Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 331 Actively Drive Players' Emotions

The perspective of Final Fantasy 7 is still played from the perspective of God, but compared with the original version, Zhuyouxing has made great improvements. The scene has changed from the original 2D to 3D, and the polygons of the characters are more rounded. No more edges and corners.

This is already a very surprising picture effect for players in this world.

Through the expressiveness of the 3D screen, the combat effect of the characters has also been greatly enhanced this time.

On the TV, the yellow hedgehog followed behind the strong man, and soon encountered a group of people who should be soldiers.

Then the battle officially began.

Final Fantasy's turn-based system requires more timing than others, which also adds to the sense of urgency in the player's gameplay.

However, dealing with a few minions is still no problem for brushing no longer.

After several fights, everyone was safe for the time being, and then the strong man with a machine gun in one arm began to scold Shinra for the crazy exploitation of the planet's resources. He vowed to protect the entire planet, and the way to protect the planet was to blow up the so-called magic furnace.

Joshua felt that this brawny man's thinking was a bit extreme. Isn't it just a little resource of the earth, what impact can it cause if it is used up?

Now he still doesn't fully understand this worldview, but some viewpoints have actually begun to collide or overlap.

He began to actively consider the social state of the world.

And the yellow hedgehog head as the hero is still as calm as ever, as if this terrorist explosion incident is not a big deal.

Immediately afterwards, the screen turned and came to a very high-end looking oversized office, an old man and a bearded man were talking.

Through talking with Joshua, I learned that this is the high-level executive of the company that built the magic furnace.

They looked at the actions of the male lead and the others with disdain, and laughed at the gang of ants who were just trying to shake the tree, and their actions could not shake their dominance at all.

Seeing this scene, Joshua suddenly felt that it would be okay to blow up the stove. It would be best to kill this annoying company executive. Of course, he also thought that this might be a late-stage character in the game, and wanted to The solution is definitely not something that can be done now.

In the end, the hero of the game, the strong man and others rushed all the way to the core of the magic furnace, set the time bomb, and then prepared to retreat.

But suddenly, a mechanical creation like a mechanical scorpion stood in front of everyone.

This mechanical creation is very large, if it is not defeated, it may not be possible to retreat safely.

So the strong man and the man with the yellow hedgehog head fight against this monster.

Obviously, this is a boss-level monster. Joshua was a little careless at first, but he was killed by this monster, and the game ended.

His eyes were wide open, and he was in a state of high concentration.

The overall difficulty of this boss is actually not too high, as long as you are serious, you can beat it.

Finally, after a hard fight, Joshua finally solved the BOSS blocking the way of escape.

Joshua also heaved a sigh of relief, and then quickly manipulated the character to retreat from the magic furnace.

In order to reflect the sense of crisis, the explosion of the magic furnace also deliberately counted down the time.

Although this time is enough for at least two round trips, it still makes people feel nervous.

The beginning of the game can be said to be full of tension.

At the beginning, the people operated by the player are a group of rebels, and they want to risk the world's dissatisfaction and prepare to blow up the magic furnace.

There's also the little thrill of sneaking around to do bad things.

Immediately after the players relaxed a little, another big boss stood in front of the players.

The countdown to the explosion, the threat of the big boss.

Originally, this was just a variant turn-based game, but it still gave players a sense of tension.

Joshua didn't understand video game psychology or anything like that, but he had to admit he was drawn to the game's opening tension.

When he finally manipulated the yellow hedgehog-headed male protagonist to run out of the magic furnace, the magic furnace also exploded, and the plot progressed to the next step.

In the team, a girl named Jessie was a little surprised by the power of the explosion.

Because according to her estimation, the explosion will only blow up the core of the magic furnace, but it will never erupt such a violent explosion shock wave.

The player learned from God's perspective that the reason for the more powerful explosion was that the boss of Shinra Company took the initiative to destroy the explosion core and released all the energy of Mako, which led to a more powerful explosion.

However, for Shinra, this is not a loss, but a help, because they can justifiably throw all the pot to the protagonist group through this explosion.

"This damn old thing, I must find a way to kill you!"

Joshua looked at the boss of Shinra Company who was showing a contemptuous smile on the TV, and he felt a burst of anger, and his emotions had been brought into the game character.

At the moment, the protagonist group in the game doesn't know this. Jessie, who is in charge of making the explosive materials, regrets why she didn't pay attention to the power of the explosion. She should have tested it more.

"No, no, it's not your fault." Joshua couldn't help but looked at Jessie on the TV sympathetically.

Obviously it has nothing to do with Jessie, it's the goddamn boss of Shinra who did it.

However, the story must continue.

The protagonist group quickly came to the block through the sewer.

Now many innocent civilians on the street look terrified beside the ruins.

"Have you heard that someone launched a terrorist attack?"

"Those guys are really disgusting!"

"We are obviously innocent, why implicate us? These guys are really bad!"

Looking at the discussions of those people on the street, Joshua became even more angry.

Obviously it shouldn't have much to do with the protagonist group, they are obviously ready to control the explosion range only within the range of the magic furnace.

But now he has a big black pot on his back, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

Overall, however, the mission was a success.

The yellow hedgehog is still as indifferent as ever, he only cares about his reward.

When everyone was about to separate temporarily, the strong man promised him that he would settle the payment when he returned to his lair.

Then the yellow hedgehog head began to act alone.

Joshua can also take a good look at this completely empty city at this time.

The appearance and image of these cities are really too similar to modern times.

He had never played an RPG that looked like the modern world.

The previous games were all about heroes, princesses, dragons, etc., and they were basically related to the Middle Ages.

Only a few small companies will make role-playing games from other eras, such as Ninja Project, which describes the stories of ancient Japanese ninjas.

Recently, the Ninja Project has undergone an innovation to advance the plot to modern life.

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