Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and twenty-five, a stately visit

Latest website: As promised, Sayu visited the "type-moon" studio the next day.

In the conference room, Kato Yusuke and Hasumi Kanoko each held a plan, flipping through it and listening to the explanation.

The girl stood in front, expounding her development plan for the Osy Association with great energy.

"First of all, the most basic thing is that given the current situation of our association's members, I think we need to improve the professionalism of all members as soon as possible."

"For example, consult some social workers, psychologists and professionals in related fields and learn from them."

"For example, we can visit and study other existing shelters and public welfare organizations to understand their operations and problems, so that we can establish a more effective, complete and reasonable management mechanism to provide better services and achieve good development."

"For this reason, I have initially drawn up a simple organizational chart based on the current situation of the association. Please take a look."

Sayu hit the space bar on his laptop, and the ppt projected on the screen jumped to a new page.

Board of Directors: "type-moon" studio

Executive Director (Undecided): Responsible for overseeing the entire organization, including the organization's overall management, strategic planning and development direction, and reporting to the Board of Directors.

Administrative Manager (Undecided): Responsible for handling the day-to-day administrative affairs of the organization, including human resources management, financial management and facilities management.

Fundraising Manager (New Tiaoxiang): Responsible for managing all fundraising activities and building relationships with individual and corporate donors.

Project Manager (Yu Serizawa): Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization's services and managing the accommodation staff to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Communications Manager (Asami Yuuki): Responsible for the organization's public relations, marketing, and communications efforts. Manage PR, social media, website, etc.

Mental Health Manager (Ogiwara Sayu): Supervises the mental health of inmates and provides counseling and psychological counseling services to those in need.

After waiting for a while, Sayu cleared her throat and said:

"So, as you two saw.

Based on the personalities of the current members of the association, I have planned some work directions for each person. The other two that I am not sure about are temporarily left blank. I think Yusuke and Ms. Hasumi may have good candidates. "

After she finished speaking, she remained silent, waiting for their reactions.

Kato Yusuke turned over the plan with his hands and said nothing.

Hasumi Kanoko thought about it for a moment and had to take over the topic.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sayu, I'm afraid we don't have many candidates for the two positions of executive director and administrative manager you mentioned."

Sayu thought for a moment and asked: "In that case... Although this may not be a good thing for me to say, if you two don't object, can these two positions be held by me and Miss Shinjo?"

"This..." Ren saw that Kanoko was in trouble for a moment and cast a look at the boy beside her.

The main reason is that she really can't make the decision on this matter without authorization.

Whether it was Shinjoka or Sayu, the issues faced by both of them were very sensitive and difficult, and asking her to agree was not a matter of not agreeing.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but have a hint of resentment in her eyes, so she lightly kicked a certain dull gourd with the toe of her high heels.

Kato Yusuke paused slightly and finally stopped pretending to be dead.

He looked away from the plan and looked ahead indifferently.

"... Mental health counseling is a very important part. It requires face-to-face contact with people, and there may also be special situations like Miss Muzi's. Miss Ogiwara, can you do this?"

"Of course~!"

Sayu pressed her chest proudly and gave him a bright smile, "Yusuke, have you forgotten? I am a student majoring in educational psychology."

"You seem to have not learned professional knowledge yet."

"Ah, don't you have confidence in me? It's so annoying, but my deviation value is 80, and I successfully passed the college entrance examination that I should have accepted early? Yusuke, you are looking down on me too much!"

Kato Yusuke said expressionlessly: "Even so, you don't have the relevant conditions yet."

Sayu puffed up one of her cheeks unhappily and made a sound of "Uh-huh~", then lowered her shoulders slightly unwillingly.

"...Well, otherwise the position of mental health manager will be vacant for now. I will try to see if I can find more professional volunteers at the university. I can also be responsible for the room and board together with Miss Serizawa."

Kato Yusuke objected: "No, you go and deal with the association's affairs with Shinjo."

"...Eh?" Sayu was stunned, "What does this mean...?"

Hasumi Kanoko took the lead and said, "Kato-kun means that those two positions should be held by Miss Sayu and Shinjo-san together."

"Hey, is it true!?"

"Hmm~ Kato-kun said when he established the association that he would not interfere in specific affairs. We will only provide funds. The good development of the association is our only hope. Am I right? Kato-kun~"

Kato Yusuke, who had been robbed, closed his slightly open mouth and nodded affirmatively.

Ren saw Kanoko smile slightly and then asked:

"Ms. Sayu, can I ask you the reason for this organizational structure? To be honest, I don't quite understand the meaning of this arrangement."

Hearing this, Sayu immediately explained.

