Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 232 The first-person problem

In the Silicon Valley of the United States, in the branch of Youxing Electronic Entertainment Company, there are now more than one hundred employees here.

Eighty percent of them are game developers, and there is only one game development team.

Their mission was to develop the first game with 3D graphics.

As for the development direction, Zhuyouxing has given, that is to develop a shooting game.

First person shooter.

Carriage balls are the top three best-selling categories in the United States, and they are enduring.

If a game studio has no development direction, developing these three types of games now can at least earn enough to survive.

But until now, there are rough production rules and routines for cars and balls in this world.

Su Rui Electronics has developed its first 3D racing game. Just because of this realistic game, the sales of their game consoles have increased a lot.

And the 3D ball game is also under intense development. Surui Electronics seems to be relying on its strong financial and human resources to take the lead in the new era of 3D games.

Sometimes you may not be able to make a top-notch game, but sometimes you can make a lot of money by having a first-mover advantage.

In this way, Hayakawa Ueto can also deal with the above, so that he has more leeway to do other things.

The first-person shooter game has always been a blank.

Until now, people in this world seem to be limited to horizontal shootout games.

And the first-person shooter game Doom first generation developed by Zhuyouxing is just a game trial.

And this has not been made public yet, it was just given to a mysterious hacker as an original agreement.

At that time, Zhu Youxing thought that giving this game to the other party would make the same type of content appear in the game market immediately, and then accelerate the development of first-person shooter games.

But I didn't expect that after the mysterious hacker received the game trial, he just gave a very interesting evaluation and then nothing happened.

This hacker actually hid the demo game, and never saw traces of this trial game on any network.

This somewhat disappoints Zhu Youxing. It seems that the first-person shooter game still has to be created by itself.

So Zhuyouxing gave the game studio in North America the task of developing a first-person shooter game.

At first they were a little confused when they received this task.

Because they didn't even know the basic rules and structure of the game itself at that time.

Before, they just made a horizontal version game of treasure hunting and exploration through practice.

Then it directly spans to 3D graphics shooting games, which is a bit big.

At the beginning, Zhuyouxing didn't give any hints except for some basic rules of the first person, which made the game have many big and small problems when they were originally developed.

For example, the way characters operate in a 3D environment, or many other issues.

These are not difficult to solve, but they did not find the answer to the problem in a flash.

Zhu Youxing just wanted to see if this group of people had the ability to solve problems by themselves.

After having the basic rules, their development is actually not particularly difficult, but there are many bugs in large and small games, either various objects fly around when the characters move, or the system crashes when the gun is shot.

However, after three or four months of research and development, they finally made a rough prototype of a shooting game, and it can run for at least three or four minutes.

Even so, they thought it was a miracle.

After all, not everyone has unparalleled creativity, and more people can only push forward on the road stepped on by their predecessors.

After finally getting a trial game without any major bugs, they sent this thing to the company headquarters in Japan with some doubts, so that Zhu Youxing could have a look.

The game itself is made with a computer, and it can also be manipulated with a mouse and keyboard, but they didn't prompt the specific method of manipulation, which made them do something strange.

The shooting button is set on the keyboard.

Movement is the arrow key located to the left of the small number pad area of ​​the keyboard.

The mouse can be used to move the camera.

But now they can barely do horizontal 360-degree rotation, that is, they can only rotate within the X-axis in a three-dimensional perspective.

This is very similar to the original Destroyer in the previous life. The original German headquarters could only rotate horizontally. It was gradually upgraded to Y-axis rotation after the development of the second and third generations of Doom.

But at that time, it was more of a compromise on the performance of the machine, and John Carmack, the legendary figure who carried forward the shooting game, had no way at that time.

But now the hardware technology in this world can fully support more content of the first-person shooter game, so there is no need to make it so simple.

But for this group of programmers who just gave a direction to develop, being able to develop to this level is enough to make them lose a lot of hair.

For such a result, Zhu Youxing is quite acceptable.

He simply tried it on the computer and found that the effect was not bad, so he immediately picked up the phone and contacted the person in charge of the studio in the United States.

The head of the studio over there is a young man named Norman. He was able to become the head because he was lucky enough to come to Japan, and also followed the game development course offered by Youxing Electronic Entertainment for a period of time.

When he went back, he kept thinking about game development, but he hadn't graduated yet, and he still wanted to at least get his studies done first.

If he hadn't seen the recruitment information of Youxing Electronic Entertainment in North America, he might have chosen to make games by himself immediately after graduation.

As a young man, he led a team of 80 people in a panic at first, but after all, he came out of a top university. It took him a short time to gradually adapt to the role of leader, and then began to lead everyone to develop games.

When he led the team to submit the demo of the first-person shooter game, he couldn't sleep because of anxiety.

Even though it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, he still couldn't fall asleep.

Just then, the phone rang.

He jumped up from the bed almost instantly, and then quickly grabbed his phone to check the number.

It's the number from Japan!

Then his heart tightened.

It's finally here!

He picked up the phone and asked carefully, "Hello? Hello, I'm Norman."

Zhu Youxing's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Sorry Norman, I'm bothering you at this time."

"No, no, not at all, I haven't been able to sleep well recently."

Norman responded with some trepidation.

Zhu Youxing roughly guessed that the other party would probably find it difficult to fall asleep now, so he simply tried to type.

He still attaches great importance to this game and hopes to contact Norman as soon as possible.

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