Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

153. How can you be allowed to live in the same room?

"Well done, keep up the good work."

"Are you telling the truth? Kato!"

An Yilun was overjoyed when he heard this, and clenched his fists in front of his shoulders like a passionate young man, excited.

"Great! It's really strange to be recognized by such a difficult guy like you! So I did a pretty good job, right? Right!"

Perhaps because he was overly excited, he couldn't help but want to pull Yinglili to celebrate together, but the other party jumped back deftly to avoid it.

"What are you doing? Don't come closer, you idiot!"

The girl said with a look of disgust, but ignored the surrounding environment, so that her retreating foot accidentally hit the table, and she screamed "Ah!?" and fell in a certain direction.

Then he fell into Yusuke's arms

He accidentally hit and sat down on the client's lap, and was hugged by his shoulders in a familiar manner.

"Are you okay? Yinglili."


I made a very soft and waxy trill.

"You have to pay attention to your feet when walking, otherwise you may get injured accidentally."

As Kato Yusuke spoke, he flicked her forehead with his right index finger and asked, "Do you remember?"

The angular contours looked extremely soft, and the gentle voice contained a doting flavor, completely surrounding her in peace.

Yinglili was stunned for a moment, her snow-white face suddenly turned red, and her heartbeat was beating unconsciously, as if she was carrying a little rabbit.

Although for various reasons, she had been hugged by this person more than once.

But it was the first time to sit on his lap like this, look up at him close enough to feel his breath, and smell the slightly warm fragrance on his body.

This made her go silent unconsciously, and tensed up all the nerves in her body. She just opened her mouth in a daze, her lips trembling but she didn't speak.


Kato Yusuke tilted his face slightly in confusion and asked: "What are you looking at? Why don't you get up?"


As if being stabbed in a vital point, Yinglili was pulled back to reality by these words, and she immediately looked around guiltily, then jumped up from him and ran to the side as if she was running away.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Yusuke, thank you, thank you, thank you."

She stammered, and circles appeared in her eyes, revealing her inner unrest.

Where has your arrogant side gone? This is the time to say, "Who asked you to meddle in other people's business? You four-eyed glasses man!" Right?

An Yilun also looked at her with an indescribable expression, as if he was looking at a character with a serious positioning error, and then complained unceremoniously:

"What are you doing? In order to have sex with the handsome guy, did you even use pear wrestling?"


After hearing this, Eiri turned her head angrily.

"Are you an idiot? Didn't you see that I just tripped and fell? After all, it's not all your fault that I fell down. How do you have the right to make sarcastic remarks over there!"

"What? Even then, you didn't have to fall on Kato by chance, right?"

"It's such a coincidence! Besides, it's none of your business, don't you think you should apologize to us? You four-eyed glasses man!"

"whispering sound!"

An Yilun clenched his teeth unconsciously and said without thinking:

"After all, how much trouble do you think you have caused Kato so far?

First, I was hugged by him once during the sports meeting, and then I was carried on my back again when I was teaching outside the school. Now, I was even more blatantly intimate in someone else's room.

As a girl, don’t you feel that you are very indecent? "

"I'll just tell you, it's none of your business! What I want to do is my freedom, and I don't need you to make irresponsible remarks!" Ying Lili said angrily.

"How many sets of games and animations that I bought do you think you have at home? So what if I tell you the truth!"

"All the things you provide are too cute and have never become popular. It would be better if the types involved could be wider."

"Wow, you are the one who asks others with such a high attitude. Do you know how much effort I put into collecting those things in your mouth!"

"Come to think of it, don't you even blink your eyes every time you buy those rare peripherals? I don't even know if I should complain about you. It's so easy to make money as a nerd."

"Please, I have money because I work hard to buy games and animations. Don't mistake my purpose and means!"

An Yilun also pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued.

“After all, our family is the kind of middle-class family that can even afford the mortgage loan to my generation, and my father is just an ordinary office worker in a small and medium-sized enterprise.

This is completely different from the Gaga actor whose parents are on business trips abroad and who lives alone in a big house without having to worry about money! "

For some reason, these words were said with such inexplicable momentum that Yinglili didn't know how to react for a moment.

at this time

"Okay, you can stop making noise here for now."

