Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 365 Successor

Today's Hayakawa Kentaro looks a little old, and his once hale and hearty eyes are gradually clouded.

Nearly eighty years old, he already seems a little powerless in running the company.

Ueto Hayakawa, after several years of growth in the game department, has made the video game industry department one of the pillars of Suri Electronics, which can obtain more than one billion US dollars in revenue every year, excluding development costs and operating costs. There can be a profit of about 100 million US dollars.

And as the game's popularity increases, the profits of derivative peripherals are also rising steadily.

Now, Ueto Hayakawa is qualified to take over as the new president.

Up to now, Hayakawa Ueto has no longer just taken over the game department, but also served as the deputy director of the electronic development department. The clue can be seen from the fact that the game department can start to receive more and more funds.

Facing his father's question, Hayakawa Ueto thought for a while, and then said: "The Morgan Group has very terrifying market resources, and Zhu Yuxing should have taken a fancy to the Morgan Group's market, and the operating system of the GS1 game console is also given by the Morgan Group. With technical support, the two parties clearly had the intention to cooperate very early.”

"Then have you ever thought about allowing Su Rui Electronics' games to be logged on the computer?"

Ueto Hayakawa shook his head resolutely: "At least now I won't consider such a thing, because our game console users are not enough, and it is only estimated that there are more than 20 million now. We have not completely stabilized the game console market, and we need to continue Expand your influence."

"Okay." Hayakawa Kentaro nodded, "Then do it, don't be affected by other companies' actions."

Hayakawa Ueto was slightly taken aback: "Father, you..."

"I'm old and will be confused, so I won't give you directions anymore, I just want to hear your thoughts, and the future path will also be determined by you."

Ueto Hayakawa opened his mouth, suddenly feeling lonely.

Father is also old.

He is the youngest of his father's children, and he is considered a middle-aged son, but he is the most competitive among the children.

It is for this reason that Kentaro Hayakawa has high hopes for Ueto Hayakawa.

Along the way, he has his father's guidance, sometimes it is very direct guidance, sometimes it is vague guidance, Hayakawa Ueto is already used to this kind of guidance.

But father will still be old after all.

But he needs to keep going.

Now his father can definitely continue to guide him, but doing so all the time will definitely create a sense of dependence, and his father doesn't want to continue to do so.

Whether he can manage the company well in the future will all depend on himself.

"I will announce my retirement in a few days. I'm almost eighty, and I need to take a good rest. The rest is up to you."

There will be a new general meeting of shareholders in a few days, and it is probably at that time that Hayakawa Kentaro will notify this matter.

It suddenly dawned on him, no wonder the department executives who had a better relationship with his father recently became closer to him.

They should have known something in advance.

But he was already prepared for this.

He nodded: "I see."

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the matter of Youxing Electronic Entertainment was not too important.


In the United States, the next day, the enthusiasm for the Entertainment Consumer Exhibition did not decrease at all.

Especially today is the scheduled date of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's press conference.

In the morning, countless people poured into the venue of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's press conference and waited.

Those who couldn't get in also stopped at different places to watch the big screen of the live broadcast.

This battle is much bigger than that of the Morgan Group at the beginning.

After all, this is a grand event exclusively for gamers. As the overlord of video games, it is only natural that Youxing Electronic Entertainment has so much attention.

In the last Consumer Electronics Show, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment showed people a demo of the motion-sensing game, and it was performed by Zhu Youxing himself. This time, it is the official game experience of the motion-sensing game.

Before the press conference, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has already carried out a certain amount of warm-up, hoping that through this promotion, somatosensory games can enter thousands of households.

However, this is more of a promotion for non-gamers, and the purpose is to expand the non-gamer group and make them interested in video games.

Somatosensory games are a good entry category. Let people accept video games first, and then subtly recognize it.

Although it cannot be compared with real sports, it also gives players a choice.

Coupled with the atmosphere of somatosensory family entertainment, it was not popular with ordinary players when it was just released. Instead, it made many women and the elderly full of interest.

They think it's trendy stuff.

In this game exhibition, the lineup of somatosensory games has been expanded again, based on a series of sports games such as somatosensory tennis, table tennis, and golf, and then added somatosensory shooting games.

However, players still want to watch games that are really interesting, the kind of top-level large-scale games, preferably comparable to Final Fantasy 7.

There really are.

But it is not the game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

It is a new game developed by a third-party game company.

The developer is a game studio that has just emerged and has been invested by Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

They released their first shooter game.

Its design concept combines the reality of Brown Entertainment's World War II shooting game and the fluency of Doom's action, using the latest Unreal Engine version to create a shooting game.

The background of the story is that two fictional powers confront each other, and the perspective focuses on each battlefield.

Needless to say, the expressiveness of the screen is the top in the industry. Youxing Electronic Entertainment has given a lot of support. After all, it has already invested, and it is its own little brother.

Zhu Youxing also gave some guidance, such as setting the aiming angle of view, providing players with options to assist aiming, and so on.

Gun Car Ball is the favorite in Europe and the United States, so using this game as the finale of the press conference has an amazing effect. Even if it is not produced by Zhu Youxing, the graphics and demo video are enough to make the players collectively excited.

In addition to this shooting game, there are also two other items, cars and balls.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment announced that it has successfully negotiated a cooperation agreement with the NBA Association of the United States, and has obtained the authorization of NBA stars and games for the next ten years. To do it, he is responsible for seeing the effect of the finished product.

There is no progress in the football match. The commercial department of the Football Association seems to see the value of the game and is ready to sell it. It has been negotiating terms with multiple game companies.

As for the racing car, it is naturally the new work of Need for Speed.

This is another finale work besides shooting games.

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