Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 675 Better for publicity?


In this mysterious factory level, the challenge for the player's operation is very great.

To learn all kinds of dodging and maneuvering methods, this can be regarded as an enhanced version of basic training.

As long as you are a little proficient, you can basically pass the level normally.

But when the checkpoint came to the second half, people suddenly discovered that the production line here turned out to be simulated buildings and grasslands and so on.

And the final boss is waiting for the protagonist on a virtual simulated battlefield, and she wants to kill the protagonist with her own hands.

This level has finally entered the climax stage.

The fighting style of the second boss is obviously more changeable and treacherous, which often catches people off guard.

The audience subconsciously stopped discussing, but concentrated on watching the girl challenge the boss.

When the boss exploded with a roar, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the girl also breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle is more tense and oppressive than the previous boss battle, but the refreshing feeling after defeating the boss is unparalleled.

It's really a good game.

Everyone thinks so.

People who were not interested in games before became interested.

Because the visual performance of Titanfall is the top in the industry, there is basically no game that is stronger in performance than Titanfall.

People who weren't interested in gaming immediately placed orders online for the latest GSX console.

The GSX game console also ushered in another surge in sales due to the release of this wave of Titanfall.

Immediately after the live broadcast, the girl had already reached the third chapter.

In this big chapter, the protagonist fights alone again.

After going through the screen for a while, the protagonist seems to have come to a building.

But this building seems... a bit strange.

Because in the process of advancing, the screen occasionally changes suddenly.

It used to be a dilapidated place.

But sometimes all of a sudden it will return to a very complete state.

"Is this... a bug in the game?"

Some players are also a little uncertain.

Haven't seen this before.

Previous games didn't do that either.

Soon the protagonist in the game also asked the same question as the player.

"BT, it's very weird here."

An emotionless mechanical BT voice sounded: "The space here is very chaotic. It seems that some specific energy fields are causing trouble. We need to investigate more deeply."

The main character moves forward again.

"So it's not a bug but the performance of the game itself? It's amazing. This feeling of constant shuttle is really amazing. How did this happen?"

Players are a little confused about how the time travel effect of Titanfall is achieved.

No previous game has ever done this.

The previous games had time to travel through this drama, such as the most famous Ocarina of Time.

But that is not like this kind of time travel anytime and anywhere, but simply teleporting in one place.

Here, the effect of shuttle is shown in real time.

The girl was also slightly shocked by this performance. The surprises in this game are really endless, and the experience of each level is completely different. The god of the game who created this game is really worthy of the title of God.

"By the way, just now I saw someone broadcast Titanfall in another live broadcast room, but there were no pretty ladies there, and there were no avatars, only the game screen."

"Not interested, don't watch."

"It's boring without girls."

These people were obviously attracted by the girl's looks at first.

So they have no interest in other live broadcast rooms.

"But, I just saw that the operation in the live broadcast room over there is very cool, do you want to watch it?"

"Cool? That's not attractive to pretty ladies either."

"Are you here to watch games or women? Shouldn't you be here to watch games?"

"It's true that we came to watch the game, but having a woman is a plus, so you don't need to tell us about the others."

These audiences hardly hesitated.

The girl's appearance is relatively good, which is considered to be eight points, which is naturally very attractive, and the game itself is also very interesting, which naturally makes them more willing to stay in this live broadcast room.

As for operating a more cool live broadcast room, they are not very interested.

Anyway, they are playing games, and being cool is not as attractive as a beautiful woman.

"Zhuyou, the number of viewers of your live broadcast is only in the ten digits, and the other girl's live broadcast is already breaking through a thousand."

In a separate room of the Youxing Carnival, Zhu Youxing came here to start the live broadcast after giving a brief speech at the carnival, playing the scene of his first time playing Titanfall.

But not many people are interested in his live broadcast.

Most people choose to go to another live broadcast room to watch.

Hayazawa Airi saw that the live broadcast on Takeyuho's side was not very good, and she immediately became a little teased.

Zhu Youxing said indifferently: "I don't expect the live broadcast to bring me much popularity, I just want to find more channels to promote the fall of the Titans."

Zhu Youxing was quite open about this, and didn't particularly care who the heat of the live broadcast was.

"In fact, if you directly confess to the players that you are live broadcasting, I think you will quickly gain thousands of viewers in a short period of time. Isn't this better for publicity?"

Zhu Youxing shook his head: "That's not necessary, I still want to make my live broadcast more pure, and the current game live broadcast is not good enough, even if I use my name to let people watch the live broadcast, there is no way to bring much The impact is more to attract players who like me to watch the live broadcast, but almost all of these players will buy our game, so there is no need to promote it to them.”

"Well... it seems to make sense, but you just said that live broadcasts are not yet popular, so what you mean, Zhuyou, are you sure that video game live broadcasts will have a bright future in the future?"

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Youxing shook his head and said, "I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the current live broadcast industry has a big market, so it's not a big deal."

He felt that he had to be more conservative, otherwise he would look too much like a magic stick.

In the game, there are still some advanced ideas about the Internet that have made him look too buggy, and he doesn't seem like a person of this era.

If it is a little more outrageous, I am afraid that I will make people doubt my identity.

That skepticism probably won't matter too much, though.

Hayazawa Airi looked at Takeyuho suspiciously, and she felt that Takeyuho was clearly explaining deliberately.

It's just that she didn't understand why Zhu Youxing had to explain this kind of thing.

"Well, the level has come to the third chapter. It is estimated that if we hurry up today, we can clear the level in three hours."

"It's only been three hours. I'm afraid this is the fastest big game you've ever done, right?"

Zhu Youxing said: "It costs hundreds of millions of dollars just to make these contents. If there is more, I guess I can't even recover the cost, and the story is already very complete, so there is no need to deliberately extend it."

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