As if he had spotted this opportunity, Kato Yusuke spoke: "About the studio, I have something to tell you. Sit down and listen first."

"A studio? Ah, that's just right. Anyway, I almost don't want to talk to this unreasonable person anymore. I wish I could have it."

"That's what I had to say! You idiot!"

The two people sat down while arguing.

An Yilun also sat on the right side of the low table, while Ying Lili sat on the left side. No one wanted to look at the other.

Kato Yusuke didn't express anything about this, he just calmly declared:

"Just in case, let me tell you first. This matter is currently only known to the members of the studio. After you hear this, please don't spread anything in the school."

Hearing him speak so formally, the two of them were immediately interested. They looked at each other involuntarily, and then immediately turned their attention back to him, waiting for the follow-up.

"Anyway, you should all know that the studio has an agent, right?"


I do not know. ""

"It doesn't matter if you don't know." Yu Kato said calmly: "That agent is actually Kano-chan."

As soon as these words came out, the room became quiet for a few seconds, and then


What did you say? ? ""

The two childhood sweethearts shouted in unison.

"Wait a minute, Kato, is the Kano-chan you're talking about the beautiful teacher in our school, Kano-chan!?"

"I have never heard of this kind of thing. Please explain it to me! Yusuke."

An Yilun and Ying Lili also said it in no particular order, and joined together.

Kato Yusuke nodded to this, first affirming the former, then focusing on the latter, and explained:

"To put it simply, it's just like the contract you and I signed. I also extended an invitation to Kano-chan, and she agreed to join the studio to help with the affairs, so that's basically it."

"It's that simple??"

"Well, it's that simple."

"Didn't you give the teacher some ecstasy soup?"

"There are still pros and cons when necessary to explain the situation, and the consent of the parties involved is also obtained."

Ying Lili couldn't help but was speechless for a while, and An Yilun on the side also spoke in shock.

"You actually brought that little Kano here, Kato, you are so awesome! Your seriousness is not a joke at all."

"I would like to ask, do you think I was joking from the beginning to the end? And even then, I spent all my money on it?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant."

"It's nothing. This way I can just explain it to you clearly."

"say clearly?"

Kato Yusuke hummed, and his tone became a little more serious.

"As I said before, although I do promise to let you try the program part, this is a commercial work after all.

Once you are unable to hand over the results in time, then I will simply entrust it to more professional people to do it, do you understand? "

An Yilun couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said with a forced smile: "Well, you don't need to show such a scary expression. I understand all of this."

"That's good. As a friend, An Yi, you are a pretty good person. Plus, with Ying Lili's relationship, I don't want to hurt the relationship with you, so I have to say ugly things first. I hope you can understand."

"Ah ha ha"

"In addition, there are computers in the studio. If you want, you can go directly to work there."

"Eh? Is that okay?"

"At least I can't think of a reason why it won't work. Besides, if we all work together, it won't be easy for you to sneak around."

"You don't know how to steal fish! Speaking of which, did you ask me to go there with this intention? You are so cunning, Kato!"

Kato Yusuke had no intention of arguing with him on this, so he concluded with one sentence.

"Anyway, that's it. Kano-chan's resignation procedures are almost completed. If you have any questions, we can wait until then."

Generally speaking, although both of them were a little shocked by what happened to Hasumi Kanoko, they didn't think much about it and accepted it easily.

Rather, Yinglili was very happy after knowing that she could still get along with each other in the future.

After all, Hasumi Kanoko is not only her class teacher, but also cares for her, so her joy about this matter is actually greater than other thoughts.

This easy-to-handle reaction made Yusuke sigh in relief, but at the same time, he couldn't help but think of another girl.

For that girl with a delicate heart, he really had no confidence that he could hide it from her, and he didn't want to hide it from her either.

How should Kei explain it?

Once I think about this matter, I can't help but feel a little confused.

Kato Yusuke thought silently for a while, but in the end he only came to a superficial conclusion of taking one step at a time, feeling a bit resigned to fate.

Because he couldn't think of a reason for the moment, he quickly stopped this meaningless behavior.

He raised his head and glanced at Eri, who was wandering away with a dreamy look on her face. Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel relieved by that innocent and cute look, and called out.

