It was dark everywhere here, so Hu Ming took out a handy flashlight and shone it.

Then he saw the fat man touching his buttocks and complaining of pain, while Hu Bayi also fell to the side, dizzy from the fall and had not recovered yet.

Compared with Hu Ming's coolness and ease, both of them were in a state of embarrassment.

"Are you two okay?" Hu Ming asked quickly, and the fat man touched his buttocks and screamed.

"My butt, it's all blooming." Hu Bayi also cried out in agony. It seemed that he had really fallen badly.

"Okay, no broken bones, no legs, no broken butt, what's the big deal? You're a grown man, just be patient and let it pass." Hu Ming stretched his waist and stretched his body.

Although he was in a maze, he was not afraid at all, but rather a little excited.

As long as you complete the system's tasks and complete the adventure here, you will get rewards.

This was what Hu Ming had been looking forward to for a long time, but they had to get out of here first.

Hu Ming took a flashlight and looked around again and again.

This is clearly a large natural cave. As far as the eye can see, there are countless passages connected to it, leading to everywhere. It really deserves the name of the maze of caves.

Hu Ming was thinking about his next move. At this moment, the sound of the big golden tooth suddenly came from the cave.

"Help, help!"

"No, something bad must have happened to Big Jinya. Let's go over and have a look."

Hu Bayi and Fatty were worried that there was something wrong with the big gold tooth. They didn't care about the pain in their buttocks and hurriedly searched for the sound.

But the sound of Big Golden Tooth was sometimes far away and sometimes near, as if it was moving everywhere.

There are caves everywhere down here, extending in all directions. I could only hear his voice, but I couldn't find him.

The name of the maze is really not for nothing.

After walking around for a few times, Hu Ming and others discovered that they seemed to be lost.

"We must have hit a wall," the fat man said a little anxiously.

Hu Ming's expression also became serious.

Their current situation is very bad. Although he is physically strong, he is completely unable to exert his strength in the situation in front of him.

This place is so dark that even the light of the flashlight can only illuminate a small distance. Most of the place is shrouded in darkness.

The sound of the big golden tooth still came from far and near, breaking the silence in the maze.

But for some reason, Hu Ming always felt that the sound of Big Gold Tooth had a strange smell.

It didn't seem like a human cry, but more like a ghost's cry.

But it gave him a very familiar feeling, as if it was the big golden tooth shouting "help" in his ear.

A cool and whooshing breath spread from the ears and penetrated the whole body, as if it was seducing the soul.

At the beginning, Hu Ming was not aware of it, and subconsciously wanted to save Da Jinya. After walking for a while, he came back to his senses.

Something was wrong. Thinking of this, Hu Ming subconsciously slowed down.

Looking back at Fatty and Hu Bayi, they both clearly noticed something. Fatty's body was trembling slightly.

This is a suffocating feeling. Suddenly, it is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop on the ground. Suddenly, there is the pitiful scream of Big Gold Tooth, which makes people's hearts beat wildly and their souls are shaken. It was as if he was shouted away by the cry.

The next moment, the boundless silence suddenly returned, as if you were in a void, with nothing.

There is no sound, no movement, the world is nothingness.

"What the hell is this place? Why am I so panicked for no reason?"

The fat man cursed. He was obviously really scared and nervous, and wanted to use words to drive away the anxiety.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the fat man finished speaking, Hu Ming suddenly saw the stone in front of him moving.

The flashlight shone on the stone, revealing a hideous and terrifying figure, huge, pale, and full of ghostly aura.

The fat man's mouth suddenly opened wide, and he was about to scream.


Fortunately, Hu Ba next to him had a quick look and quickly took action, holding his mouth tightly.

The fat man was so frightened that he seemed to be frightened out of his wits and struggled desperately.

"If you don't want to die, don't yell." Hu Ming lowered his voice and reminded him.

After hearing these words, Fatty finally came to his senses and stopped struggling.

But those eyes were still like dead fish, staring at the figure in front of him, and his body was frozen there.

The man's face looked directly at the three of them.

The flashlight in Hu Ming's hand moved slightly, and the light shone elsewhere.

Only then did I realize that the cave wall ahead was full of faces like this.

The densely packed, slightly distorted faces were all expressionless, half-smiling but not smiling. There was a hint of weirdness in the indifference. They didn't look like normal people's faces.

The lights are dim. The disembodied faces seemed to have come to life, staring blankly at Hu Ming and the others, as if they were about to pounce on them.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew, and a dark whooshing sound suddenly sounded in the cave.

Hu Ming felt a chill rise in his body, as if some ghost was entangled in his body in the darkness.

The fat man's body was shaking non-stop. Hu Bayi froze there and turned his head with difficulty. Naturally, there was nothing behind him.

But he always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at them in the darkness.

It's not the face in front of me. It feels as if the face in front of me is just a kid released from the underworld.

And those eyes staring at them in the darkness are the real Hades, ready to take them to the underworld at any time.

This atmosphere makes people a little crazy, but they still don’t know what the problem is.

Hu Ming knew very well that such a feeling was by no means unreasonable.

They were trapped here as if they were surrounded by ghosts.

No matter where you go, you seem to be walking into ghosts and embarking on the road to hell.

However, is it really okay to stop here? Countless thoughts flashed through Hu Ming's mind.

He suddenly took out his cell phone and quickly lit a candle.

Candlelight flickered.

A strange phenomenon occurred. As the candles were lit, the ghosts in the darkness receded like a tide.

The feeling of being touched by a ghost disappeared, but the pair of eyes staring at them in the darkness seemed to still exist.

But she seemed to be afraid of something and didn't dare to get close. The fat man finally came to his senses.

There were dense beads of sweat all over his body. It was actually very cold and damp inside, and the temperature was definitely not high, even a little cold.

Hu Bayi looked around. The dim candlelight added a few rays of light to the black hole.

He laughed at himself unconsciously.

"I was so reckless that I forgot to light a candle."

The rule in the tomb robbing business is that after descending to the tomb, you must first choose a location and light a candle.

This candle has two uses. One is to measure whether there is enough oxygen in the hole.

Of course, this is a modern saying. In ancient times, it was called "people light wax, ghosts blow out lamps."

If the candle is extinguished, it means that there is still a ghost in the tomb that has not dispersed and it does not want others to rob the tomb.

In this case, Captain Mo Jin, who went to rob the tomb, could not take the things in the tomb, but had to go back the way he came.

Otherwise, bad things will happen.

The more experienced the tomb robber is, the more he is a real gold-touching captain, the more he will abide by this rule.

They all know what can and cannot be touched.

But those ignorant thieves will definitely not care about this.

They implemented a three-prong policy: rob the tomb in front of you, take it all when you go to the tomb, and destroy everything you can't take away.

Hu Bayi is a genuine Mojin Colonel, so of course he knows the rules.

However, they did not open the coffin and enter the tomb, but fell into the maze.

Naturally, Hu Bayi would not think about this.

Not to mention, it was noon when they fell.

The rule of Captain Mojin is that tomb robbing can only be done at night.

You must enter the tomb after dark and return before the golden rooster crows.

Do not touch gold when the rooster crows and blows the lamp. This is a rule that must be followed.

Since we weren't here to rob a tomb, we certainly wouldn't think of lighting candles. It was much more convenient to use a flashlight than a candle.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ming lit a candle and it had such an effect.

The original ghostly spirit seemed to have receded a lot invisibly.

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