Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 297 Two Mountains

On June 3, 1998, the U.S. Congress formally passed the tax bureau's proposal to raise tariffs on video games, and it has entered a formal implementation process.

On June 7, 1998, the Antitrust Bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice launched an investigation into Youxing Electronics Entertainment. This time, it was different from the last time a state governor made a proposal.

There are several major forces that cannot be provoked in the United States, including the Tax Service and the Department of Justice.

This is the symbol of authority in the United States.

But this time they dispatched together to suppress Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Under such absolute authority, even Youxing Electronic Entertainment has nothing to do.

It didn't take long for the tariff increase process to be finalized.

In the future, all video games shipped to the United States will be subject to a 20% tariff.

In this way, foreign games will inevitably increase the price of the game.

On the contrary, video games developed by the United States will have more advantages.

Then came the antitrust investigation.

After many investigations, one thing can finally be confirmed. Youxing Electronic Entertainment has mastered a number of technical patents that play a decisive role in the video game industry.

For example, the cross key, such as the light gun.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment does not accept any form of authorization for these two patents, and firmly controls the patents in its own hands. This has led other companies to bypass the patents to develop similar products, but the effect is not satisfactory. As expected.

Under the mandatory requirement, Youxing Electronic Entertainment must disclose the authorization of relevant patents, and at the same time, it is also mandatory that the fee for patent authorization should not exceed a certain amount.

It also includes some technical details of the first-person production, which must be made public.

Then, the United States also unilaterally made more excessive demands.

That is, all the development source codes of the four game consoles GB, GBC, SFC, and FC must be disclosed.

The reason for the openness is to promote the development of video games around the world. It is no longer possible for a game company to monopolize all knowledge, and it should be made public.

If they don't agree to make it public, then the U.S. Department of Justice doesn't mind using a stronger stick to beat Youxing Electronic Entertainment to the ground.

This is already quite domineering.

After hearing the news, Songqiao was so angry that he didn't fall asleep for several days.

They, Youxing Electronic Entertainment, have always abided by the rules of the United States from the beginning to the end, and have been making money and developing within the rules.

But suddenly the rules change, and you are forced to accept the new rules.

This is obviously aimed at Yuxing Electronic Entertainment.

If any normal business competition failed, Songqiao would be able to admit it, but she couldn't accept this kind of oppression.

At this time, Matsuhashi Minoro's previous foreshadowing relationship had some effect.

For example, the governor of California, as well as other state legislators, even two or three members of Congress, have become good friends of Matsuhashi Minoru.

Under the lobbying of these people, at least these orders were not implemented immediately.

But even that's all they can do.

"Sorry Ms. Songqiao, we have tried our best. This time the Ministry of Justice and the Taxation Bureau are serious. Even if we have some good friends to help, we can only delay the implementation date of the new rules."

On the phone, a congressman spoke apologetically.

Song Qiaoshi on the other end of the phone could only suppress the anger in his heart, and thanked the other party for their help again and again. Youxing Electronics Entertainment will not forget their help in the future.

Since coming to the United States, Matsuhashi has actually been relatively smooth most of the time, except for being disgusted by those department stores at the beginning, there is no major obstacle.

The game industry is developing very rapidly.

And it seemed that Matsuhashi's good luck had finally come to an end. At this time, she also felt a sense of powerlessness, and she felt a little dazed in her heart.

Just then, her cell phone rang again.

Matsuhashi raised her eyes and found that it was a call from Japan. She immediately regained her composure and connected the call.

"Hello, President?"

"It's me." Zhu Youxing's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

Zhu Youxing did not participate in the lawsuit that lasted for more than half a year. After planning the special effects team, he returned to Japan to continue his job and develop games.

Without him leading the team in Japan, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's first-party game team would not be so productive, nor would it be high-quality while maintaining high quality.

For things like lawsuits and lawsuits, Zhu Youxing just pays for it, and then asks Matsuhashi to set up a legal department, preferably at the Tiantuan level.

Such a team Zhu Youxing does not think it will lose in the lawsuit.

But when the U.S. government, and institutions such as the Taxation Bureau and the Ministry of Justice, came to an end, he understood that the lawyer team was probably useless.

Their means are not in the same dimension directly, and you can't fight at all.

It's like two big mountains.

After the two organizations decided on the punishment for Youxing Electronic Entertainment, Zhu Youxing finally called Matsuhashi Minority.

Hearing Zhu Youxing's voice, Matsuhashi Minoro, who has always been strong, also had a rare sore nose.

But she recovered quickly, there was no change in her tone, and Zhu Youxing didn't feel anything.

"I'm sorry, President, for disappointing you. I will personally apologize in front of you. I didn't protect our children well."

Zhu Youxing: "??? Ah?"

"No, no, president, it's our company's property, our game consoles, I treat them like children." Songqiao realized that he blurted out the wrong words.

This is really something that should not be done.

But this is indeed her true feelings.

Hearing Matsuhashi Minoru's explanation, Take Youxing pretended that he hadn't heard anything before, and then said: "I already know what happened in the United States. It's not your fault. You've actually done a good job, but The nature of the two major law enforcement agencies in the United States is different, and it is normal that you can't deal with it."

"At the beginning, I was at a disadvantage in doing things, and I am willing to apologize..."

Zhu Youxing interrupted: "Okay, I didn't call you all the time to listen to your apology, it has nothing to do with you, no one, including me, can do better than you, you have already You did a great job, I didn't call you to accuse you, I have something important to ask you."

"President, tell me." Hearing that there was something serious to do, Matsuhashi immediately changed his mood.

"Please tell us in detail the details of the sanctions imposed on us by the two law enforcement agencies. I have only read the rough information on the news before, but the details are definitely not as clear as your client. I need to understand a little bit more thoroughly, and then find Find a countermeasure."

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