This is a new rivalry.

Su Rui Electronics has the support of YOO, the most popular Internet portal at the moment, to jointly fight against Morgan Group and Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Whether it is in terms of online social public opinion or publicity, the two sides are not giving in.

Since all the performance of the new handheld has been leaked, Ueto Hayakawa can obviously have more preparation time.

When he saw the appearance of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's new handheld, he realized that the dual joysticks and touch screen might be the highlight of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment this time.

Then my new handheld does not have this function.

However, the only thing Su Rui Electronics does not lack is the top technical development talents.

Without this function, it can be realized through peripherals, and then presented on the original system by patching.

Dual joysticks are simple, they can be implemented with external sockets, and there shouldn't be any incompatibility.

But the touch screen is a bit troublesome, unless they completely overturn the previous development plan, it is really difficult to achieve touch through peripherals.

But now the new handheld has been in mass production for a while, just to prepare for the sale, and now it is suddenly proposed to modify, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of dollars will be directly lost, and shareholders absolutely cannot agree.

However, Su Rui Electronics has never been short of guys with fantastic ideas.

Their engineers suddenly had an idea. Since we can't change the main screen to a touch screen, then we can connect a brand new touch screen with built-in power supply as the secondary screen of the game console.

Although this is a bit far-fetched, it can also be regarded as a touch function, and if Youxing Electronic Entertainment has any ideas for touch games, they can also imitate it.

This trick is indeed quite powerful. After the announcement of the brand-new peripherals advertisement, Zhu Youxing's eyes were a little dazed.

How does Su Rui Electronics feel that it has unknowingly developed towards Nintendo's R\u0026D direction?

I also planned to launch a secondary screen to make games before, but in the end I overturned this plan because I felt that dual screens were really not suitable for future game compatibility and porting issues.

We should not innovate for the sake of innovation, but to better serve the development of the game itself.

At the beginning, the NDS series was not supported by third-party games, but completely relied on the excellent NDS games produced by Nintendo's own god-level game producers.

If Nintendo hadn't had so many top god-level game producers, the NDS era might have lost miserably.

Unexpectedly, his abolished case became Su Rui Electronics' solution to the problem.

Use peripherals to realize the touch function, really have your Surui Electronics.

I have to say that having a technical background is strong.

But it’s hard to say whether this thing will be successful or not. After all, accessories are not the main body of the game console.

This can be regarded as an expedient measure for Su Rui Electronics. No matter how you say it, at least it can't be too far behind Youxing Electronics Entertainment in terms of function, otherwise it is really possible that it will not be able to catch up with Youxing Electronics Entertainment again.

This time Hayakawa Ueto has obvious ambitions.

For a while, the advertising spaces in many countries such as the United States and Japan are about to be robbed by these companies. It is estimated that the cost of publicity and distribution invested by each company may exceed tens of millions of dollars.

Anyway, billions and billions of development costs have been invested in it, and the cost of publicity and distribution is nothing.

This time it's a real confrontation, Zhuyouxing doesn't have any killer move that can be hidden, and is completely prepared to rely on the game that is currently being developed to stabilize his position.

As Su Rui Electronics, which is once again challenging the status of Yuxing Electronics Entertainment, they also have their own strong advantages.

Suddenly, a number of high-quality game studios were airborne, as well as high-quality games developed by themselves. No matter how you look at it, they are all strong.

In this way, 2001 ended in a burst of fierce competition, and the new year came quietly.

However, this does not mean that the competition will weaken in 2002, on the contrary, the competition will become more intense.

Zhuyouxing needs a solid position, so it has to come up with enough sincere video games, and Su Rui Electronics, as a challenger, also exerts its strength.

At the same time, Surui Electronics is still working hard to promote its own high-definition format standards.

And in the new year, the main battlefield at the beginning of the year is naturally the latest International Consumer Electronics Show.

This time, several companies bought tens of thousands of square meters of land for this year's consumer exhibition for publicity.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment, Surui Electronics, YOO, Morgan Group.

Together, these four companies bought nearly 70,000 square meters of this year's exhibition area. In order to buy such a large area, it was a waste of money.

The organizers of the exhibition simply regard these four companies as gods this year.

Eyes are about to glow green.

In the past, about 20 to 30 percent of the vacant area in the exhibition area of ​​the Consumer Electronics Show was left unattended every year.

As the world's largest electronics exhibition, the annual exhibition area exceeds 200,000 square meters.

But this year, several companies directly bought the 70,000-square-meter publicity area, how could they be unhappy.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment's promotion here is naturally its latest handheld.

After the previous exposure, there was not much exposure on the game, at most it exposed a few relatively simple touch games, giving players a basic impression and concept of touch games.

Two launch titles such as New Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda were not announced.

Just to add some gimmicks to this CES.

However, this has attracted dissatisfaction from some people in the electronic semiconductor industry.

They think that this year's exhibition is somewhat upside-down. It should have been an exhibition to promote future technology, but now it promotes things like video games and software.

But who made the four companies give too much money this time.

Even though this exhibition is somewhat putting the cart before the horse, this exhibition is full of gimmicks, and the most important thing is money.

Those who are dissatisfied can only vent their dissatisfaction angrily, and there is nothing they can do in the end.

This time, Youxing Electronic Entertainment and Morgan Group jointly contracted one of the venues for the exhibition, and then simply closed the door before the exhibition started, and the workers who built the venue lived in it directly, and shut them up with generous remuneration Don't reveal any information until the moment the venue opens, and the workers can't leave.

For this publicity, the bosses of the four companies all came together, which is enough to prove that they attach great importance to this publicity.

Zhu Youxing and Lorenzo, the CEO of the Morgan Group, also simply lived in the venue and did not come out. They looked extremely mysterious, making people wonder what happened in which venue.

As for Su Rui Electronics and YOO, there is nothing to hide about their venue construction, or they didn't think of hiding it at the beginning.

When they saw the closure of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's stadium, they scratched their heads and wanted to know what was going on there.

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