Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 368 The rise of e-sports


Being able to persuade a person with potential to do what he likes to do again, Zhu Youxing still has a sense of accomplishment.

When this kind of person will be useful sooner or later in the future, he will be very patient and just wait slowly.

The second day of the Consumer Entertainment Expo also ended successfully. During this period, Youxing Electronic Entertainment announced many future game plans, as well as a new handheld, the upgraded version of the GBA, the GBASP, which is the first handheld with the clamshell feature.

There is no improvement in performance, but the playing life of the buttons and the screen display effect of the handheld are improved.

These improvements did not increase the price of the handheld, but reduced the price of the GBA by twenty dollars, and then let the GBASP maintain the original price of the previous GBA.

You can buy a game console with a better picture than before at the original price, and this game console will be officially sold in a week. This time, GBASP has sufficient reserves, so there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to buy it.

Some players are happy, some are slightly disappointed.

Because they actually want to see a game console with better picture quality.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that this can only be the case.

The third day is the key release time for other game manufacturers.

Lierda and Su Rui Electronics also launched their own brand new game consoles this time.

The current handheld market is booming, and according to industry estimates, Youxing Electronic Entertainment's market share in handhelds is actually not as high as imagined, and there is still a lot of market space, which is much better than the market for game consoles.

The two companies therefore plan to focus on handhelds and strive to grab some market share.

The performance of the two handhelds this time is very strong, and all of them have reached the level of GBA.

Moreover, the GBA is mostly 2D games, but the two game consoles can run 3D games stably, which makes the two game consoles look full of gimmicks.

It is possible to play 3D games close to the quality of the console on the handheld, which has become the title of the two manufacturers' publicity.

Of course, if the situation is true, it is definitely impossible to achieve the picture quality of the mainframe, but at this time there are no restrictions on advertising laws, so naturally there is no need to worry about any trouble for this kind of bragging.

As for Hack Brown’s Brown Entertainment, they just continue to concentrate on promoting the game. Some people in the industry predicted that Hack Brown would launch a game console, but Hack Brown was much more cautious than they thought, and continued to invest money in game development. The game console seems to have no plans to touch it in a short time.

This also allows Huck Brown's funds to flow better, and will not be easily held back by things like game consoles, which are heavily invested in assets.

In this way, the three-day entertainment consumption exhibition ended.

Players are content.

The first entertainment consumption exhibition showed the world the various entertainment methods of games for the first time.

In addition to those core players, there are also many non-core player groups participating in this exhibition.

This can be regarded as expanding the audience of gamers.

When the exhibition is over, what players are most looking forward to is the release of StarCraft.

This is a game supervised by Zhu Youxing, the god of games. At least you don’t have to worry too much about the quality of the game. The only thing you need to consider is whether this new type of game suits your taste.

At the same time, such a thing happened in South Korea.

The South Korean government announced a greater policy preference in e-sports, encouraging financial groups to form their own professional e-sports groups.

At the same time, large companies can also co-finance the establishment of e-sports events.

Different from Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's e-sports event in Japan, this time it is supported by a national government.

E-sports players can get the same treatment as Olympic medalists if they perform well.

Exemption from military service, and many additional monetary incentives.

With the support of such policies, all Korean people have a great enthusiasm for video games at once.

Video games started to flourish in just two or three months.

The tax exemption policy and e-sports support policy were fully established half a month before the release of StarCraft.

And several large consortiums in South Korea collectively issued invitations to the world.

They started an international esports event called WCG.

The name of this WCG was provided by Zhuyouxing. As the initiator of e-sports, Zhuyouxing is still qualified to provide the idea of ​​a name, and WCG itself is indeed a very suitable name for e-sports.

The first WCG e-sports competition also set up several major projects.

Need for Speed, Street Fighter, StarCraft, Street Basketball.

These four projects are the main projects this time, and other small projects will be observed slowly over time. If they do have the potential to become e-sports projects, they can also become new e-sports projects.

And WCG also gives a very attractive bonus.

The prize money of the e-sports event hosted by Youxing Electronic Entertainment was controlled within the range of 100 million yen, which is one million US dollars.

The winner gets seventy percent of the million dollars.

Because WCG has the support of many Korean chaebols, in order to let WCG expand its influence, the winners of each project in the first session all gave out two million US dollars in cash rewards.

The two million dollars will go entirely to the winner, with the first and third runners-up receiving $500,000 and $100,000, respectively.

Just this bonus immediately made everyone focus on South Korea.

All of a sudden, game players in the United States, Japan and other regions went crazy.

Anyone who thinks they have some strength is itchy in their hearts, and they all want to join this competition.

Two million dollars in cash prizes for the first place winner.

Compared with those athletes in traditional sports events, this is definitely not enough to watch, especially for big sports such as football, basketball and American basketball.

These are even more impossible to compare with.

But for ordinary people, video games are very engaging.

Anyone can feel they have a chance of winning.

Except for StarCraft, which has not yet been announced, everyone who likes the other three games is very confident.

Players began to gather together, participating in this e-sports competition in their own ways.


"This is totally a joke, what's the difference between this and gambling?"

In a professional sports organization, a middle-aged man in a suit angrily threw a newspaper on the table.

The cigar next to it was still lingering in smoke, and the expensive watch was shining brightly while the newspaper was being smashed.

"Isn't this e-sports just a play of a group of decadent teenagers? This thing is going to be on the stage? Isn't this humiliating us?"

"Well, boss, please don't be impatient. Actually, I think this thing is quite interesting. Young people like it. If we also invest some money to start an e-sports club and attract some Internet addicted teenagers, if it is not good, we will It can become the object of young people's pursuit."

"Pursuing a fart, I don't agree with this thing, this thing is lowering our own style!"

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