The word of mouth spread immediately among players just by advertising.

"Have you heard? Youxing Electronic Entertainment is probably going to announce the latest game console!"

"What? That's great! I've already saved money for the new game console, but Youxing Electronic Entertainment just doesn't announce the latest game console. Is it finally coming now? When is it going to be released?"

"The launch should be CES 2005."

"Huh? It will take so long, I thought it would be released soon."

"It's fast enough, you can be content."

There are many similar discussions.

At the same time, various media also started to act after seeing this new advertisement.

They use their own news channels like ghosts and snakes to publish all kinds of new game console information on the Internet, true or false.

The title of the next era is naturally mentioned by many media.

The vocabulary of the next era is very subtle, and just this vocabulary can make people understand that this will be a very obvious innovation.

So what the game console will be made in the end is already very exciting.

Su Rui Electronics also became nervous immediately after this.

Finally came.

Before Youxing Electronic Entertainment suddenly turned around to engage in the Battle.net platform, they were a little confused.

Their news channels have long known that Youxing Electronic Entertainment is developing a new game console, and they have roughly inferred its performance.

In order to deal with it, they naturally have to follow up. Otherwise, if they can't keep up with each other in terms of picture quality, the market may be completely occupied by Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

They don't want to be deprived of the little market they have finally had.

So their development of game consoles is almost in sync with Youxing Electronic Entertainment. Not long after Youxing Electronic Entertainment announced its latest game console advertisement, Su Rui Electronics also released its own game console advertisement, and also announced their own They are about to exhibit their products at the next year's International Consumer Electronics Show, which is almost saying that they are going to have a head-on confrontation with Youxing Electronic Entertainment, but with their current status, they are indeed the only ones who have the opportunity to compete with Youxing Electronic Entertainment. Positively qualified.

And they also named it the title of 'Next Era'.

Such a reaction naturally made the game media ecstatic again.

Come, come, and it will be a war of game consoles.

In the last game console war, countless masterpieces were born. It can be said that competition is the biggest beneficiary for players, and they can experience more and better games in the game console war.

In order to gain an advantage, neither game console manufacturers nor game companies dare to neglect the quality of games.

They are willing to call this era of game console wars the platinum age of game consoles. Countless masterpieces have sprung up like mushrooms. Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, as always, never produces bad games. Su Rui Electronics, a first-party developer that lagged behind in the past The team also worked very hard to make some relatively good games during the competition.

While the two companies were advertising, some companies in other industries also quietly released their own game console products.

However, they obviously lack confidence, or it is a simple test of the water. After all, the video game industry is really making too much money.

Even if it's just soup, the average game development company can drink a lot of oil, let alone the two companies that occupy the game channel.

So some leaders in other industries also plan to enter the game industry to stir up trouble.

But it's hard to say whether it can set off waves.

People are obviously more concerned about the movements of Su Rui Electronics and Youxing Electronics Entertainment.

These two companies represent the top strength of the current game industry.

In 2004, it seemed like years seemed like years to the players.

For the first time, they felt that time passed so slowly.

Every day they can see countless media discussing the news about the latest game consoles, but the two are as stable as old dogs, and they have a tacit understanding without releasing more details of the game consoles, and they continue to keep secrets. Obviously, they both plan to take the killer's trump card to consumption. displayed at the exhibition.

For a while, at the end of 2004, the game circle had a chill atmosphere.

The frequency of game releases by many game companies has also dropped a lot.

The second-party third-party development company under Youxing Electronic Entertainment has not even produced any games in the past three or four months, and they are silently waiting for something.

The same is true for the first-party game studio on Su Rui Electronics' side, which is kept secret.

In this way, time quietly came to 2005.

Tickets for the International Consumer Electronics Show were sold out in the second half of last year.

It is a very exaggerated thing that all the tickets for the exhibition that can accommodate more than 300,000 people at the same time are sold out.

The organizers of the exhibition never thought that tickets could be sold.

Of course, they also know that the biggest contributors are probably the two companies Youxing Electronics Entertainment and Su Rui Electronics.

It's really amazing.

Two releases from more entertainment-oriented companies can cause such a massive stir.

Then, on January 14, 2005, the International CES kicked off again.

This time, the number broke a new high.

This has never been the case before.

When 300,000 people gathered at the entrance of the International Consumer Electronics Show, it was really dark.

I am afraid that ordinary people will never see so many people gathered in one place in their lifetime.

And it's happening now.

In order to avoid serious safety accidents, the organizer of the exhibition specially strengthened the security this time, and also added many rest areas for tourists to rest temporarily.

Without these rest areas, I am afraid that ordinary people will be crowded and run around.

This time, Su Rui Electronics and Youxing Electronics Entertainment each occupied the latest and largest venue, and invested a lot in the construction of the venue.

When the construction of the two venues is completed, it is almost impossible for people to see that this is an exhibition area.

The first is Su Rui Electronics. In order to highlight the next era, they have huge screens everywhere, playing their latest game screens in a loop.

These games were originally released on the consoles they are selling now.

But if you look closely, you can find that the picture quality of these works that have been released on the screen far exceeds the picture quality shown on the original game console.

These new graphics look more pleasing to the eye.

There are screens everywhere, which is the most proud confidence of Surui Electronics, which has excellent hard power and technology.

Su Rui Electronics in this world did not sell some of their own technologies to survive like in the previous life. Instead, they continued to enhance their own strength through various technologies.

Especially in display technology, Surui Electronics is top-notch in the entire industry.

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