation, Yingli Li held her head and sobbed for a while, then stretched out a hand and grabbed the sleeve of the person next to her.

"...Yusuke, help me!"

Kato Yusuke, who was painting, stopped moving his hands and looked over in confusion.

"help you with what?"

"I-I want it! Give it to me quickly!"

Boom, the sound of hitting the forehead sounded.

"It hurts!? What are you doing!"

"No matter how anxious you are, think before you speak. You are no longer a primary school student."

Yinglili's originally angry expression froze on her face, as if she had just realized the ambiguity in her previous statement, her mouth opened and closed slightly, and her face seemed to burst into flames.

Boom, the small fist hit Kato Yusuke's chest.

"Are you an idiot? I'm asking you to draw a doujinshi for me. Why do you think of obscene things? Change, pervert!"

Suddenly there was a little bit of a nail in the uterine cavity.

"Drawing doujinshi?"

Kato Yusuke looked at Eiri in front of him, thought for a while and said: "Let me ask first, when you say help, do you want me to help draw the book of "Chainsaw Man"?"

Is this an official publication?

Such thoughts passed through my mind in an instant.

"You said you would help me before, right?"

"I've said it before, but your whimsy makes people a little speechless. Furthermore, "Chainsaw Man" has a different style of painting. If the style doesn't change, it won't be suitable for this book."

"You just need to imitate my strokes. Haven't you done this before? This must be very easy for you." Yinglili said plausibly.

"That's not the problem...forget it, whatever you say is what it is." Kato Yusuke gave up arguing and no longer tried to care about her fallacies.

Isn't it the official version? As long as the author doesn't admit it, it can only be considered a fan creation, just like a third-party OD for some games.

Besides, if you really have to change the brush strokes to paint, whether anyone can recognize it is also a problem.

Seeing his agreement, Yinglili nodded with satisfaction, and added: "There is also a souvenir book for Dong I. I will ask you for help when needed."

"If I have time." Kato Yusuke replied.

Ever since, things have been settled like this.

Unconsciously, time gradually passed.

After driving for about forty minutes, the bus entered the service area and stopped in the open parking lot.


Kanoko Hasumi, who was sitting in the front row, stood up and reminded:

"Those who want to go to the bathroom should do so now, and those who need to buy things for their families can also go. We will stop here for half an hour."


The students responded one after another and filed off the bus in order.

Kato Yusuke and Eiriri also walked down.

Although the air blowing in the face is not as fresh as in the mountains, it is still comfortable.

Thick cumulonimbus clouds floated in the blue sky, like whales swimming in the deep sea.

In addition to the Toyosaki Academy bus, there were also some private cars parked in the parking lot.

The crowd of students walked towards the facilities in the service area in twos and threes, instantly bringing vitality and vitality to the place.

"Oh, we're here, we're here~! Do you want to go shopping for souvenirs together? Kato-san, and Sawamura-san."

Himekawa Yoshiko, who got out of the car first, waved and shouted not far away, and the other members of Kato's team also stood beside her.

"How about it? Do you want to go together? Eiriri." Kato Yusuke asked to the side.

Yinglili nodded lightly at first, and then said a little embarrassedly: "But I want to go to the bathroom first."

"Then let's go there first. Maybe there are others who want to go."


The two of them walked up together.

After discussion, the girls decided to go to the bathroom first, while the boys went to the store first, so the two parties split up.

When I walked into a store where the air conditioning was fully turned on, the cold air suddenly hit my face, causing goosebumps to rise on my neck.

"Wow! It's so cold."

Yamaguchi shivered uncontrollably, and then asked, "What do you two want to buy?"

Takei put his hands behind his head, thought for a moment and said, "Like soy sauce or something?"

"It's so perfunctory. Is it necessary to come all the way to Chiba to buy that kind of thing? It's so unlucky for your family, please apologize to them!"


"After all, it is a specialty product. At least choose something that is not easy to buy in Tokyo. And Kato, what about you? Have you decided what to buy?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, replied that he should take a look before talking, and then walked deeper into the store.

The shelves neatly arranged vertically and horizontally are stocked with a dazzling variety of products.

From exquisite small items such as key chains, to various peripherals of Chiba Prefecture's mascot "Chiba-kun", to snacks, food, fruits, etc., there is basically everything.

Speaking of Chiba-kun, he is a raging red rabid dog with his tongue sticking out. His appearance is said to be designed based on the map of Chiba Prefecture.

Anyway, since he came here, Kato Yusuke bought two Chiba-kun key chains.

After that, he bought wet pancakes, peanut-filled glutinous rice pancakes, and a pear gift box that was not a specialty of Chiba.

The last pear gift box confused him.

After asking the store owner, I found out that Chiba Prefecture is the top producer of pears in Japan.

‘It seems that it can also be classified as a specialty product. ’ He thought with some uncertainty and added the gift box to the shopping basket.

Since most of the products have the "locally limited" logo printed on them, it saves a lot of time in selecting.

I just picked and chose, and ended up buying a lot of things.

After paying the bill, Yusuke Kato looked at a corner of the store and saw the Mangkhut brothers taking photos around the Chiba-kun sculpture in the store, making cheerful laughter from time to time.

When he saw this, he didn't bother him. He just left the store with the things he bought, planning to go back to the bus to put them away first.

After walking out of the store, the service area seemed to become more lively.

Not only were there a lot more people walking around, but there were also a few more buses in the parking lot.

Judging from the young and unfamiliar faces around, it seemed that some school's extracurricular activities were stopping here.

Kato Yusuke casually looked around. He didn't know when there was a queue at the restroom in the distance, but he didn't see Eiriri and Megumi.

His eyes followed the gathering crowd and turned to the other side, stopping for a moment at a shop selling food.

On a small blackboard placed in front of the store to attract customers, the words "Delicious Butter Potatoes!" are written in conspicuous fonts, which is quite eye-catching.

There are also many customers lined up in front of the store, among whom you can see girls from our school.

Sayu quite liked eating this, he suddenly thought inadvertently.

The image of the two of them riding a late-night bus together and eating various delicacies in the service area flashed through my mind.

A little nostalgia and loneliness emerge from the bottom of my heart at the same time, as if telling me that I can no longer go back to yesterday.

Kato Yusuke shuffled towards the bus and decided to buy a side of butter potatoes after putting his things away.

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