"This is about ways to better judge the effectiveness of our work, such as key performance indicators and regular assessments.

The purpose is to demonstrate to the outside world our attitude towards transparency, accountability and continuous improvement.

In addition, a charity organization with a sound staff structure will be able to attract donations more easily than an organization with chaotic management. "

Lian saw Kanoko lightly holding her chin, as if thinking.

"So, you did set up a position specifically responsible for fundraising, but our association has always been directly funded by Kato-kun, so this seems a bit redundant."

"That's right." Sayu nodded lightly, and then said directly: "So I plan to abandon this unhealthy system."


--What? ""

Both of them were stunned by this bold statement, and unconsciously fixed their gazes on her face.

Sayu was not afraid of this. He looked back at someone and slowly told the story he had thought about countless times.

"With all due respect, Yusuke, your idea is too idealistic.

It's really unrealistic for one person to donate money for charity. Even if you spend all your savings, you probably won't be able to save too many people.

If you want to help more people, letting the association accept social recognition and help is the best way. "

Faced with this straightforward accusation, Kato Yusuke was speechless for a moment, but then immediately retorted, "...It is not that easy to get donations."

"Of course I understand that kind of thing."

Sayu followed the good example and then changed the topic and said seriously:

"But - although hard work may not necessarily lead to success, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely not succeed. Why give up at the beginning?"

Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows and stared at her unsmilingly.

"That's just your idea. A charity organization whose main members are all students wants to raise donations from the society. What do you think is the possibility of this?"

"It's hard to quantify, but I think it's going to be a narrow gate."

"Typically, for a student group like yours that lacks reputation and trust, donors are bound to have doubts about whether you can use funds effectively and whether your projects can have a substantial impact."

His tone was very disdainful, but it did not scare Sayu away. Not only that, the girl showed high fighting spirit.

"We can slowly accumulate reputation through practical actions, just like how we helped Miss Muzi. As long as we continue to do so, we will definitely win the trust of donors!"

"Many non-profit organizations and public welfare projects are seeking donations. As a student team, how can you stand out from the fierce competition?"

"We will establish a highly transparent financial system and accountability system, regularly publish the association's progress and financial reports, and let donors understand how their funds are used to enhance their trust."

"You have little management and operational experience, which not only affects the efficiency of fundraising and program implementation, but also negatively affects the likelihood of fundraising success."

"Is that why you have to study? I told you at the beginning, Yusuke, you didn't listen carefully, did you do the same in class? Be careful not to get into college, or how about I help you with your homework for free?"


Hasumi Kanoko coughed slightly and interrupted: "I'm sorry, Miss Sayu doesn't have to worry about this. I can help Kato-kun with his homework at any time~"

Sayu blinked and said bluntly: "But, I heard that Ms. Hasumi graduated from Seigaku. The deviation value there seems not to be as high as Hayao, right?"


Hasumi Kanoko's smile froze on her face.

"...What about that~Ms. Sayu."

She said cheerfully: "The reason why I chose Qingxue at that time was actually because it was a recognized gathering place for beautiful women. It had nothing to do with grades. Moreover, I had been a teacher for several years and was best at tutoring students with their homework."

"That's it~" Sayu nodded clearly and turned his eyes to her side, "Hey, Yusuke, do you know that it should have been a recognized gathering place for handsome guys? I think you are more suitable there~!"

Hassan saw Kanoko's eyes condensed.

What's going on with this girl? Suddenly I feel so angry!

at this time--

"Sorry, my deviation value is 87. I don't need anyone else's guidance."

Kato Yusuke knocked on the table and emphasized to Sayu in a businesslike manner:

"No matter how fanciful you say, girls are not favored by society and may even suffer discrimination. This inherent shortcoming cannot be easily made up for."

The girl immediately asked, "If that's the case, why do you have to help this group, Yusuke?"


As if someone was suddenly strangling his throat, Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, but couldn't say even a single word.

He looked at Sayu who was staring at him intently. Mottled memories flashed rapidly in his mind. Finally, what was fixed in front of him was the path at night and the lonely figure squatting under the telephone pole.

He slightly moistened his dry lips and said solemnly: "...This has nothing to do with you."

Sayu frowned and couldn't figure out why he wanted to hit himself like this, so he started to talk about it.

"I have investigated this group. They will be discriminated against, just because no one is willing to lend a helping hand to them like you, so they will let it go when they are desperate.

What I want to do is pass on the torch I got from you and let them be saved. Is there anything wrong with doing this? "

"You won't be able to say this kind of thing until you are hit by the cruel reality a few times."

