Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 481 The prototype of the continuous operation game

This high-quality game trailer was very popular, and quickly won the hearts of every player present.

But it seems that there are some difficulties in satisfying the appetite of players.

Could it be that Youxing Electronic Entertainment made a mistake in the preview arrangement?

Or...they still have a bigger big move hidden?

Myron Keith doesn't understand games very well, but it doesn't prevent him from knowing some well-known game series.

When this Final Fantasy was launched, just the young people in their company didn't know how many people took time off from work because of this, and he couldn't do anything about it.

This is enough to show how popular this game is.

The boy next to him was also very excited, he was completely attracted by the brand new Final Fantasy adventure story.

The trailer obviously didn't say anything, it was just a few game action scenes.

"Is this game great?"

Myron Keyes asked.

The boy nodded vigorously: "Of course, this is the best game!"

"Huh? I thought the best game in your mind was Pokémon."

"Of course Pokémon is the best, and those two are the best."

"Isn't there only one best thing?"

"Who said that? I can have many of the best games here. There is no choice at all. All the games are super fun!"

Obviously, the teenager has been completely addicted to it, accepting the game without reservation.

As the beginning of Final Fantasy VIII, it also fully mobilized the players' emotions.

After the trailer ended, the players in the audience jumped for joy, and Zhu Youxing also stood on the stage with a smile.

"How is it? Are you looking forward to it?"

"Of course I look forward to it!"

"Very well, this is actually just an appetizer. I believe that picky players will be satisfied when this game is actually released, and the next thing is the preview of other games."

This time, Zhuyouxing followed Youxing Electronic Entertainment's usual rhythm of game announcements, broadcasting videos frantically, and shooting various game trailers directly on the face.

After the Final Fantasy episode, there's a whole new offering about StarCraft.

"StarCraft? Oh, I remembered, this is a game launched by Youxing Electronic Entertainment on computers."

Ueto Hayakawa, who was watching the live broadcast at this moment, suddenly remembered this game.

However, this game has nothing to do with him.

This game is released on the computer and is not logged in on any console platform, which means that this game will only have a PC audience.

The competition between Su Rui Electronics and Youxing Electronic Entertainment is based on the console platform. No matter how popular Youxing Electronic Entertainment's games are on the PC platform, it will not affect the competition on the console side.

Ueto Hayakawa actually doesn't quite understand the operation of Zhuyouxing. Obviously, launching games on his own platform will strengthen his position, but he has to release some games on the computer. Isn't he afraid that the computer will turn the client into the console market? Annexation?

"President, I don't think there is any threat to this game. It is probably a transitional promotion in the middle of Final Fantasy 8."

A manager under Ueto Hayakawa spoke confidently aside.

Ueto Hayakawa shook his head: "You are half right. This game is indeed not a big threat to us, but this is not the middle transition of the Final Fantasy 8 trailer. Do you know how many users StarCraft has?"

"Ang? How many?"

The manager was a little dazed.

He really doesn't know much about computer products.

They Su Rui Electronics didn't focus on this field before, so they didn't do any research.

But Ueto Hayakawa, as the president, naturally has a broader vision than his subordinates.

"StarCraft currently has records of at least tens of millions of users, and this number is still increasing. Do you know what the concept is?"

The manager said uncertainly: "Does this mean that personal computers also have a certain game market?"

"It's obvious, and I mean less obvious."

The manager thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head helplessly: "I don't know."

"It is a steady increase in user base. The sales of an ordinary video game will usually decrease slowly over time. Generally, the popularity of games that have been sold for more than half a year has completely passed, and the number of players who are willing to buy will decrease a lot. By that time, the sales It's basically settled."

Ueto Hayakawa's subordinates nodded. He knew this very well. Their game was like this, and the rate of decline was even faster.

Generally, the game sales of Surui Electronics can last for two or three months before plummeting, and then the game's ability to attract money is basically gone.

The subsequent value of this game is basically in the second-hand market.

The second-hand market has almost nothing to do with Su Rui Electronics. It is an exchange of interests between players and some second-hand stores.

Many senior executives of Su Rui Electronics are very troubled by this.

