Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1196 I have to find my way back

On the other side, Dorothy also successfully matched into the game interface.

From now on, players will simultaneously appear in a temporary square of the game.

There is a countdown timer in the center of the game interface, and prompts for players to quickly enter are constantly popping up in the upper left corner.

Just ten seconds passed and the limit of one hundred people was full.

Dorothy usually also likes to play games, and she has some experience with this kind of third-person shooting games before, so she gets started quickly.

In fact, there is almost no difficulty in getting started in the game.

The operation method is the operation logic in the conventional shooting game.

Crouch, get down, run fast, shoot, reload, switch scopes and more.

These come without any learning costs.

Even players who have never played this type of game before can quickly understand the operation method through the prompt window.

"Wow, it's Porsccer, a great anchor with tens of millions of followers"

"Didn't you expect this anchor to be invited by an advertisement? I heard that such an anchor's advertisement may be worth millions. I'm really envious."

"That said, I also kind of want to be an anchor."

Some viewers in the live broadcast room expressed their envy.

But they soon turned their attention to the game itself.

The logic of the game operation is simple and it is also very easy for the audience to understand.

It is nothing more than one more option that can be built and demolished.

In this temporarily prepared square, players are also provided with construction materials, so that they can familiarize themselves with the basic gameplay of construction in this square.

After a hundred people gather together, the game officially begins.

Everyone came to a new scene again.

This time everyone seems to be gathered in a bus flying in the sky.

At this time, someone seems to have automatically turned on the internal voice of the game, and can vaguely hear the voice of the anchor in other people's live broadcast room.

"Hey Lawson, you're broadcasting this game too."

"Ah Turtle King, I didn't expect you to play this game too. I remember you played fighting games before."

"Hehe, you understand."

"Ah yes, I see."

They are all anchors attracted by advertising fees.

"Ah, there are tens of millions of major anchors here, can I have an autograph?"

"Is there any preferential treatment for the big anchor? For example, more powerful equipment?"

"How is it possible? Everyone's equipment is very fair here. As long as you are lucky, everyone may get a good weapon."

"Well, I thought the big anchor would have preferential treatment."

"Fair, well... I like this feeling very much."

These anchors all made no secret of opening their public voices.

At the same time, there are also some small anchors with fiery eyes.

They thought of some ways to make themselves famous at this moment.

That is... looking for an opportunity to kill the big anchor in advance, and then let the audience in the big anchor remember their name.

Some people may be born with a certain talent, and they can seize some opportunities, even if these opportunities seem very unreasonable.

But as long as you can get yourself noticed, you may be completely famous,

Soon the game interface popped up an option that could already land from the sky.

A few people have automatically clicked to skydive, and then their respective characters jumped from the bus in the sky and prepared to land on the ground.

The mechanism of the game allows all players to automatically land on the ground even if they do not control it, ensuring that they will not suffer fatal fall damage.

However, some sharp-eyed anchors have noticed that there are many city blocks that look very prosperous on the big map.

Before playing this game, they knew in advance that they needed to eliminate all players on this map, and then only let one person win the final victory.

And powerful weapons may appear in every place below. They need to grab the weapons as quickly as possible, and then eliminate the opponents around them, and strive for the final victory.

Dorothy has a strong understanding of games, which may be due to the fact that she also likes to play games.

She also understood the mechanism of the game for the first time, and then glided to the sky above a city at the fastest speed, and then automatically pulled the parachute to land when it was about to approach the ground.

Perhaps it was because Dorothy was really lucky that she had just landed on the ground when she found a machine gun weapon in front of her.

Dorothy rushed to the weapon without hesitation. At this time, another anchor was ready to snatch the weapon.

However, Dorothy was obviously faster. After getting the weapon, she moved the mouse and fired at the rushing anchor.

Before the anchor could react, he had already become the first contestant to be eliminated.

A few seconds later, the second eliminated player also appeared.

Then the names of the killed streamers popped up one by one in the upper right corner of the game.

Most of them are not the anchors of the game area.

Not all of these streamers have played video games like Dorothy.

They only came to play this game before because of the advertising money.

Although they are quick to learn, it does not mean that they can compete with other skilled gamers.

Among them is a singing anchor with millions of fans.

She blinked and looked at the interface where she had been eliminated, but she didn't understand what was going on.

"Huh? I'm still in the sky, why did I die like this?"

"Hahaha anchor, you are so stupid, someone has already landed on the ground ahead of time and killed you just now."

"I already remember the anchor who killed you, I will go to that live broadcast room to see now."

"The brothers in front are waiting for me, I will also go to that live broadcast room to watch."

The audience is completely watching the excitement.

When she saw that the anchor with millions of fans was instantly dropped, she hadn't even landed on the ground steadily.

This immediately caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

This game may not be fun, but it's a lot of fun.

It's also very interesting to watch the anchor be so deflated.

The singing anchor with millions of fans suddenly became a little unhappy. ,

"I've never played a video game, you bunch of unscrupulous guys actually laughed at me, you wait, I'll play another game!"

More than 20 anchors were eliminated in just a few minutes.

The first time they were eliminated was to start a new round.

No matter what you say, you have to find your way back.

I'm an anchor with millions of followers.

Just being eliminated without face, at least it would be better for him to survive for a while longer.

The streamer with millions of followers apparently thought it was his mistake.

She was busy observing the surrounding terrain and scenery just now.

She actually has a lot of curiosity about video games.

This time she decided to be serious, at least not to be eliminated so quickly.

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