Kato Yusuke stared at her deeply, "If you refuse my capital injection, it will be impossible for you to receive donations from outside in the short term. You will only be overwhelmed by heavy pressure, and it will be too late to regret it."

Sayu pursed her lips, an unyielding light flashing in her amber eyes.

"On the other hand, why don't you try to rely on others? Yusuke, you are not a god and cannot take care of everyone. You can admit it openly and don't have to be so pushy, right?"

Hasumi Kanoko nodded unconsciously, agreeing very much with this statement. She herself had reminded someone more than once, but unfortunately the other person was too stubborn.

There was a hint of irritation in Kato Yusuke's eyes, and he said lukewarmly: "If you want to convince others, you need to come up with more high-sounding and persuasive reasons instead of changing the topic here."

"That's because you don't even want to agree with me!"

"That's because your heart is as sweet as the sweet matcha in a coffee shop, and what you think is not the reality."

"I like sweet matcha! Don't use "sweet" instead of "innocent" to play this homophonic joke. I only believe that everything depends on human effort——! "

Kato Yusuke frowned fiercely and said angrily: "Why are you so unreasonable?"

Sayu tilted his head and replied matter-of-factly: "If you think I am stubborn, then half of it is due to my personality, and the other half is not what you are used to?"

Kato Yusuke's face darkened and he closed his mouth.

The two looked at each other and were in a stalemate for a while.

Hasumi Kanoko, who expected to hear some gaffe, sighed secretly, feeling slightly disappointed.

She pondered: "To be honest, I kind of agree with Miss Sayu's idea now."

As soon as these words came out, Kato Yusuke immediately turned around and looked at him with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Because you see, Miss Sayu is so well-prepared that you can feel that she really wants to do a good job in the association. Since Kato-kun, you have agreed to her joining the association, why not let her give it a try?"

Hasumi Kanoko waited for a while after saying this, but when she saw that Kato Yusuke still refused to let go, she reached out and touched his cheek, and persuaded him nicely:

"Okay, okay, don't frown all the time, this will make you prone to wrinkles.

I just feel that we usually have no time to take care of the association's affairs. Shinjo-kun and Xiao Xi must be under a lot of pressure, otherwise we wouldn't have only taken in Miss Muzi for such a long time.

If Ms. Sayu were here, they would definitely be able to help more people. Isn't this a good thing? "


Kato Yusuke struggled for a while, the seriousness on his face gradually melted away, and he was successfully persuaded by her.

Hassan Kanoko nodded with satisfaction, tidied his hair and collar, and then looked forward again, and couldn't help but be startled.

She saw Sayu staring at her hands intently, her eyes seeming to be envious of her ability to do those intimate things to the boy, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

"In short, now that you have thought about it Miss Sayu, I have nothing to say to you. I wish you and Shinjou-san that they can make the association better and better. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Sayu came to his senses belatedly and shook his head in denial.

"No, thank you both for being willing to listen to what I have to say. Next..."

She glanced at the person who didn't want to stay, and finally suppressed the anxious thoughts in her heart and said:

"I'm going to see Miss Shinjo and Miss Serizawa next, so I'll take my leave now."

After she finished speaking, she bowed slightly, packed up her laptop, and walked outside.

Seeing Kanoko hesitate, Ren stood up to see her off.

Sayu held the door handle and gently pulled it in——


——Eiriri and Mayu Sagara fell into the conference room without warning.

Take a closer look.

Good guys, everyone is here outside the door.

Hui and Shiyu each pulled up an accomplice who fell on the ground. Behind them stood Yoshida who had no time to stop eavesdropping, showing the appearance of a gang.

As several people faced each other, the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

"Ah haha, um... we were just passing by...!" Mayu Sagara pretended to be stupid and touched her head in confusion, and then ran away with Yoshida who saw that the situation was not good.

On the other hand, the other three people stayed in place for some reason and deliberately put on serious faces in their own way.

Hui: (?i_i?)

Shiyu: (ー`′ー)

Yingli pear: (?`∧′)

Facing the scene in front of him, Sayu smiled sweetly after a brief moment of daze, and said calmly:

"Are you three looking for Yusuke? Sorry for taking so long, he is fine now.

In addition, I hope you will like the Hokkaido specialties I brought. If there is anything you particularly like, please let me know and I will send it to you in the future. Goodbye~"

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for the three people's responses and walked straight out.

Hasumi Kanoko looked at the three allies with a wry smile and followed them.

Yinglili looked at the former's back, made an angry face, and muttered: "What a nuisance, who cares about her things!"

Hui and Shiyu didn't speak, but turned their attention to someone in the conference room.

Catching their gazes, Kato Yusuke suddenly felt a headache.

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