"Speak of it, Yinglili."


"Didn't you say you were going to prepare a work for Winter I? How is the progress now?"


Yinglili's eyes moved, and her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled involuntarily.

"Thanks to you, you reminded me of something annoying."

After saying that, he slumped down on the table, like a salted fish that has lost its dream.

"From the look of you, does it look bad?"

“Not so much bad”

The girl turned her face towards him and said dryly: "Actually, I haven't written anything yet."

"What are you doing? Isn't that the worst case scenario?" An Yilun on the side did not let go of this opportunity to hurt her.

"Aren't you going to release an anniversary book? It's been less than a month. I'm glad you still had the time to borrow the anime DVD from me, Eiri."

"You're very verbose, Lun Ye, and I'm not asking you! Besides, I'm not delaying on purpose, I just lack inspiration."

"We are also creators, but I heard that Senior Shiyu has submitted the final draft? How about you learn from others?"

"Although I had no inspiration to begin with, now that you mention that woman again, I have lost even the last bit of motivation!"

"Well, in comparison, you are not only willful, but you also wantonly push the blame onto others. You are really a terrible creator."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up, idiot!"

After hearing this, Yinglili replied unhappily, and then turned her eyes to the other side.

"Besides, Yusuke will help me when the time comes, right?"

Kato Yusuke did not deny this, "Actually, I originally planned to find you after leaving Aki's house. Since you happen to be here, do you want to solve the work of this book now?"


"Well, didn't you say you were going to publish the Chainsaw Man book? Plus the club commemorative book on Winter I. I brought the digital screen here, so I can accompany you to do this work today."

After a brief daze

"Yu, Yusuke!"

Yinglili called his name with a little bit of tears, her beautiful eyes were shining with tears, her eyes were like looking at the savior.

"I said so!"

An Yilun also complained half dumbfounded and half depressed: "Are you pampering her too much? Kato."

His tone sounded very unhappy, but no one cared.

Looking at the girl who came to him on his knees, Kato Yusuke also touched her head lovingly, with a bit of affection in his expression.

Not only did Yinglili not resist, but she reached out and grabbed the hem of her clothes, obeying like a golden kitten with its hair smoothed.

She blushes slightly but has a look of dependence on her face, which is so cute that it makes your heart flutter!

An Yilun was also a little dazed at first, but when he came back to his senses, he frowned unconsciously.

He was silent for a moment, then deliberately coughed heavily: "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but you are not planning to paint a restricted subject in my house, are you?"

"What are you doing? Do you have any opinion? You are a magician in both spiritual and physical senses."

"No matter how you say it, this is too much! After all, since you know that I am a magician, don't you think that creating these contents in my sanctuary is simply unspeakable??"

Eiriri wanted to say something more about this, but Kato Yusuke stopped her.

"Since the master said so, let's go to your house and paint, Yinglili."

"That's it, um, that's okay. But my father and mother are not at home at noon, so we may have to order takeout for lunch. Do you want to stay today?"

"No, I have something to do tomorrow." Yusuke Kato said as he put on his schoolbag, stood up from the ground, and then stretched out his hand to pull Eri up too.

Under An Yilun's dumbfounded gaze, the two of them made the decision in just a few words, without even asking for his opinion.

However, the second before they were about to go out, he finally reacted and rushed forward to block the way.

"Slow down, slow down!"

He took a deep breath, and then said in a very solemn tone: "I have thought about it. I am quite bored at home alone, so you should stay here and create!"

"Huh? But Aki, can't you look at these things?"

"It doesn't matter! I'll lend you my desk, and I will resist looking over there! So it doesn't matter!"

Although they were puzzled by his inconsistent statement, there was nothing unacceptable to Kato Yusuke and Eiriri.

So, the two of them turned around and came to the desk together and began to discuss the notebook.

An Yilun also breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

After all, let a lonely man and a woman live alone in a big house without a guardian or something like that

How could he allow that?

Even though the relationship between Yinglili and him is not as good as before, he still feels that he has an obligation to take care of this childhood sweetheart.

In a state of deep concern, he kept secretly observing the two of them to prevent them from making any oversteps.

Time passes slowly

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