Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 200 Soliciting Customers

After wandering around the exhibition area for more than half an hour, he finally felt a little bored.

Most of the companies in this exhibition area really just deal with it casually.

Even if some start-ups are really enthusiastic and want to promote their own electronic products, but those are a bit lacklustre and nothing new. They all develop their own products under the existing framework and then slightly optimize them. He doesn't even bother to criticize such a small company for any shadow of future technology.

Walking all the way like this, he was going to find a place to rest at random.

"Hi sir, are you interested in visiting our exhibition area? We are an electronics company from Japan, and we are trying to promote video game consoles."

Video game console?

This is a new thing this year, and several large and medium-sized companies are trying to make similar products.

He also paid a little attention to video game consoles this year.

So he raised his head, and saw a girl with a beautiful smile.

People will never refuse beautiful things, especially many exhibition models in the exhibition area are in the style of European and American heavy makeup. The pure and friendly style influenced by the Chinese culture in Asia is enough to make people shine.

This girl is one of the subordinates that Matsuhashi Minoru brought here from Japan to work hard, and she is considered a proficient in marketing.

Relying on its pure and sweet style to outshine others, it did attract some people to go to the exhibition area of ​​Youxing Electronic Entertainment to experience video games.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Alvin also showed a handsome smile, then stood up and followed behind this beautiful girl.

Just turning a corner, Alvin saw an exhibition area marked Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

In this small independent exhibition area, Youxing Electronic Entertainment is more or less independent.

Other small companies just set it up casually, and they didn't pay much attention to the publicity appearance.

But as soon as you met the exhibition area of ​​Youxing Electronic Entertainment, you could see a huge screen, and various game screens were being played on the screen in a loop.

Those game screens all look exquisite, and naturally they can already attract some people's attention.

Alvin was a little surprised.

This small company is quite serious about exhibitions.

But he doesn't have much hope for the company's video games.

Because this company is so inconspicuous.

Compared with the large companies like Su Rui Electronics, this small company probably doesn't have any new technology, and it may be a small company that wants to take a bite of the popularity of the video game field and plan to have a drink with the big company.

In this way, he followed the staff member to the front of the exhibition area, and then he noticed that there were more than ten game consoles in this small exhibition area.

But now, there is a person standing in front of every game console, staring at the screen in front of him with wide-eyed eyes and a controller.

It seems that these TVs have some kind of magnetic force, which firmly attracts their sight.

Hehe, these guys probably haven’t played the video games of those big companies, and are still attracted by this brand new type of entertainment. I guess these people will get bored in a short time, and it’s better to go to other companies to experience it game.

Alvin was thinking alone, and at this time the female staff smiled sweetly again: "Sir, please wait for a moment, it will be your turn when someone experiences the time."


After the reception girl finished speaking, she walked out of the exhibition area again, ready to continue soliciting customers.

Because the exhibition area is really difficult to attract people's attention, and sometimes it's not that the smell of wine is not afraid of the deep alley.

If no one pays attention to you at all, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

Therefore, Zhuyou Xing was ready to take the initiative from the very beginning.

So what works best?

Attracted by the challenges offered by those players before?

This is a big exhibition, but it is different from other places, and the effect of this kind of move will definitely not be very good.

Players are willing to experience the game for a small reward, but these visitors to the exhibition can't look down on that.

If they experience it because of that small reward, it will feel like a downgrade.

So, how to pull people?

You can't expect them to come to your door by themselves.

Then, Zhu Youxing contacted Matsuhashi, and asked her to help him find a hospitable marketing veteran, preferably a girl, and then that girl came here, according to Zhu Youxing's instructions, with the enthusiasm of the East. visitors.

Every ten minutes, the girl can enthusiastically pull over a media reporter, let them at least experience the video game.

Being wooed by a passionate girl, almost no one would refuse, and most of them thought that it wouldn't take long anyway, just because the girl's sweet smile made them feel good, it was worth it Go and have a look.

Facts have proved that this is indeed very effective.

American people are used to seeing American girls, and they also think that girls from Eastern culture are more eye-catching, and they are willing to listen to a few more words.

In just half the morning, more than 20 media reporters had already arrived.

And as long as they come here to experience ten minutes of video games, few are willing to leave.

They will keep trying to line up, and then experience, and then line up, and experience again.

In short, it is absolutely impossible not to let them play enough.

About three minutes later, it was finally Alvin's turn to experience the video game.

Then an employee led him to a game console, and began to patiently explain to Alvin how to use the handle and choose games.

It is easy to operate the SFC game console.

Zhuyou Xing specifically asked for it in this regard, it must be simple enough, even to the extent that people can play it with a handle.

The main content of the game console is the game, and all the bells and whistles other than the game are left aside, so as not to affect the player's experience.

In this regard, SFC is superior, and Su Rui Electronics has obviously not paid much attention to this aspect, and the operation is generally more complicated than that of SFC.

Seeing how easy it is to get started, Alvin felt pretty good, and followed the recommendation of the other party, he chose a demo game called Need for Speed ​​to play.

It is also a racing game, and the racing game of Su Rui Electronics makes him very interesting.

But for this small company... It's not that he insists on playing this game, but his subconscious mind seems to want to use it as a comparison, to compare the gap between the two video games.

And he subconsciously felt that Su Rui Electronics should be better.

PS: Dear readers and bosses, the recent update has been a bit irregular. I would like to apologize to you all, because some things have been entangled recently, and some things are always unavoidable and rejected when the Chinese New Year is approaching. It will gradually become more abundant, and I will try my best to maintain the daily 4D, and then make up for the chapters that are owed.

Less chapters: 10 chapters (or 20,000 words). Leader's reward and more: 12 chapters (or 24,000 words)

The number of PS words above does not exceed 200, and no additional fees will be deducted. Please rest assured readers and bosses. Regarding the gratitude for rewards, I will thank you at the end of the volume.

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