Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 312 Pick an auspicious day

Not long after the face-to-face meeting ended, some people in the US couldn't sit still.

The first thing they did was to question the capabilities of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

That is to express one's own opinions on the Internet, newspapers, television and other media.

Through their logic that sounds reasonable, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment does not seem to be particularly capable of taking care of the release of the GS1 and GBA game consoles at the same time, let alone the release of high-quality game content for the two game consoles at the same time.

This seemed almost impossible to them.

This statement does sound reasonable.

To be honest, even Zhu Youxing believed these reports when he saw them.

It seems that Youxing Electronic Entertainment really doesn't have that much skill.

But at the same time, Zhu Youxing also had a strange expression.

Because he knows one thing best.

I am afraid that no one in this world can imagine that he is a time traveler.

Oh no, someone on the Internet has speculated that, after all, netizens have infinite brains.

It's just that it was just a joke like a joke, and no one believed it.

Any normal company will not have smooth sailing on the road of development.

They are bound to face all kinds of troubles.

Sometimes it will be internal, sometimes it will be external.

However, because Zhu Youxing has many foresights from previous lives, he is already familiar with the development of the game, so naturally he will not take detours easily.

Sometimes even if he wants to take a detour, he may not be successful, because a set of successful theories of game development has been subtly formed in his brain.

Sometimes a company does not necessarily have to develop rapidly. Sometimes even if you maintain the status quo, you may continue to surpass your competitors, because capitalists who want to make money will always find various easy ways to make money. They don't care about the quality of their products at all.

This also gave birth to the explosion of krypton gold mobile games in the following years.

Using krypton gold to stimulate the most basic desire of ordinary people, people will invest money in it otherwise, and finally get out of hand.

However, Youxing Electronic Entertainment can continue to improve itself and never stop moving forward. It is almost regarded as the guiding light of the industry.

In such a state, the development of Youxing Electronic Entertainment has never stagnated.

What you think is impossible, the opposite is the most natural.

If someone can communicate with the high-level executives of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and the other party is willing to confess some things in the company, then they will be surprised to find that the directions given by Zhuyouxing are almost correct.

However, maybe because of the company's relatively strict sense of confidentiality, even in daily life, they rarely disclose some things related to the company, which also casts a veil of mystery on Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Until now, only TV Tokyo's filming team has entered the headquarters of Youxing Electronic Entertainment to shoot interview videos.

Moreover, this kind of interview videos are just a few snippets, most of which are evaluations of certain people, as well as their own work status, etc., with little reference.

Faced with doubts on the Internet, newspapers and TV media, Zhu Youxing threw them all aside after watching.

It is meaningless for those guys to question now, because the eyes of the people are discerning.

In the past, maybe his small company would not be able to emit the aroma of wine and attract people because the alley was too deep.

But now that his company is a well-known winery in the street, a blind person can spot this target at the first time, so any game and any game console produced by Youxing Electronic Entertainment will not lack exposure.

However, such exposure is only limited to some loyal players.

Roughly calculated up to now, the total number of players in Japan and the United States has almost reached a scale of nearly 100 million.

With the complete open source, FC ushered in a small wave of hardware sales surge, and has sold more than 87 million game consoles so far.

And now the monthly sales data of FC game consoles is more than one million. If some special festival promotions are added, perhaps next year FC will become the first game console in the world to exceed 100 million.

However, compared to the four billion player base counted by later generations, it is still much less.

Zhu Youxing hopes to go further.

We have to find a way to convert more ordinary people into players.

In the original world, even an old man over 70 years old is still playing video games. This is Zhuyouxing's future goal.

Expand the age coverage of video games again, let all the people play video games, and the era of video games changing the world will come.

But this kind of thing can't be eaten into a fat man in one go, it has to be done slowly.

The top priority now is to stabilize the current user base before expanding the core player base.

Zhuyouxing believes that he must at least ensure that more than 100 million core paying players are his users, so that he will have more room to operate.

After the face-to-face meeting, the GS1 page was logged on the official website.

There is a more detailed introduction to GS1 on the official website.

Zhu Youxing didn't bother to explain those boring data in a face-to-face meeting.

Players of that thing would probably yawn even if they heard it. They would only look at the most intuitive things, the game screen, and the game lineup, and then the price and release date.

As for the performance data, these things can be directly thrown on the webpage for players to see for themselves.

GS1 uses two 32-bit chips to form a brand new 64-bit game machine. Its computing performance is slightly weaker than that of PS2 in Zhuyouxing’s memory, but it is already an epoch-making game for the game industry in this world. meaning.

At the same time, this time the GS1 uses a pop-up disc drive as the main receiving carrier for games.

This time the entity is no longer a cassette, but presented in the form of a disc.

One of the main reasons is that the capacity of the disc is large enough.

After the in-depth customization of Zhuyouxing and the patented optical disc drive factory, GS1 has obtained a cheap optical disc reading machine that can read more than 2GB.

And in addition to reading game discs, this disc drive can also read video discs.

It can be said that if you buy this game console, it can be used not only as a game console, but also as an audio-visual entertainment device.

This is equivalent to buying two things for one price, which sounds like a very good deal.

As for the price, it is not displayed on the webpage, but the word "to be announced soon" is used as a preview.

In order to warm up the game console, the announcement of the price naturally needs to pick an auspicious day.

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