Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

695 New Layout (4/7)

Chapter 695 New Layout (47)


It was almost a month before Zhu Youxing knew that the sales of Dead Cells were good.

It's not that Zhu Youxing is not interested in paying attention to this low-cost work that he participated in the production of, but that he really doesn't have much time during this period.

If Aiko and others at that time really wanted to contact Zhu Youxing, they probably couldn't find anyone.

During this month, Zhu Youxing was in charge of the development progress of the latest games on the one hand, the focus of which was the Civilization series, and on the other hand he was constantly watching the progress of the smartphone researched by Facebook.

Mobile phones are the next gaming battlefield that Zhuyouxing aims at.

He really has no way to prevent users from buying mobile phones, because this is something people must have, which is far greater than the demand for handhelds.

But he can also be involved, be a part of it, and impress these people with enough fun games.

Therefore, after Zhuyouxing arranged a mobile phone development plan for Facebook, he immediately set up a new mobile game business department.

This department will not really participate in game development in a short period of time. Its main purpose is to move some well-known games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment to Facebook's mobile phones.

Since he can't influence users who need mobile phones, he can at least influence the mobile phones chosen by players who like games.

Bob is really good at computers and the Internet. He built a new mobile phone research and development team in a very short period of time, and then built a really usable smartphone in a month. .

The operating system of this smartphone was created completely from scratch. Of course, it was developed based on some of the most basic programming languages ​​in the world. It is not created out of thin air, so the efficiency is still good.

After all, these people are the top backbones who have left from major well-known companies. They are attracted by high salaries and equity incentives, which is almost equivalent to being one of the bosses, so they will naturally work harder.

Zhuyouxing is definitely not good at making mobile phones and operating systems.

But it doesn't matter, he has some ideas far beyond the thinking of this era.

For example, some functions of smartphones in the future can be arranged directly now.

Simple operation interface, rich camera functions, diversified mobile phone theme customization, and mobile phone card function and so on.

These technologies are now very mature and can be copied directly.

Zhu Youxing made these ideas directly into a booklet and handed it to Bob, asking him to study it slowly one by one with reference to the detailed data he listed on it.

After the top mobile phone development team got this brochure, they couldn't help but doubt life.

Each of these mobile phones has advanced concept functions that they have not thought about in advance.

But if you think about these functions carefully, you will find that these functions are really interesting. If you really make a mobile phone according to the description in this brochure, it should be easy to become a hit.

Who the hell came up with these ideas?

They really wanted to know from Bob, but Bob kept it secret and didn't answer at all, and according to his reaction, it was obvious that Bob didn't come up with these mobile phone systems and the design of the mobile phone appearance.

During this month, what Zhuyouxing is doing is to continuously adapt the mobile phone system developed by Facebook, and move some of its own games that may be a little old, but also very interesting, to the mobile phone system as early as possible. on the phone.

For example, the Super Mario series in the FC era, as well as The Legend of Zelda, Contra, various super contest series, blood series, Dragon Quest and so on.

These games are slightly outdated by today's eyes.

But what if those are cheap?

Each game only costs 100 yen. For Japan, this is estimated to be pocket money for children, which is the money for a roll of toilet paper. It is still very cost-effective to buy a game that can bring fun to yourself.

Later, Zhu Youxing slowly brought the team to the United States, allowing them to connect with Facebook people in the United States, and adapt and adjust the mobile phone operating system at any time.

This time, Zhu Youxing wanted to make Myron Case's life less comfortable.

In the original world, the Apple brand almost ruled half of the mobile phone industry.

Its dominance is really hard to shake.

Every Apple conference will become the focus of much attention.

Zhu Youxing is not saying that he is against Apple, he is also an Apple user.

It's just that he always feels that Apple is always wasting its own performance.

Obviously have a powerful mobile phone, but there are not many games that can play its full strength.

The mobile phone can also become the new handheld.

This probably has something to do with the essential genes of apples.

Its founder, Jobs, didn't particularly care about video games long ago.

Obviously, he himself once worked in a video game company.

Zhu Youxing still remembers that there were still many good games in the initial era of mobile games, and at that time, buyouts were also the main game, but it seems that the taste gradually changed.

He still wished for a little change.

Next, according to his plan, he will gradually transfer some of his well-known old games to Facebook's mobile platform in batches, so that Facebook can at least compete with Myron Keith's Mickford in the mobile phone market. Let this guy who doesn't like games become the overlord of the mobile phone industry.

Otherwise, the dark age of mobile games may come again in the future.

"Well, cutting the rope, the little crocodile loves to take a bath, and Angry Birds, these are all suitable for adding to mobile games."

Zhu Youxing began to study more games that could be released on Facebook mobile phones for the first time, and he was going to let Facebook directly launch a bomb.

At this time, most of the users who use smartphones can actually overlap with game players, because this is a group of the most fashionable people. If they can conquer these players from the very beginning, Mickford's attempt will be destroyed. The purpose is achieved.

"Plants vs. Zombies may also be able to make one, hey wait, it seems that there are similar types of games."

While making plans, Zhu Youxing thought of another game.

There is a 3D version of Farm Defense Zombies on the Counter-Strike module platform. This is a module made by the three girls who are bored, and this module has now become the most popular module of Counter-Strike. one.

He remembered that the three girls had also told him that they wanted to do a full version of Zombie Farm Defense.

Strictly speaking, this should be considered Plants vs. Zombies.

If you do it yourself, you may be suspected of plagiarism.

Then pass it directly, but I can directly guide the three girls to make Plants vs. Zombies, which should not be difficult for the three of them.

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