Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 401 The gradual social impact

It has to be said that the winner is justice, that is to say, the combination of Li Gouhi's drama and Ace Attorney really has a catalytic effect.

In the field of games, Ace Attorney's facial expressions are extremely exaggerated. In the game, exaggerated expressions are used to intuitively show the reactions of different characters in the face of crisis. This is for players to see.

And such an exaggerated Yan Yi is very distinctive and impressive.

At least in Zhu Youxing's memory, the classic distorted expressions of many characters in Ace Attorney cannot be forgotten in the past twenty years.

And the winner is justice. There are also many exaggerated forms of stage play in this play. The protagonist Gu Meimen Kensuke in the play often performs his exaggerated dancing steps in court, which is very magical.

This is the same as the exaggerated expression in Ace Attorney and shouting a catty of duck pears, it is impossible to appear in a normal court.

But it is such an exaggerated form of expression that allows both children and adults to feel the ups and downs in the plot more intuitively.

When faced with a crisis, Kensuke Gu Meimen will not panic, and can continue to do his exaggerated movements calmly.

Wright Wright in the game also had a similar reaction. No matter how outrageous his expression was in the eyes of the players, he could rely on the ingenuity of the players to successfully break one lie after another in the end.

With the cooperation of the TV series and the game, both the game's sales and ratings have achieved considerable success.

When the second week came, the sales of Ace Attorney were counted. It was very easy for the sales to exceed one million in the first week. Now the sales are fixed at 1.24 million.

And that's just the first week of sales.

Judging from the fact that GBA has exceeded 40 million in ownership, the sales of Ace Attorney can continue to rise.

The overall game rhythm of Ace Attorney is quite good, which was specially adjusted by Zhu Youxing.

The original Ace Attorney actually had a slightly abnormal difficulty curve. The difficulty in some places was too high at that time, so that players would not be able to solve the puzzle for a while.

This time, Zhuyouxing has made a smoother process, so that players can feel the crisis and at the same time can smoothly increase the difficulty, so that players can always maintain a sense of pressure.

Even if this is just a word game, and there is no level and equipment that make people brush up as a driving force, it can still attract players to stay up all night to finish your liver.

Anyway, Oda Chong felt this way.

After watching Li Gouhi with his father that day, he devoted himself to the plot of Ace Attorney.

Even in school, he occasionally took it out to play crazily, and even got scolded by the teacher for it.

But he didn't really care, he cared more about the difficult cases that Wright faced in Ace Attorney.

Fortunately, the overall process of this game is not long. If you really play it seriously, it is estimated that thirty or forty hours will be enough.

This is actually a bit of a disadvantage compared to those games that often play for hundreds of hours.

But Oda Chong felt hearty.

When the story of Ace Attorney ended, he was somewhat empty, feeling that there could be more plot.

Obviously, there is a part of the story line in the game that has not been fully explained. This is the button that Zhu Youxing paves the way, and it is also a preparation for the next one.

Oda Chong now particularly wants to know the real plot story of these hidden buttons.

"Hey, the winner is justice, have you seen it?"

"Justice is the winner? What is that?"

"It's a legal drama shown in the spring. The subtitle is Winner is Justice. The main title is Ace Attorney. I think it's pretty good. Do you want to watch it?"

In Oda Chong's class, several middle school students gathered together to chat about recent interesting things.

But this group of people who don't usually discuss TV dramas suddenly started discussing a legal drama.

For kids at their most enthusiastic ages, a lot of TV shows can be boring.

Either it's not cool enough, or it doesn't allow minors like them to watch it.

Simply they can only find other fun when they have nothing to do, such as fighting, or going to clubs and playing motorcycles.

But it was this group of energetic guys who suddenly started discussing a TV series, which was very surprising.

Oda Chong couldn't help pricking up his ears and listening secretly.

These guys will talk about the plots related to the TV series for a while, and then they will start discussing which class of girls is the most beautiful, and then they will suddenly turn around to discuss the game of Ace Attorney. In short, their brain circuits are twisted. The speed is quite fast, and any topic can be discussed.

I won't be tired if you talk about this.

Oda Chong finally couldn't bear it anymore and joined the camp discussed by these people.

And in a certain elementary school, the school festival was opening, and the children gathered together to form small groups, and then strived to gain attention in the school festival.

Snapped! There was a crisp sound of hands patting the table, but because the little hand patting the table was too immature, it really had no deterrent effect.

"A catty of duck pears!"

"Your Honor, I think the witness is lying! It is clear that there is something wrong with the testimony of this witness."

"Oh? Then please show me what's wrong?"

"Okay, I'll expose this witness's lie!"

During the campus festival, the children performed the classic game scene in Ace Attorney.

This kind of performance with a dramatic effect has attracted the attention of many children.

At this time, there was a guy carrying a camera looking for material and frantically filming the performance.

After the campus festival performance was over, the shooters left satisfied with the content of the video.

His purpose today is to shoot interesting material, and then broadcast it on his blog to earn clicks.

And what is the most popular recently? Naturally, it is the game and TV series called Ace Attorney.

Of course, there is another drama that gambled with this video game.

That show about people with depression.

Seriously though, the cameraman thought it was weird that the show about people with depression wasn't particularly good.

It's not that the performances in it are not good enough, it just feels like something is missing.

On the contrary, the exaggerated performance of Ace Attorney games and TV dramas made him more acceptable.

Now as the Internet becomes more and more popular, people have begun to get used to sharing their lives on the Internet.

Especially after FACEBOOK was logged in in Japan, social networking immediately became people's favorite thing to discuss.

In FACEBOOK, you can easily find like-minded people in the social square.

At the same time, there are also a lot of materials that Zhu Youxing needs very much, that is, various materials about ace Attorney.

"Remember, do everything you can to search for Ace Attorney-related posts and blogs, and make a note of them, I'll use them later."

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