Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1135 Blooming across the board

With Youxing Electronic Entertainment's public announcement of support for this young team, the voices of abuse and accusations have indeed decreased a lot. So far, the short-term goal has been achieved, and the next step is financial and technical support.

This is the most helpful thing for this team. Zhu Youxing also invited them to come to Japan to settle down and develop the game. He can provide a team of 100 people to provide support, and at least half of them will be Game developers with ten years of development experience are all experienced.

The young man was completely moved when he learned about it. Compared with Mi Kefu's inappropriateness, he felt that his choice to join Mi Kefu was the biggest mistake in his life.

Fortunately, there is room for redemption. He decisively agreed to Zhu Youxing's invitation to come to Japan, and then Zhu Youxing lent them the small building where the company was first established in Tokyo, so that they could feel at ease. Don't think about other things when playing games, and Zhuyouxing left a sentence for them: time will prove everything, and they need to prove it to Zhuyouxing first.

Immediately afterwards, Infinity World will enter the platform after the end of the half-year monopoly. At that time, the update of the online mode will just be completed, which can be regarded as a ceremony for joining the new platform.

After solving the matter of the Infinite World team, Youxing Electronic Entertainment announced another matter again. The game team of Infinite World can only be regarded as a small episode of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and they have their own bigger projects to release.

The key point is the official release of the 2077 online mode that has long been called out.

In this online mode, players are allowed to build their own servers, and various mods customized by players can be added to make the game, which was originally rich in content to explode, more playable.

If the player is creative enough, they can even use the built-in resource materials in the game to create a new night city, and then allow players to enter that new city to explore and take risks.

This also made the sales of Cyberpunk 2077 explode again.

Originally, Cyberpunk 2077 has remained in the top ten of the best-selling list on all platforms of all year round. Every time the game receives an update, the sales will increase slightly. This time, the launch of the online mode makes Cyberpunk 2077 more popular Sales returned to the top position.

Yuxing Electronic Entertainment will not take the initiative to announce the sales results, but according to the estimates of professionals, Cyberpunk 2077 has sold more than 50 million at least. This is a conservative estimate, and this data may be more terrifying than imagined.

And players occasionally complain about who else didn't buy Cyberpunk 2077.

Why does this game stay in the top ten of the best-seller list for so long?

As for other game companies, they can only look at it with greedy eyes.

Ninety-nine percent of companies in this game cannot make it.

First of all, the funds invested are not available to ordinary companies, and the second is the extremely long development cycle, which takes five or six years from project establishment to release, occupying a development team of over 2,000 people.

Su Rui Electronics may be able to do it, but it is completely meaningless. They have the time, money and manpower to make more canned games to make more money, or krypton gold games. They are obviously not willing to choose Cyberpunk 2077. A difficult game development.

But what Cyberpunk 2077 gets is not only the benefits of the game, but also the benefits of various peripherals and derivative copyrights.

Related novels, comics, animation and other works are very popular. Now Cyberpunk 2077 has been identified by the World Organization as one of the world's top 100 IP products, and its influence and ranking are still rising.

The valuation of the IP brand alone has reached more than two billion US dollars. This game has already made a lot of money, and the valuation is still rising.

That's the potential benefit of a good game.

In addition, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has passed the demonstration internally. There have been related rumors that the sequel of Cyberpunk 2077 has begun to be produced. At the same time, there will be related online game development of Cyberpunk 2077, but the specific gameplay is not yet clear.

Players are naturally very happy. They can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077 to launch more types of games. Cyberpunk culture is now popular.

And let’s talk about the online mode of Cyberpunk 2077. On the day it was just released, the number of simultaneous online players in the world exceeded one million.

There is also an option to purchase gold coins in the game, through which players can experience richer content in the game.

In Night City, you can live a life like Second Life.

However, some people like Cyberpunk 2077, and naturally some people don't like it, but no player dares to say that he doesn't like the game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Among the game products of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, there will always be the one you love.

In addition to Cyberpunk 2077 becoming popular recently, there are three other games that players are most looking forward to.

Role-playing players' favorite Final Fantasy 13versus.

The pinnacle series of stealth games, Metal Gear Solid 5, is the final chapter.

And Grand Theft Auto 5, an open world game that is as famous as Cyberpunk 2077.

The three games have their own different audiences, and Youxing Electronic Entertainment has been steadily advancing the rhythm of the announcement and release of the three games, making the players of the three game audiences itchy and eager to play these three games now, which makes They don't enjoy playing other games as much.

In addition, Zhuyouxing also has its own independent project in progress, which is the combination of Isaac independently developed by itself in order to promote the crowdfunding industry.

Zhu Youxing had been busy with other things for the past few days, and put Isaac's union aside. It was the assistant's reminder that reminded him of the matter here, and then looked back at the crowdfunding data on his page.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but Zhu Youxing was a little startled when he saw it.

The crowdfunding amount of this game has reached more than 50 million US dollars.

Zhu Youxing called him a good guy, which is basically equivalent to selling millions of games in advance before the game is made.

The Binding of Isaac also firmly occupies the top position of the crowdfunding page.

However, the crowdfunding amount of the second place is also very good. So far, it has raised a million dollars, but it is not a little bit worse than that of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Zhu Youxing couldn't help but glanced at Isaac's combined crowdfunding comment area, and found that it was all messages from some players urging them to change.

Zhu Youxing hasn’t paid attention to this game since he released a short trial version last time, because he has already finished the game itself. With the powerful Unreal Engine in hand, making this game is like drinking water. Generally relaxed.

The reason why he didn't release the game at the beginning is that he wanted to set an example for others and let game developers know that if you have a good idea and idea, you can get financial support from the beginning.

Due to the leading role played by The Binding of Isaac, more and more people have chosen to release independent games in the crowdfunding zone recently, and many of them are even well-known producers of big game companies. Post some game ideas that didn't pass in the company.

Originally, the big companies thought that these ideas were bad, but after putting them on the crowdfunding page for players to see, the response was surprisingly good. Many ideas can get the attention and favor of at least tens of thousands of players, giving these creative productions A stage for people to show off.

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