Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 115 Shoveling shit is the mission of human beings

Su Rui Electronics, Vaders, and many manufacturers who have already planned to manufacture game consoles, including dozens of video game companies that have not been established for a long time, were dumbfounded when they saw this advertisement.

What is this?



In Japanese, Tamagoko originally means egg, and it is a noun mixed with egg and English watch.

However, people who do not understand the meaning of this text will indeed be a little confused at first.

But Tamagoko really does look like an egg.

And looking at the advertisements, it seems that it has the same effect as the egg.

Eggs will hatch into critters.

Then cultivate small animals, so that the players can gain a sense of accomplishment.

Raising games is also a very unfamiliar field in this world. They don't even know that even raising small animals can be made as a game.

They never imagined that Youxing Electronics Entertainment would suddenly research such a thing, without any warning at all.

In fact, not long ago, companies such as Su Rui Electronics had learned some secrets through their own channels.

It is the Super Nintendo SFC console that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is ready to release.

But they really didn't expect that before the release of SFC, a Tamagotchi would suddenly pop up.

This is not disclosed in any company's intelligence.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment has really done a good job in keeping secrets in this area.

No... maybe it wasn't just a good job of keeping it under wraps.

In addition, these game companies have focused on the SFC console.

They think that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment may only specialize in the development of SFC game consoles in a short period of time, and should not have time to develop other game consoles.

But I really didn't expect that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment really had time to make other game consoles.

However, anyone who has a little knowledge of the electronic field can tell that this Tamagotchi does not have much technical content at first glance.

It should be that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment developed the idea while developing SFC, and then took some time to make it and try to sell it.

But then again, will this thing really be popular?

Is there really someone who will buy it just for cultivation?

For the time being, they still can't understand what fun it is to develop this type.

At that time, wouldn't it be better to have a real cat, dog, or other small animals? Wouldn't that be more real?

They can't understand, but they are really shocked.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the pioneer in the field of video games. Youxing Electronic Entertainment can always come up with many wonderful ideas, and can come up with new ways of playing that they can't imagine.

At this moment, they still don't know that the customer service hotline of Youxing Electronic Entertainment has been overwhelmed, and now they are rushing to increase temporary customer service personnel to take care of Tuoma Gezi.

Perhaps it is human nature to shovel shit.

Even in the field of video games, shoveling shit is still very attractive.

Being a shit shoveler is the "destiny" of many human beings (add a dog head)

Therefore, not long after the advertisements posted everywhere and the TV advertisements were announced, many children focused their attention on this little thing that looks cute and plays cute as well.

Kaoru Sakurai is one of the girls who are instantly attracted by the characteristics of Tamagoko.

Her parents have not allowed her to keep any small animals.

Because her mother is allergic to animal hair, no matter how much she desires to keep small animals, she can only give up.

Of course, there are also hairless small animals, such as little turtles or snakes, but that is obviously not for Kaoru Sakurai. Kaoru Sakurai would rather have a dog or a cat, or something else that is enough cute little guy.

Turtles and snakes are obviously not in the category of cuteness in her heart.

Pets are not allowed at home, but the desire to keep small animals has never diminished in my heart.

In the past, she secretly raised small animals many times, and kept kittens and dogs outside.

But most of them will run away and it is difficult to stay.

Therefore, when Kaoru Sakurai saw Tamagoko in the TV commercial, she immediately realized that this was the pet she wanted.

Don't worry about animal hair making mom allergic.

And you can choose more than 50 kinds of small animals to raise at will.

It can be raised from childhood to adulthood, and it can also have rich emotions. It is even advertised that it can be married.

If this thing is really as amazing as it says, then this is what I want most!

So she immediately wrote down the phone number, then rushed to the landline phone at home and dialed that number.

However, what responded to her was that the line was busy for a long time, and she couldn't get in at all.

But when a person is very eager for something, he will be quite patient.

If not once, then twice.

If you can't do it twice, you can do it three times until you can get through.

Until Sakurai Kaoru's mother came home from shopping and Sakurai Kaoru's father came home from get off work, she was still on the phone and kept making calls.

"Xun, what are you doing?"

The father who came back looked at his daughter suspiciously, not knowing why she was always in front of the phone.

"Dad, I've thought about the gift I want!"

Sakurai Kaoru's eyes lit up when he saw his father coming back, holding the phone's receiver in one small hand, and looking at his father with sparkling eyes.

"Gifts? But the New Year and Christmas have already passed. According to our agreement, the next time you want a gift, at least wait until the cherry blossom viewing."

"Father, only two thousand yen!"

"Huh? Two thousand yen... No, two thousand yen is not a lot."

"Please Dad, I promise I'll be good all year long!"

Sakurai Kaoru's big eyes began to glisten with tears.

As a father, I can't see her teary face the most.

He just couldn't stand it.

It is absolutely unacceptable to make my daughter so sad!

It's only two thousand yen... Well, it's not impossible, it's still acceptable.

"Okay, you have to abide by the agreement, and you must be obedient this year."

"Yeah!" Sakurai Kaoru nodded seriously.

"Tell me, what do you want? Is it a doll?"

"It's Tamagotchi!"


Sounds a bit familiar...

It seems that this word is heard a lot today... By the way, there are advertisements for Tamagotchi in the tram.

That seems to be a video game that can be played in the hand?

Huh? Did your daughter suddenly like playing video games too?

This is really unexpected.

Although Tamagoko's advertisement does not have any video game logo, there will be a logo of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment in the corner of the advertisement.

This company is in the business of video games, so Tamagotchi must be a video game.

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