Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

132 Super Mario World (2/7)

Chapter 132 Super Mario World (27)

As the figure of Zhu Youxing gradually faded out of the screen, the previously brand-new characters reappeared.

At this time, they are very happy with the new image they have acquired.

Then, one after another, the doors of space passages opened, and on the other side of the doors were their respective worlds.

Mario ran to his own space channel, then turned his head and waved goodbye to other characters, jumped into the channel, and the camera also entered Mario's world together.

The slightly monotonous picture of Super Mario changed.

The clouds are dynamic, the color of the game world has become richer, and the most important thing is that the music sounds more realistic than in the 8BIT era.

"The brand new Mario world! The world from 16-bit is beckoning to you."

In this world, the Mario character is once again on the road to defeat Bowser and save the princess.

But this time the monsters and scenery along the way have been greatly improved compared to before.

All this is due to the more colorful color performance of SFC.

Although the bottom layer still has 8BIT pixels, the richer colors still make this game completely different.

Players who like Super Mario in front of the TV are shaking with joy. This is the game console they want!

It turns out that a fun game can also have a better picture.

The game itself has not changed, except that the picture quality is more high-definition and more beautiful.

But it clearly makes people have the urge to play again.

The scene of Mario ends, the camera returns to the previous pure white world, and then the camera focuses on Contra's Lance.

Lance also made a gesture of farewell, and then returned to his Contra world.

In the world of Contra, the picture was already very good, but now it has been improved again, and Lance's whole person seems to be more real.

Then, the Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest...

The games that have been optimized with new picture quality have been passed one by one, and the last paragraph of text is presented in front of the players.

"All first-party games on red and white machines will be presented to players with better picture quality. Players who already have these games only need to add another 500 yen to the cassette in their hands to replace the game with updated graphics. .(The graphics update game can only run on the new game console SFC.)”

For only 500 yen, you can get a more beautiful game. Players watching TV hardly have any resistance, but are very happy.

It's only five hundred yen, which is a lot of money!

They may not have thought that their cassettes were bought for three or four thousand yen, which is quite a bargain!

This is really a pretty cheap entertainment product.

The corners of the mouths of several game manufacturers who saw this scene couldn't help twitching.

Is it so cruel?

It's shameless to sell your own game's picture quality once it's enhanced.

However, this strategy of replacing cassettes for old players is basically to recover a cost price, which can be said to be almost equivalent to replacing new game cassettes for players for free.

But if you are a new player, buying a new game console and a new cassette will inevitably be more expensive than the red and white machine, which is inevitable.

The purpose of Zhuyouxing is actually to hope that players can enter the SFC era as soon as possible.

Because the technological development of this world itself is about ten years faster than in the previous life, according to the normal rhythm, the PS2 has been sold for two or three years in the previous life at this time.

Zhuyouxing can only speed up the pace of game console replacement in the early stage, and keep up with the rhythm of this era earlier.

After the release of SFC, the engineering development department should start to develop the next generation of game consoles.

On the TV, the figure of Zhu Youxing appeared again.

"I don't know if players are satisfied with this picture quality upgrade?"

Satisfied, super satisfied!

Many players in front of the TV nodded happily.

Zhu Youxing seemed to have heard the voices of the players in front of the TV, so he smiled knowingly and said, "Please don't be satisfied too early, because it's not over yet."

After speaking, Zhu Youxing's figure gradually faded away again, and a familiar piece of music sounded.

"Mario! Mario!"

The players who have heard it, especially the children shouted happily.

The familiar big-nosed Mario reappeared from the screen.

This time, he appeared in a whole new world.

This is the world of dinosaurs, and Bowser took his little brother to wreak havoc on this continent again.

And our protagonist Mario once again took on the mission of defeating Bowser and saving the entire continent.

The children were jumping happily, as if they were already Super Mario at the moment.

It's been a few months since the last Super Mario 3 was released, and since around October last year, people have been urging the new Mario to come out quickly on the Internet and everywhere!

They can't wait to go on adventures as Mario again.

The appearance of Mario also caused the ratings to surge again, and it has begun to break through to 23%, and the number is still rising.

Hayakawa Ueto is now watching TV in silence, no one knows what he is thinking now.

Last time, it was a Mario that made them unable to take care of themselves, and this time it happened again.

But this time, their fighting power is also different from the past. They now have 400,000 users, and they are also slowly increasing. If you really compare them, they shouldn't be ravaged too much... right?

The new dinosaur continent also brings new ways of playing.

This time Mario's transformation attributes have been reduced a lot, but a new character, the dinosaur Yoshi, has been added.

This dinosaur will be a great helper for Mario along the way, and there will be many varieties of Yoshi on the way in the future.

This can be regarded as an update of another brand new gameplay.

Before that, some girls who were forcibly brought by their younger brothers, older brothers or fathers to watch the face-to-face meeting had no interest in video games.

They think it's something that savage boys like, and girls should be softer.

Compared with video games, their Tamagotchi is obviously more fun.

Just at this time, many girls are absent-mindedly watching the face-to-face meeting with their brothers or fathers, and then quietly play Tamagotchi by themselves.

Remember to get vaccinated today to prevent getting sick, and clean up their little homes.

Well, my little lightning mouse is the cutest! I heard from others that the official name of this little lightning mouse seems to be Pikachu?

It would be great if there is such a cute mouse in this world.

However, when the younger brother, elder brother or father around him was happy because of the TV screen, the girls couldn't help but look up and take a casual look.

Seeing that the main character turned out to be a short guy with a big nose, they thought it was a boy thing again, why can't they like something cute?

Hey wait...that cute.

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