They think that these second-hand games make them less money. Many high-level officials are putting pressure on Hayakawa Ueto to solve the second-hand problem. If possible, it is best to let a game be inserted into the game console and bind the game console to death. Let more players have to shell out more money.

But in the end it was Hayakawa Zhi who stood up to the crowd.

He is a good learner.

And the object of his study is Zhu Youxing.

If there is a game that is the most prosperous in the second-hand market, it is definitely the game of Youxing Electronics.

But so far, Zhuyouxing has not responded to the second-hand market, and even supports and encourages the second-hand market. Zhuyouxing will take the initiative to put some of the old cassettes recycled into the secondary market to sell at a cheaper price.

In the past, Zhuyouxing in the US market used this trick to beat up the mothers of those crazy plagiarists.

Compared with the quality and scale of games, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has never been afraid of anyone.

Even if there are countless pirated and plagiarized games, they cannot withstand the large-scale attack of the regular army of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Since Zhu Yuxing has never had an obvious reaction to the second-hand market, Ueto Hayakawa thinks that he should not adjust the rules indiscriminately before he wins the first place in the market.

At least it can still make a profit now. If it is revised, what should I do if something goes wrong?

Ueto Hayakawa is walking on thin ice in this regard.

Ueto Hayakawa continued to explain at this time: "The life cycle of a game is about half a year, but I have found a few special cases so far."

Ueto Hayakawa stretched out a finger and said: "The first one I found that can continue to bring in a stable cash flow is Brown Entertainment's Milong Treasure. They moved the role-playing to the computer platform, and with the help of the stable network of the computer platform The connection continues to bring new game story content to players, and they will make money by charging time. So far, the annual profit of this game is estimated to be 50 to 60 million US dollars, and it is increasing every year. Increase."

The manager was a little restless.

A stable profit of 50 to 60 million per year means that there will be a stable million-level sales every day, which really deserves more attention.

"And the second one." Ueto Hayakawa stretched out his second finger, "It's StarCraft. This game doesn't charge for time usage like the former, but players are very willing to pay for this game through the form of e-sports." The growth rate of game consumption and the number of users is far faster than that of Milong Treasure.”

Ueto Hayakawa said frankly: "I think this is a new way for the two games to continue to make money. Recently, I have been considering whether to launch similar games, but these two games are built on the PC side. I And I’m not sure if I can reproduce the same harvest on the host platform, after all, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment has never done this before.”

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is like a guiding light. If Zhuyouxing did nothing, Hayakawa Ueto would not dare to take risks easily.

Now he doesn't dare to venture into the new game field easily.

It is really not easy to own the current market.

He felt that what he had accumulated was not enough, and he needed to wait for another opportunity.

Hayakawa Ueto's managers already understood: "Then President, this..."

Before the manager wanted to ask any more questions, Ueto Hayakawa had already focused on the TV.

Because the new trailer for StarCraft is over.

This time StarCraft released a new expansion pack.

The name of the expansion piece is very fresh.

This has barely been seen in previous game launches.

Some game companies have tried to introduce more content to their games, but most of them are also developing sequels, but they have not thought much about adding more paid content on the basis of the original game.

Because people who have tried this before have not been very successful.

But at this moment, Zhuyou Xing officially announced the release of a new expansion pack for StarCraft.

And if you want to experience the content of this new expansion, you need to pay extra.

Of course, it will be much cheaper than the main game, and the content is not much less than the main game, it seems really cost-effective.

Players who don't pay extra are not for nothing.

They can experience brand-new arms in the online battle mode, and don't have to worry about not being able to play new versions of online battles with other players because they haven't bought new expansion packs.

At this moment, Hayakawa Ueto's heart beat violently a few times.

Suddenly he seemed to be enlightened.

It seems that video games have a whole new way to make money.

Continue to launch more story content based on the original material of a game.

On the basis of the original game, there is a very big advantage, that is, all the game infrastructure does not need to be developed repeatedly, and 70% to 80% of the materials can be reused, which can also make the value of the game more valuable. Squeeze it out.

However, with the style of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, it is definitely disdainful to squeeze a series in this way. The only reason Zhuyouxing did this should be that this story really has a lot to tell.

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