Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 107 Ma Bingdao was arrested

Inside the coffin shop...

Ma DaDa was chopping a mutton chop with the knife in his hand.

A hint of anger flashed across his face from time to time.

Obviously, Hu Ming and the others ran away, and the money they got ran away, which made him very unhappy.

Li Chunlai squatted in a corner with his head aggrieved.

His brothers were also busy with their own affairs, especially the third one, who was playing with explosives again.

At this moment, four iron lumps suddenly flew in from outside the yard.


Before they could react, a harsh buzzing sound sounded.

In just an instant, all of them lost their fighting power.

My eyes were dizzy, my ears were ringing, and there was only a continuous buzzing in my ears. My vision went dark, and I couldn't help but feel sick in my heart.

In fact, four or five weak people immediately rolled their eyes, foamed at the mouth and fainted.

Bang! At this time, the wooden door of the courtyard was kicked open from the outside.

Facing the sunshine, four figures walked into the yard one after another with steps that they didn't recognize.

"Hey, this grenade is really useful!"

"Look at all these grandchildren, they are all soft! Aren't you arrogant?"

"Hey, isn't this our Chunlai brother? They are indeed a team!"

As soon as he entered the door, Fatty felt weak when he saw these bastards who had been chasing them all over the county. The sullenness in his heart suddenly disappeared and he laughed heartily.

Following the fat man's fingers, I saw that the one who was frothing at the mouth and passed out was Li Chunlai, wasn't he?

"Fat man, stop the ink stains and tie them up quickly!"

"Don't take it easy then, we'll have to run away again!"

Hu Bayi felt nervous as he weighed the shotguns and some completed soil bombs on the table.

It doesn't matter if there are too many people, the four of them really may not be able to defeat them.

But these deadly things are really dangerous.

Not long after, they had tied up the horse and boldness one by one.

The fat man smiled evilly and poured some basins of cold water down, waking them all up.


"You bastard! You are actually playing dirty tricks!"

"Are you capable of fighting us brothers face to face?"

"You come from the capital, none of you are good!"

As soon as he regained consciousness and saw the four people in front of him, Ma DaBang understood everything.

He twisted his trapped body around, helpless and mad.

"Boss, bosses, I am innocent."

"I was also forced by Ma DaDa. If I didn't do what he said, he would stuff me into a coffin and bury me."

"Four bosses, please spare me. Next time, I won't dare to lie to you again!!"

Li Chunlai almost peed when he saw this scene, especially the trembling flesh on the fat man's face, which really scared him.

However, the four of them just snorted coldly.

Incompetent and furious? Begging for mercy? It’s too late!

Fatty Wang waved his hand like a commander, giving instructions to thousands of troops.

"Brothers, what are you waiting for?"

"As Akiko said, take revenge if you have a grudge, and retaliate if you have a grudge!"

"Hit me!"

Crack, crackle, thunder.

Screams, begging for mercy, and crying came and went.

In short, that scene is called a relief, but it is not suitable for children!

Before leaving, Fatty Ya went out of his way to dig out the box of artifacts from before.

They were all small treasures and jewelry, which happened to fit in several people's backpacks.

Hu Ming thought for a moment and realized that now that it was like this, he would not let them go to the grave with him.

Hu Ming recovered most of the shrapnel before leaving.

Not long after they left, the police uncles came.

Just the guns and homemade bombs in their yard are enough for them to drink a pot!

Not to mention that there are even more outrageous things hidden under their yard.

Hu Ming said that he was small-minded and just beating them up was not enough!

After acting as a wave of "just partners", Ma DaDa and Li Chunlai were sent in.

Hu Ming and the other two breathed a sigh of relief and felt very comfortable.

In particular, each of them had several more accessories in their bags.

Things from the Ming and Qing dynasties are the best-selling items in Panjiayuan.

These things can be regarded as small and exquisite.

If you meet that kind of folklore collector, you will have no problem selling each piece for thousands of dollars, which can be considered a small profit.

At this time, the four people were walking in the southwest direction.

They have already inquired about the Fish Bone Temple, which is in that direction.

The landscape here is fragmented, and as far as you can see, it is all winding hills.

The four of them had been marching for half a day under the scorching sun.

Especially the big golden tooth, which has fine skin and tender flesh, and is usually a pampered one.

Coupled with the asthma, I am really reaching my limit now.

"Masters, can we take a break? I really can't do it anymore!"

Having just climbed a slope, Big Gold Tooth couldn't walk anymore and couldn't help shouting.

"Hey, I asked Lao Jin to go to sex less often, but you didn't listen."

"Look, you've only taken a few steps and you can't do it anymore?"

Supported by his extraordinary physical fitness, Hu Ming didn't even have a drop of sweat on his forehead at the moment.

His breathing was calm, as if it wasn't him who had been walking for a long time.

"Mingzi, stop talking about him, there is no food in my stomach, and my calves are cramping!"

"It's time to take a rest!" the fat man panted heavily and said immediately.

"Okay, let's go to the fellow villager's house in front of us to have a rest?"

Hu Ming looked back, and sure enough, Hu Bayi and Fatty were both tired and panting now. Just then, Hu Ming saw a family underground in the ravine in front of him.

"Uncle, uncle! We are on a journey out of town. We have nowhere to go to the village or store. Can you let us in for a drink of water?"

The four of them were lying on the fence, and Hu Bayi blurted out Qinbei dialect in a plastic Grade 8 dialect.

Not to mention that the old man looked confused, even Hu Ming was stunned.

"Young man, can you speak Mandarin well? I understand Mandarin!"

As soon as the uncle spoke in standard Mandarin, Hu Bayi immediately choked up and blushed.

"Uncle, we are not bad people, we are just thirsty, tired and hungry after walking for a long time."

"I want to use your yard to rest and ask for food and drink. Of course, don't worry, we will pay for it."

At this time, Hu Ming said softly with a standard smile of eight white teeth.

"Yes, uncle, do you think I look like a bad person?" The fat man nodded repeatedly.

"These two young men don't look like bad guys. One is fair and clean, and the other has a stable temperament, like a soldier!"

"As for you's hard to say!"

"come in!"

The uncle shook his head, opened the courtyard door, pointed at the fat man and the big gold tooth and said.

"Did you hear that, Fatty, Lao Jin? One of you has a ruthless face, and the other has a cunning and cunning businessman face. How are you? But the old man said that Lao Hu was a soldier, and he was right. But I also served as a soldier and retired. Yes! It’s just that the skin is a little whiter.”

Hearing this, Hu Ming and Hu Bayi both laughed, and Hu Ming pointed at them and said.

Fatty Lao Jin felt unhappy after hearing this. With that said, several people had already walked into the courtyard.

The old man was very enthusiastic. Within a few minutes, he brought some food and placed it on the stone table in the yard.

Several people ran all the way, thirsty and hungry, and quickly thanked them and wolfed down the food.

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