Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 185 Brain: I will. Hand: What a fart you are!

"Look, look! This man is so fast!"

"Wow, how did this work? Can it be done like this?"

At the scene of the challenge match, there was a sudden commotion, and people seemed a little dazed, not knowing what was going on.

"Hey, what's the matter? Why are they all pushing towards one place?"

"It seems that someone has cleared the level faster!"

"What? Go and have a look!"

People who knew the situation rushed in that direction at a faster speed.

Zhu Youxing also walked left and right in the crowd, and when he heard that someone passed the level faster, he also moved over curiously.

When he appeared behind Tomoe Ohno, he had just reached the last level of Super Mario.

Facing Bowser in the last level, most players need to deal with Bowser for at least a few seconds.

However, Tomoe Ohno managed to dodge all of Kuba's attacks perfectly, and then jumped on the switch of the bridge, sending Kuba into the magma gorgeously. The whole process probably didn't take more than two seconds. clock time.

People looked at all this dumbfounded, and it was very hard to believe that this was a human operation.

But Zhu Youxing has long been used to it.

In the previous life, a lot of speedrunners had countless speedrunning methods, but looking at Tomoe Ohno's final clearance time, it came to nine minutes and twelve seconds, which was nothing in the previous life.

The more evil speed-passing method can even be compressed to less than five minutes.

But the people around couldn't help but exclaimed, and at this moment, Tomoe Ohno was like a king, and countless admiring eyes were looking at him.

In the past two days, many people could only see the speedrunners picking up the time for a few seconds.

But Tomoe Ohno directly extended the gap with the current first place to several minutes, it was like a dimensionality reduction blow.

"Wow! You are amazing! How did you do it?"

"Master! Master! Please let me worship you as my teacher, I imagine you learning speedrunning!"

Ohno Tomoe had just cleared Super Mario, and originally wanted to get another number plate to pass Contra, but at this moment he was completely surrounded by people, and it became difficult to even move.

But at this moment, he was a little uncontrollably excited.

This is a treatment he has never enjoyed before.

In the past many years, he has always been regarded as a little transparent who was ignored by others.

But at this moment, he is like a star who is full of stars.

The emotions that had been unable to cheer up suddenly rose instantly, and the whole person seemed to have taken some panacea.

"Well, I'm very sorry, I have other things to do right now, so can you please step aside?"

"Okay! Boss, please go this way!"

People immediately made way respectfully.

And at this moment, Tomoe Ono couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

Under the gaze of everyone, he came to the registration place again, and then signed up again to receive a Contra number plate, and then slowly waited for his turn to challenge under the stars.

When it was his turn to challenge Contra, many of the challenging machines were temporarily unattended, and everyone was staring at Ohno Tomoe's challenging process intently.

In addition to seeing his superb challenge skills, they also want to see if they can learn something from it.

Then, Ohno Tomoe successfully played Contra's fastest speed to 24 minutes and 8 seconds.

As for the other players, they were at a loss.

There were a few levels just now because they were too fast, and they didn't remember how Ono Yue passed the level. Why did the boss burp in the blink of an eye?

Brain: I seem to have learned.

Hand: You learn a fart.

Zhu Youxing, who was in the crowd, felt that Tomoe Ono was a talent. After his observation during this period, most of the other speed passers didn't use their brains very much. Sometimes they could pass the level quickly for the first time, but they would do it the second time. Much slower than the first time, this is because there has been no experience summarization.

But Tomoe Ohno definitely memorized the entire process of the game backwards.

When to use the jump, when to attack, and when to dodge, he can grasp every minute and every second as precisely as possible.

This is commonly known as the backplane of video games. Later, many speedrunning challenges need to be accurate to the second to reach the limit.

This would be a good publicity material, and if this person can win the first place in multiple games at the same time, the publicity effect will be even better.

Ohno Tomoe got up again at this time, came to the registration place again, and registered to receive the Tetris number plate.

Initially, in order to prevent time conflicts caused by signing up for multiple game challenges at the same time, it was finally decided that each person can only sign up for one game challenge at a time.

"Look! That great master signed up for Tetris again. Is this guy planning to kill all the projects?"

The crowd immediately became agitated again, and today's challenge venue may not stop.

In the end, Ohno Tomoe did not successfully reach his limit in Tetris. He was defeated when he was about to reach level 15. He made a slight mistake in operation, which made many people feel regretful.

But even so, it is hardly something that normal people can do.

Under the admiring eyes of countless people, Tomoe Ohno left quickly after finishing the challenge of Tetris.

He knew that his record of these three challenges should last at least a few days.

As for the current him, what he should consider is surpassing himself again, instead of looking at that challenge ranking.

After Yue Ohno left, the people in this challenge venue were still immersed in the state of being ruled by Yue Ohno just now, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

At the same time, many people's hearts also turned cold, feeling that this prize might not be for them.

However, in addition to the grand prize for the first place, it is actually not bad to get some small prizes, anyway, there are prizes for participation.

Until today, these players finally felt that they really focused on participating, and they didn't have to think about getting a ranking at all. That was something that only real high-level players could do.

But what makes them more fortunate is that Tomoe Ono did not try to challenge Metroid. In their view, this is also normal. They are already shocked if one person can kill three games. If all four games are killed, they may will be very desperate.

The time came to the seventh day of the challenge, and Tomoe Ohno took the first place in the three games without any surprises, and his position was almost unshakable, very terrifying.

The venue that Tomoe Ohno challenged was a video game store in Taito District. At that time, many people from other districts rushed to Taito District to obtain first-hand information about Tomoe Ohno, forming a small social upsurge .

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